Spring Dawn Over the Elixir Terrace 丹臺春曉圖



Spring Dawn Over the Elixir Terrace


Artist’s inscription and signature (8 columns in standard script)

Spring Dawn over the Elixir Terrace
Painted for Boyong by Tianyou [Lu Guang].
For ten years I wandered, homeless and away from worldly entanglements;
Now, returning home by the river, I see things differently from most others.
Jade like vapor floating in the sky, it is spring but no rain;
Elixir rays emitted from a well turn into clouds at dawn.
Standing in the wind I lean on my dragon staff;
I have long missed hearing your mouth-organ music by moonlight.
I am happy to be with the venerable immortal, and away from the military strategists;
We sit looking at paintings and talk about literature.[1]


Artist's seals

Tianyou sheng 天游生
Lu shi siyin 陸氏私印
Shitian maowu 石田茅屋

[1] Translation from Maxwell K. Hearn and Wen Fong. “Silent Poetry: Chinese Paintings in the Douglas Dillon Galleries,” Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. vol. 39, no. 3 (Winter 1981/82), p. 39.






Lu Guang


Label strip

Unidentified artist, 1 column in standard script, undated:

Spring Dawn over the Elixir Terrace by Lu Tianyou [Lu Guang] of the Yuan dynasty; a genuine work.

元陸天游 《丹臺春曉圖》 真蹟


Collectors' seals

Gao Shiqi 高士奇(1645–1704)
Jianjing Zhai 簡靜齋
Gao Shiqi tushu ji 高士奇圖書記

Cheng Shaojun 程紹寯 (active first half of 19th c.)
Gu She Cheng Shaojun tushu 古歙程紹寯圖書

Wang Jiqian 王季遷 (C. C. Wang, 1907–2003)
Jiqian zhencang 季遷珍藏

Xiguo Caotang 西郭草堂
Qin shu wanlle 琴書玩樂
Wei xian shu yin 味閒書印
Chen shi zhencang 陳氏珍藏

Rights Holder

Metropolitan Museum of Art




Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬, ed. Chûgoku kaiga sogo zuroku: Daiikan, Amerika-Kanada Hen 中國繪畫總合圖錄: 第一卷 アメリカ - カナダ 編 (Comprehensive illustrated catalog of Chinese paintings: vol. 1 American and Canadian collections) Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1982, p. 126, cat. no. A17-005.

Barnhart, Richard M. Along the Border of Heaven: Sung and Yüan Paintings from the C. C. Wang Family Collection. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1983, pp. 147–49, fig. 68.

Fong, Wen C. Beyond Representation: Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, 8th–14th Century. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1992, p. 474, pl. 114.

Bian Yongyu 卞永譽. Shigu Tang shuhua huikao 式古堂書畫彙考 (Studies of calligraphy and painting from the Shigu Tang Studio). Preface dated 1682, juan 18 of painting section. Reprinted in Zhongguo shuhua quanshu 中國書畫全書 (Compendium of classical publications on Chi ptg. & calligr.) Edited by Lu Fusheng 盧輔聖. Shanghai: Shanghai shuhua chubanshe, 1993–2000, vol. 7, pp. 94–95.

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