River Village in Autumn Dawn 江村秋曉圖
River Village in Autumn Dawn
Unidentified artist
After Zhao Lingrang
After Zhao Lingrang
Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 (ca. 1553–1611), 4 large characters in seal script, undated:
River Village in Autumn Dawn
Label strip
Xu Naizhao 許乃釗 (1799–1878), 2 columns in standard script; dated 1844; 2 seals:
Zhao Danian's [Zhao Lingrang] River Village in Autumn Dawn, a marvelous work of the highest degree. In the first month of winter in the jiachen year of the Daoguang reign era [1844] the master of the Kanxi Zhai Studio [Xu Naipu, 1787–1866] asked his younger brother Naizhao to inscribe this title strip after remounting.[1] [Seals]: Naizhao, Xunfu
趙大年 《江村秋曉圖》。無上神品。道光甲辰孟冬重裝,堪喜齋主人命弟乃釗題簽。 [印]:乃釗、恂甫
1. Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫 (1254–1322), 4 columns in standard script, undated; 1 seal:
Danian [Zhao Lingrang], as a young nobleman living in a peaceful time and amusing himself with brush and ink, showed a surprising grasp of the flavor of rivers and lakes. In this scroll the forests and trees are hoary and archaic, and people go about fishing and woodcutting unhurriedly. The flabby and vexatious life [of a young nobleman] is suddenly completely washed clean. When opening the scroll, we are fairly overwhelmed by the feelings stirred up by this hermitage by the sea. How such a scroll should be treasured.[2] Mengfu [Seal]: Zhao shi Zi’ang
大年以承平貴公子遊戲筆墨,居然有江湖之趣。此卷林木蒼老,漁樵蕭散,洗盡軟紅塵土。開卷滄州之興浩然,誠可寳也。孟頫 [印]: 趙氏子昂
2. Gong Su 龔璛 (1266–1331), 6 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 1 seal:
擬學丹青引,將軍誰子孫?承平總堪畫,縑素不猶完。龔璛 [印]: 龔氏子敬
3. Wu Na 吳訥 (1373–1457), 6 columns in standard script, undated; 3 seals:
聞道江村好,秋深景最宜。蒪香鱸美日,楓落鷹飛時。漱綠餘酣醒,臨清覺髩衰。興來閑眺詠,滿目搃堪詩。 海虞吳訥 [印]: 海虞、敏德、都御史章
4. Chen Jingzong 陳敬宗 (1375–1457), 13 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 5 seals:
四明陳敬宗 [印]: 四明山人、休樂、敬宗、喻情、翰林侍講之章
5. Chen Lian 陳璉 (1369–1454), 22 columns in semi-cursive script, dated 1433; 5 seals:
趙家王孫畫最奇,縑素流傳爭寳之。《江村秋曉》 圖更好,樹色湖光無不宜。農家漁梁路幽靜,好似王維 《輞川》 景。楊柳風來曉岸涼,芙蓉露下秋波冷。蘆葦蕭蕭煙滿汀,征鴻無數上青冥。何人獨得玄真趣?日向茅茨自下罾。
趙令穰,大年,宋宗室也。游心經籍,畫復清麗。喜作汀渚水禽風韻,蕭散有江湖佳趣,與弟永年俱以善畫知名。趙松雪鑑定此卷為大年真跡無疑。今襄城伯李公獨珍愛之,因索予題,既賦七言古詩一首,復識此,庶覽者知所自云。時宣德癸丑秋七月既望羊城陳璉書于鸞臺公署。 [印]: 琴軒、作德俟曰休、陳璉印章、稽古之學、冰壺秋月
6. Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 (ca. 1553–1611), 9 columns in semi-cursive script, dated 1591; 6 seals:
令穰,字大年,藝祖皇帝五世孫,丹青為一代逸品。有宋諸王孫以文雅風流相尚,其最著聲者:大年、永年、伯駒、希遠、令戩、師秀、子昂、子固、仲穆、良右諸公。而大年、子昂又諸公中之楚楚者。此卷兼有二公,寧不為天壤間一奇覯哉!使他氏得之,尚重若靈蛇之珠、荊山之璧,楨也敢不奉為家寳。再閱子昂公跋語,稱大年為承平貴公子,豈嘗端廟帝昺之世宗社丘墟,公不勝黍離之感,即片語亦不能忘情耳,蓋公之初年筆也。萬曆十九年嵗在辛卯七月廿三日浚儀士楨謹識。 [印]:游方之外、世右史氏、小雅、家在白雲山下、常真、秘書郎
7. Wang Yuanfan 汪元范 (active late 16th c.), 2 columns in standard script, dated 1600; 2 seals:
庚子夏孟望日穎川汪元范觀於左輔南氏[南子興]玄象山房。 [印]: 汪元范印、明生
8. Li Enqing 李恩慶 (active early 19th c.), 7 columns in standard script, dated 1846; 2 seals:
曡前韻題趙大年《江村秋曉圖》。道光丙午七月朔北平李恩慶 [印]: 廉吏之子、季云
9. Zhou Shouchang 周壽昌 (1814–1884), 3 columns in standard script, dated 1864; 2 seals:
同治甲子九月下浣錢唐尚書師出此命觀,敬識歲月,且自幸眼福也。長沙周壽昌 [印]: 壽昌印、荇農
[1] Translation from Department records
[2] Translation from Wen C. Fong, Sung and Yuan Paintings, with catalogue by Marilyn Fu. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973, p. 61.
Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 (ca. 1553–1611), 4 large characters in seal script, undated:
River Village in Autumn Dawn
Label strip
Xu Naizhao 許乃釗 (1799–1878), 2 columns in standard script; dated 1844; 2 seals:
Zhao Danian's [Zhao Lingrang] River Village in Autumn Dawn, a marvelous work of the highest degree. In the first month of winter in the jiachen year of the Daoguang reign era [1844] the master of the Kanxi Zhai Studio [Xu Naipu, 1787–1866] asked his younger brother Naizhao to inscribe this title strip after remounting.[1] [Seals]: Naizhao, Xunfu
趙大年 《江村秋曉圖》。無上神品。道光甲辰孟冬重裝,堪喜齋主人命弟乃釗題簽。 [印]:乃釗、恂甫
1. Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫 (1254–1322), 4 columns in standard script, undated; 1 seal:
Danian [Zhao Lingrang], as a young nobleman living in a peaceful time and amusing himself with brush and ink, showed a surprising grasp of the flavor of rivers and lakes. In this scroll the forests and trees are hoary and archaic, and people go about fishing and woodcutting unhurriedly. The flabby and vexatious life [of a young nobleman] is suddenly completely washed clean. When opening the scroll, we are fairly overwhelmed by the feelings stirred up by this hermitage by the sea. How such a scroll should be treasured.[2] Mengfu [Seal]: Zhao shi Zi’ang
大年以承平貴公子遊戲筆墨,居然有江湖之趣。此卷林木蒼老,漁樵蕭散,洗盡軟紅塵土。開卷滄州之興浩然,誠可寳也。孟頫 [印]: 趙氏子昂
2. Gong Su 龔璛 (1266–1331), 6 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 1 seal:
擬學丹青引,將軍誰子孫?承平總堪畫,縑素不猶完。龔璛 [印]: 龔氏子敬
3. Wu Na 吳訥 (1373–1457), 6 columns in standard script, undated; 3 seals:
聞道江村好,秋深景最宜。蒪香鱸美日,楓落鷹飛時。漱綠餘酣醒,臨清覺髩衰。興來閑眺詠,滿目搃堪詩。 海虞吳訥 [印]: 海虞、敏德、都御史章
4. Chen Jingzong 陳敬宗 (1375–1457), 13 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 5 seals:
四明陳敬宗 [印]: 四明山人、休樂、敬宗、喻情、翰林侍講之章
5. Chen Lian 陳璉 (1369–1454), 22 columns in semi-cursive script, dated 1433; 5 seals:
趙家王孫畫最奇,縑素流傳爭寳之。《江村秋曉》 圖更好,樹色湖光無不宜。農家漁梁路幽靜,好似王維 《輞川》 景。楊柳風來曉岸涼,芙蓉露下秋波冷。蘆葦蕭蕭煙滿汀,征鴻無數上青冥。何人獨得玄真趣?日向茅茨自下罾。
趙令穰,大年,宋宗室也。游心經籍,畫復清麗。喜作汀渚水禽風韻,蕭散有江湖佳趣,與弟永年俱以善畫知名。趙松雪鑑定此卷為大年真跡無疑。今襄城伯李公獨珍愛之,因索予題,既賦七言古詩一首,復識此,庶覽者知所自云。時宣德癸丑秋七月既望羊城陳璉書于鸞臺公署。 [印]: 琴軒、作德俟曰休、陳璉印章、稽古之學、冰壺秋月
6. Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 (ca. 1553–1611), 9 columns in semi-cursive script, dated 1591; 6 seals:
令穰,字大年,藝祖皇帝五世孫,丹青為一代逸品。有宋諸王孫以文雅風流相尚,其最著聲者:大年、永年、伯駒、希遠、令戩、師秀、子昂、子固、仲穆、良右諸公。而大年、子昂又諸公中之楚楚者。此卷兼有二公,寧不為天壤間一奇覯哉!使他氏得之,尚重若靈蛇之珠、荊山之璧,楨也敢不奉為家寳。再閱子昂公跋語,稱大年為承平貴公子,豈嘗端廟帝昺之世宗社丘墟,公不勝黍離之感,即片語亦不能忘情耳,蓋公之初年筆也。萬曆十九年嵗在辛卯七月廿三日浚儀士楨謹識。 [印]:游方之外、世右史氏、小雅、家在白雲山下、常真、秘書郎
7. Wang Yuanfan 汪元范 (active late 16th c.), 2 columns in standard script, dated 1600; 2 seals:
庚子夏孟望日穎川汪元范觀於左輔南氏[南子興]玄象山房。 [印]: 汪元范印、明生
8. Li Enqing 李恩慶 (active early 19th c.), 7 columns in standard script, dated 1846; 2 seals:
曡前韻題趙大年《江村秋曉圖》。道光丙午七月朔北平李恩慶 [印]: 廉吏之子、季云
9. Zhou Shouchang 周壽昌 (1814–1884), 3 columns in standard script, dated 1864; 2 seals:
同治甲子九月下浣錢唐尚書師出此命觀,敬識歲月,且自幸眼福也。長沙周壽昌 [印]: 壽昌印、荇農
[1] Translation from Department records
[2] Translation from Wen C. Fong, Sung and Yuan Paintings, with catalogue by Marilyn Fu. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973, p. 61.
