Silk Weaving, after Lou Shou 摹樓璹〈蠶織圖〉



Silk Weaving, after Lou Shou 摹樓璹〈蠶織圖〉


Artist Inscriptions: attributed to Cheng Qi 程棨 (active second-half 13th century) Twenty-four
poems (8x5) by Lou Shou 樓璹 (1090–1162).18 Each poem is written in a discretely
delineated panel that precedes the scene to which it relates.Each: Title, plus 4 columns, seal script. Transcription by unknown calligrapher in standard
script at right. (Note: Transcription below follows the seal script text; variant forms and alternate readings
introduced in the standard script are noted in footnotes.)
1. Yu can 浴蠶 (bathing the silkworm eggs)
農桑將有事,時節過禁煙,輕風歸燕日,小雨浴蠶天。春縿 19卷縞袂,盆池弄清泉,深宮
2. Xia can 下蠶 (hatching the eggs)
榖雨無幾日,谿山煗 20風高,華蠶初破殼,落紙細於毛。
3. Wei can 餵蠶 (feeding the worms)
蠶兒初飯時,桑葉如錢許,攀條摘鵝黃,藉紙觀螘 21聚。
4. Yi mian 一瞑 22 (first molting)
蠶瞑白日靜,鳥語青春長,袌 23脛聊假寐,孰能事梳妝。
5. Er mian 二瞑 (second molting)
6. San mian 三瞑 (third molting)
葉底蟲絲繁,臥作字畫短,偷閒一枕肱,夢與楊華 24亂。
7. Fen bo 分箔 (separating silkworms onto screens) 三瞑三起餘,飽葉蠶局促,眾多旋分箔,蚤
郊原過新雨,桑柘沾 25濃綠,竹間快活吟,慙愧麥飽孰 26。
8. Cai sang 採桑 (gathering mulberry leaves)
筠籃各自攜,筠梯高倍尋,黃鸝飽紫葚,啞吒 27鳴綠陰。
9. Da qi 大起 (awakening)
10. Zhuo ji 捉績 (choosing the mature silkworms)
麥黃雨初足,蠶老人愈忙,辛勤減瞑食,顚倒著衣裳。 絲腸映綠葉,練練金色光,
松明照夜屋,杒孙嗁 28東岡。
11. Shang cu 上蔟 (setting up the trellises)
采采綠葉空,剪剪白茅短,散 29蔟輕放手,蠶老絲腸媆。
山市浮晴嵐,風日作妍煗,會看繭如罋 30,纍纍光眩眼。
12. Zhi bo 炙箔 (warming the screens)
13. Xia cu 下蔟 (taking down the trellises; or selecting cocoons)
晴明開雪屋,門巷排銀山,一秊蠶事辦,下蔟春向闌。鄰里兩相賀,翁媼弌 31笑歡,后妃
14. Ze jian 擇繭 (harvesting cocoons)
冬來作縹絖,與兒禦寒凍,衣帛非不能,責 32多租稅重。
15. Jiao jian 窖繭 (storing cocoons)
槃 33中水晶鹽,井上梧桐葉,陶器固封泥,窖繭過旬浹。
16. Sao si 繅絲 (reeling off silk from the cocoons)
17. Can e 蠶蛾 (silkworm moths)
18. Si xie 祀謝 (offering thanks)
春前作蠶市,盛事傳西蜀,此邦亯 34先蠶,再拜絲滿目。
19. Lao si 絡絲 (spooling)
朝來掉籆 35勤,寧復辭腕脫,辛勤夜未瞑,敗屋燈明滅。
20. Jing 經 (preparing warp threads)
21. Wei 緯 (preparing the weft threads)
弄水春筍寒,卷輪蟾景 36鈄,人閒 37小阿香,晴空轉靁 38車。
22. Zhi 織 (weaving silk)
辛勤度幾梭,始復成弌 39端,寄言羅綺伴,當念麻苧單。
23. Pan hua 攀華 (weaving patterned silk) 時態尚新巧,女工慕精勤,心手暗相應,照
24. Jian bo 剪帛 (cutting silk)
低眉 40事機杼,細意把刀尺,盈盈彼美人,剪剪其束帛。輸官給邊用,辛苦何足惜,大勝
[Poems not translated]
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: (2) – Cheng Qi 程棨 (active second-half 13th century)41
Yifu『儀甫』(rectangle relief) – painting 24/col. 1, paper join, mid left
Suizhai『隨齋』(square relief) – painting 24/col. 1, paper join, lower left



