Horse and Groom, after Li Gonglin 臨李公麟〈人馬圖〉



Horse and Groom, after Li Gonglin 臨李公麟〈人馬圖〉


Artist Inscription: Zhao Yong 趙雍 (1291–1361)
Left of painting. No signature
Seven characters, seal script4
Artist Inscription: Zhao Yong 趙雍 (1291–1361)
Left of painting. No signature
Seven characters, seal script4



Zhao Yong 趙雍


Fastening pin: (1) – Imperial workshop, ca. 1764
green jade, carved on obverse with archaic design
carved inscription on reverse, with gold pigment
Thirteen characters, clerical script
Horse and Groom, after Li Gonglin, by Zhao Yong. Inscribed by the Qianlong emperor.
Outside label slip: Zuo’an 葄盦 (19th century), unidentified
Ink on brown paper slip, glued to outside brocade flap
Thirteen characters, clerical script; plus seven characters, running-standard script
Horse and Groom, after Li Gonglin, by Zhao Yong, with imperial inscription of the Qianlong
emperor. Jiaping [twelfth] lunar-month of the xinsi year [January 20–Februry 17, 1882?],
inscribed by Zuo’an.1
Frontispiece: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
Dimensions: paper 28.8 x 83.5 cm
mounting 31.5 x 116.5 cm (pale-green silk)
Black imperial ink, on yellow-brown sutra paper
Four large characters, plus two smaller characters, all running script
I love its equine nobility.2 Inscribed by the emperor.
Signature: 御
Seals: (3)
Qingxin shu miaoli『清心抒玅理』(rectangle intaglio) – upper right
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square relief) – left, under signature
Qinxue haowen『勤學好問』(square intaglio) – left, under signature
Painting: The composition of this picture is copied directly from the first in a group of five
ink paintings of horses and grooms on a handscroll attributed to Li Gonglin 李公麟 (ca. 1049–
1106), known as Wuma tu 五馬圖 (Five Horses).3
Other inscriptions: (1)
Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
Painting, center top
8 columns, running script. Poem (4x7).6

In character it is a dragon, and like a phoenix in form, At
its left, a bearded groom grips its bridle and reins.
Kazakh traders bringing tribute is a commonplace affair,
So We are sure the noble scion was not just showing off.
Early spring in the jiashen year [February 2–March 2, 1764], inscribed by the emperor.
Signature: 御
Date: 甲申新春
Early spring in the jiashen year [February 2–March 2, 1764]
Seals: (1)
Qianlong『乾』『隆』(linked circle-square relief)
Colophons: (1) – Wu Kuan 吳寬 (1436–1504) — forgery7
Separately mounted. Paper dimensions: 31.5 x 51.5 cm
12 columns, running script
其態,『所謂心合意會』,又不止于『雲滿身』者。此圖仲穆寫寄其 8 [地] 弟奕者,後入崑山
I once saw a horse painting by Chen Hong of the Tang dynasty and could only sigh at its
exquisite artistry, but looking now at Zhongmu’s [Zhao Yong’s] copy of a work by Li Boshi, I
see that he is truly able to carry on as his successor.9 As for the Central Asian leading the horse,10
[Zhao] has captured his demeanor to the utmost, [so when he wrote] ―it is a work that, as they
say, totally agrees with my mental concept,‖ he was not just referring to the [horse’s]
―cloudcovered form.‖11 This picture was painted by Zhongmu for his younger brother Yi, and
later came into the collection of Gu Zhongying from Kunshan.12 Since antiquity, the bones of
thousand-league horses have rotted away leaving nothing behind, yet after more than two
hundred years, the vigor and vitality of this [painted] steed remain the same as ever on this length of silk. What horse in the Twelve Celestial Stables can boast as much?13 Inscribed by Wu Kuan
from Yanling.
Signature: 吳寬
Wu Kuan
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Yanling『延陵』(rectangle relief) – upper right
Yuanbo『原博』(square relief) – lower left


23 Total
1. Unidentified seals, pre-Qianlong14 – (6)
Zhonggui『中圭』 15 (rectangle relief) – painting, lower right – 1 of 2
Zhonggui『中圭』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower left – 2 of 2
Ma Yulin yin『馬玉麟印』(square intaglio) – painting, middle right – 1 of 216
Ma Yulin yin『馬玉麟印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower left – 2 of 2
Haichang Zhao Guoshen Junyu tushu『海昌趙郭詵君玉圖書』(square relief) – painting,
lower left
Siyou shanfang tushu『四友山房圖書』(square relief) – painting, lower left
2. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong emperor 乾隆 (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96) – (12)
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – painting, upper right
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief) – painting, right
Chunhuaxuan tushu zhenmi bao『 淳化軒圖書珍秘寶』(square intaglio) – painting, above
Gu xi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting, right of artist signature
Shou『壽』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, right of artist signature
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief) – painting, right of signature
Chunhuaxuan『淳化軒』(rectangle relief) – painting, left of artist signature
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square intaglio) – painting, left of artist signature
Xintian zhuren『信天主人』(square relief) – painting, left of artist signature
Qianlong jianshang『乾隆鑑賞』(circle intaglio) – painting, left
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief) – painting, left
Yi zisun『宜子孫』(square intaglio) – painting, left
3. Yongyan 顒琰, the Jiaqing emperor 嘉慶 (1760–1820; reigned 1796–1820) – (3 seals)
Jiaqing yulan zhi bao『嘉慶御覽之寶』(square relief) – painting, above groom
Baoji sanbian『寶笈三編』(square relief) – painting, right
Jiaqing jianshang『嘉慶鑒賞』(rectangle relief) – painting/mounting silk 3 join, top
4. Unidentified seals, post-Jiaqing – (2 seals)18
Enling zhenmi『恩齡珍祕』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 2/painting join, bottom – 1/2
Enling zhenmi『恩齡珍祕』(square intaglio) – painting, lower left – 2/2

Rights Holder

National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)




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After Li Gonglin 臨李公麟