Collectors' seals
Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 (ca. 1553–1611)
Dongjia Zhao Shizhen zhencang tushu yin 東嘉趙士楨珍藏圖書印
Dongjia Zhao Shizhen yin (twice) 東嘉趙士楨印
Changji zhenshang 常吉真賞
Zizi sunsun yong baozhi 子子孫孫永寶之
Wang Jiqian 王季遷 (C.C. Wang, 1907–2003)
Zhenze Wang shi Jiqian shoucang yin 震澤王氏季遷收藏印
Huaiyun Lou jianshang shuhua zhi ji 懷雲樓鑑賞書畫之記
Zhenze Wang shi Baowu Tang tushu ji 震澤王氏寳武堂圖書記
Wang Jiqian haiwai suojian mingji 王季遷海外所見名跡
Zhang yin 張寅 (unidentified)
Zhang Yin 張寅
Gongfu 恭父
Zhao Shizhen 趙士楨 (ca. 1553–1611)
Dongjia Zhao Shizhen zhencang tushu yin 東嘉趙士楨珍藏圖書印
Dongjia Zhao Shizhen yin (twice) 東嘉趙士楨印
Changji zhenshang 常吉真賞
Zizi sunsun yong baozhi 子子孫孫永寶之
Wang Jiqian 王季遷 (C.C. Wang, 1907–2003)
Zhenze Wang shi Jiqian shoucang yin 震澤王氏季遷收藏印
Huaiyun Lou jianshang shuhua zhi ji 懷雲樓鑑賞書畫之記
Zhenze Wang shi Baowu Tang tushu ji 震澤王氏寳武堂圖書記
Wang Jiqian haiwai suojian mingji 王季遷海外所見名跡
Zhang yin 張寅 (unidentified)
Zhang Yin 張寅
Gongfu 恭父
Rights Holder
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Fong, Wen C., and Marilyn Fu. Sung and Yuan Paintings. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973, pp. 58, 61, 64–65, 72–73, 141, cat. no. 5.
Cahill, James. An Index of Early Chinese Painters and Paintings: T'ang, Sung, and Yüan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬, ed. Chûgoku kaiga sogo zuroku: Daiikan, Amerika-Kanada Hen 中國繪畫總合圖錄: 第一卷 アメリカ - カナダ 編 (Comprehensive illustrated catalog of Chinese paintings: vol. 1 American and Canadian collections) Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1982, p. 2, cat. no. A1-008.
Fong, Wen C. Beyond Representation: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 8th–14th Century. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992, pp. 162–63, pl. 20.
Wu Sheng 吳升. Daguan lu 大觀錄 (Records from a grand view). Preface dated 1712, juan 13. Reprinted in Zhongguo shuhua quanshu 中國書畫全書 (Compendium of classical publications on Chinese painting and calligraphy) Edited by Lu Fusheng 盧輔聖. Shanghai: Shanghai shuhua chubanshe, 1993–2000, vol. 8, p. 417.
Xie Zhiliu 謝稚柳. Shuimo hua 水墨画 (Ink painting) Translated by Sarah Shay 謝小珮. Shanghai: Shanghai chuban gongzu, 2011, p. 9, cat. no. 1.6.
Cahill, James. An Index of Early Chinese Painters and Paintings: T'ang, Sung, and Yüan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬, ed. Chûgoku kaiga sogo zuroku: Daiikan, Amerika-Kanada Hen 中國繪畫總合圖錄: 第一卷 アメリカ - カナダ 編 (Comprehensive illustrated catalog of Chinese paintings: vol. 1 American and Canadian collections) Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1982, p. 2, cat. no. A1-008.
Fong, Wen C. Beyond Representation: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 8th–14th Century. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992, pp. 162–63, pl. 20.
Wu Sheng 吳升. Daguan lu 大觀錄 (Records from a grand view). Preface dated 1712, juan 13. Reprinted in Zhongguo shuhua quanshu 中國書畫全書 (Compendium of classical publications on Chinese painting and calligraphy) Edited by Lu Fusheng 盧輔聖. Shanghai: Shanghai shuhua chubanshe, 1993–2000, vol. 8, p. 417.
Xie Zhiliu 謝稚柳. Shuimo hua 水墨画 (Ink painting) Translated by Sarah Shay 謝小珮. Shanghai: Shanghai chuban gongzu, 2011, p. 9, cat. no. 1.6.