Cheng Qi (attributed to) (傳) 程棨


Outside label slip: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
Eight characters, running script
Weaving Silk, after Lou Shou, by Cheng Qi
Seal: (1)
Jixia linchi『幾暇臨池』 1 (square intaglio) – (1/2)
Mounting silk 1: Beige silk with phoenix and clouds motif. With two (2) imperial seals half on
Frontispiece 1.
Frontispiece 1:
Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
Dimensions: 31.7 x 48.5 cm (12-1/2 x 19-1/8 in)
24 columns, running script2
卷後,姚式跋云: 『《耕織圖》二卷,文簡程公曾孫棨儀甫繪而篆之』。《織圖》卷後,
趙子俊跋亦云: 『每節小篆,皆隨齋手題』。今兩卷押縫,皆有『儀甫』、『隨齋』二印
Previously Jiang Pu [1708–1761] presented this picture [to the throne] and [wrote] a preface at the
beginning of the scroll identifying it as a work by Liu Songnian [ca. 1150–after 1225], which
indeed has already been entered in the Shiqu baoji [catalogue of the imperial collection].3 Now We
have acquired [Liu] Songnian’s Tilling Rice, and its brushwork is observably quite similar to this scroll. Upon further comparison of the two scrolls, the dimensions of their paper as well as the
styles of both their painting and seal script [inscriptions] are entirely identical. At the end of the
Tilling scroll, the colophon by Yao Shi [died between 1314–20] says, ―[Cheng] Qi, [courtesy
name] Yifu, who was the great-grandson of Duke Cheng Wenjian [Cheng Lin, 988–1056],4 painted
[the illustrations] for the two scrolls Tilling and Weaving and [wrote out the poems] in seal script,‖
while at the end of the Weaving scroll, the colophon by Zhao Zijun [see below, colophon 1] says,
―each passage of seal script was written by the hand of Suizhai.‖ Now, as the paper joins
[between the last illustration and first colophon] of each scroll bear [impressions of the same] two
seals reading Yifu and Suizhai, there can be no doubt that it was Cheng Qi, who made [these] copies
after Lou Shou’s compositions and wrote out the poems. Upon closely examining the threecharacter [artist signatures] on both paintings, reading ―brushed by [Liu] Songnian,‖ [one finds
that] the writing is quite weak and as there are none of [Liu’s] seal impressions, it is probable that
some later person— without making any deeper investigation [of the facts]—fallaciously added
[the signatures] to accord with the story that [Liu] Songnian had once presented the paintings
Tilling and Weaving [to the throne], thus perpetuating one falsehood through another. As for the
small [Song dynasty] imperial seal reading Shaoxing that appears on Tilling, this was also
[impressed] because the forger [of the seal] did not know that [Cheng] Qi was a man of the Yuan
dynasty, and so he erroneously ―added feet to the snake.‖ On further investigating the colophons
[that appear] on the two scrolls, all of the writers except Yao Shi separately inscribed each [scroll],
so [it is clear that] the two scrolls were together at some point, but later became separated and
circulated individually, which can be verified by [the fact that] Tilling bears numerous collector
seals of Xiang Yuanbian, while Weaving has none. As the two scrolls have now been [miraculously
reunited as the two swords] at Yan Ford, We have ordered that they be kept together in the same
box, and have placed them in the Duojia Pavilion in the imperial garden [of the Yuanmingyuan
palace]. North of the pavilion is Guizhi Mountain Hall, for which Our Late August Father [Emperor Yongzheng] personally provided the name tablets, so as to emphasize agriculture and
sericulture and proclaim [their importance] to later generations. In the past, Our Late August
Grandfather [Emperor Kangxi] inscribed [a set of poems] for the Pictures of Tilling and Weaving,
woodblock prints of which are current in the world. Now We have been able to reunite these [two]
beautiful works, and as they concern the fundamentals of clothing and food for the common
people, We shall also have them engraved on stone, thereby proclaiming Our Family Regulations
for eternity. Accordingly, we have investigated [their history] from beginning to end and written
it on both scrolls, and have [composed a set of poems] using [Lou] Shou’s rhymes to inscribe in
open spaces among the pictures. As to the original texts and fake signatures, We shall preserve
them as of old, for what is important is to examine the evidence and establish the facts [so as to
correct] earlier mistakes, and while one must certainly not gloss them over, it is also a way to not
allow such defects to obscure the excellence [of these paintings]. On the sixth day after shangyuan
[fifteenth day of the first lunar month] in the yichou year [February 27, 1769], written by the
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 已丑上元後六日
sixth day after shangyuan [fifteenth day of the first lunar month] in the
yichou year [February 27, 1769]
Seals: (2)
Qianlong『乾』『隆』(linked circle/square relief) – (1/2)
Jixia linchi『幾暇臨池』(square intaglio) – (2/2)
Mounting silk 2:
Beige silk with phoenix and clouds motif. With one (1) large imperial seal,
one (1) imperial seal half on Frontispiece 1, and two (2) imperial seals half on Frontispiece 2.
Dimensions: 31.8 x 10.8 cm (12-1/2 x 4-1/4 in)
Frontispiece 2: Jiang Pu 蔣溥 (1708–1761)
Dimensions: 31.8 x 64.1 cm (12-1/2 x 25-1/4 in)
23 columns, standard script 立萬民之命者何,衣食是已。昔聖帝明王知教化之所以興
發端即曰: 『七月流火,九月授衣』6
又復流連遲日之筐 8
,次序元黃之績 9
,盖既以今歲之終,戒來歲之事 10,且以知『女服事
同』12,因是以『躋…堂』、『稱…觥』者 13,終其『為…裳』、『獻豜』之心 14,而忠愛
在畫苑進《耕織圖》,或者此其一歟 ?夫『生之者眾,為之者疾』16,豈惟良士之職思宜爾
[Annotated, translation forthcoming.] Respectfully inscribed by your servant Jiang Pu.
Signature: 蔣溥
Jiang Pu
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Chen Jiang Pu『臣蔣溥』(square intaglio)
Jing shu『敬書』(square relief)
Mounting silk 3: Beige silk with phoenix and clouds motif. With one (1) large imperial seal,
two (2) smaller imperial seals half on Frontispiece 2, two (2) imperial seals half on painting, and
two (2) other collector seals.
Dimensions: 31.9 x 12.4 cm (12 9/16 x 4 7/8 in)
Painting: 11 sheets of paper, with twenty-four scenes of silk production, each preceded by a poetic
cript, together with a transcription in standard script (see below). Scene 24
ated artist’s signature of the Southern Song court painter Liu Songnian 劉松
225), with no seal.
inscription in seal s
bears a spurious und
年 (ca. 1150–after 1
Signature: 松年筆
Brushed by [Liu] Songnian

