Travelers in a Wintry Forest 寒林策驢圖
Travelers in a Wintry Forest
Unidentified artist
Attributed to Li Cheng (conjecture)
Attributed to Li Cheng (conjecture)
1. Zhang Daqian 張大千(1899–1983), 1 line and 2 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 2 seals:
A painting by Li Cheng, the best in the world, respectfully treasured in the Dafeng Tang Studio. Zhang Daqian, Yuan, of Shu [Sichuan]. [Seals]: Qian qian qian, Daqian fu
大風堂供養天下第一李成畫。蜀郡張大千爰 [印]: 千千千、大千父
2. Zhang Daqian 張大千 (1899–1983), 43 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 2 seals:
米元章 《畫史》 云:“寳月大師收李成四幅,路上一才子騎馬,一童隨,清秀如摩詰畫浩然。”摩詰有 《浩然騎驢圖》,此云畫馬,一時誤書耳。”又云:“他圖畫人,醜怪賭博,村野如伶人,皆許道寧專作成時畫。”又云:“松葉勁挺,枝葉欎然,有陰荊棘小木,無一冗筆,不作龍蛇鬼神之狀。”即此圖是也。寳月大師,蜀人,游寓蘇州。予亦蜀人,游寓蘇州而得此。世無成畫,予得而寳之,楚弓楚得,又一段奇緣也。此畫未入歷朝内府,故無璽鑑。或謂即《雪麓早行圖》,予不謂然。自具真賞,何必倚 《宣和畫譜》 方為左券耶?大千居士題。 [印]: 張爰長壽、東西南北之人
1. Zhang Daqian 張大千(1899–1983), 1 line and 2 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 2 seals:
A painting by Li Cheng, the best in the world, respectfully treasured in the Dafeng Tang Studio. Zhang Daqian, Yuan, of Shu [Sichuan]. [Seals]: Qian qian qian, Daqian fu
大風堂供養天下第一李成畫。蜀郡張大千爰 [印]: 千千千、大千父
2. Zhang Daqian 張大千 (1899–1983), 43 columns in semi-cursive script, undated; 2 seals:
米元章 《畫史》 云:“寳月大師收李成四幅,路上一才子騎馬,一童隨,清秀如摩詰畫浩然。”摩詰有 《浩然騎驢圖》,此云畫馬,一時誤書耳。”又云:“他圖畫人,醜怪賭博,村野如伶人,皆許道寧專作成時畫。”又云:“松葉勁挺,枝葉欎然,有陰荊棘小木,無一冗筆,不作龍蛇鬼神之狀。”即此圖是也。寳月大師,蜀人,游寓蘇州。予亦蜀人,游寓蘇州而得此。世無成畫,予得而寳之,楚弓楚得,又一段奇緣也。此畫未入歷朝内府,故無璽鑑。或謂即《雪麓早行圖》,予不謂然。自具真賞,何必倚 《宣和畫譜》 方為左券耶?大千居士題。 [印]: 張爰長壽、東西南北之人
Collectors’ seals
Illegible: 2
Illegible: 2
Rights Holder
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cahill, James. An Index of Early Chinese Painters and Paintings: T'ang, Sung, and Yüan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬, ed. Chûgoku kaiga sogo zuroku: Daiikan, Amerika-Kanada Hen 中國繪畫總合圖錄: 第一卷 アメリカ - カナダ 編 (Comprehensive illustrated catalog of Chinese paintings: vol. 1 American and Canadian collections) Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1982, p. 11, cat. no. A1-026.
National Palace Museum 國立故宮博物院. Haiwai yizhen: Huihua: zaixu 海外遺珍: 繪畫. 再續 (Chinese art in overseas collections: painting III). Taipei: National Palace Museum, 1990, fig. 5.
Fong, Wen C. Beyond Representation: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 8th–14th Century. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992, pp. 78–82, pls. 9, 9a, b.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬, ed. Chûgoku kaiga sogo zuroku: Daiikan, Amerika-Kanada Hen 中國繪畫總合圖錄: 第一卷 アメリカ - カナダ 編 (Comprehensive illustrated catalog of Chinese paintings: vol. 1 American and Canadian collections) Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1982, p. 11, cat. no. A1-026.
National Palace Museum 國立故宮博物院. Haiwai yizhen: Huihua: zaixu 海外遺珍: 繪畫. 再續 (Chinese art in overseas collections: painting III). Taipei: National Palace Museum, 1990, fig. 5.
Fong, Wen C. Beyond Representation: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 8th–14th Century. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992, pp. 78–82, pls. 9, 9a, b.