Other Inscriptions: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
Twenty-four poems (8x5) using Lou Shou’s rhymes, running script.42 Each poem written
either in picture frame of scene to which it relates, or above Lou Shou poem, followed by
one or two Qianlong seals. Number of columns varies depending on space and location.
Calligraphy accompanied by twenty-nine (29) imperial seals.
1. Yu can 浴蠶 (bathing the silkworm eggs)
Seal: (1)
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square relief)
2. Xia can 下蠶 (hatching the eggs)
Seal: (1)
Xiesheng『寫生』(rectangle relief) – (1/2)
3. Wei can 餵蠶 (feeding the worms)
Seals: (2)
Bide『比德』(square relief)
Langrun『朗潤』(square intaglio)
4. Yi mian 一眠 (first molting) 蠶飽初欲眠,蠶忙事正長,少婦獨偷閒,深閨理新粧。中婦抱幼
Zhongxin zhi shuijing『中心止水靜』(oval relief)
5. Er mian 二眠 (second molting)
Seal: (1)
Congyun『叢雲』(rectangle relief) – (2/2)
6. San mian 三眠 (third molting)
Seal: (1)
Liaoyi guan shengyi『聊以觀生意』(rectangle intaglio)
7. Fen bo 分箔 (separating silkworms onto screens)
Seals: (2)
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』 43 (square intaglio)
De jiaqu『得佳趣』(square intaglio)
8. Cai sang 採桑 (gathering mulberry leaves)
Seal: (1)
Qiwu『齊物』(rectangle relief)
9. Da qi 大起 (awakening)
Seal: (2)
Guxiang『古香』(square intaglio)
Taibao『太寶』(square relief)
10. Zhuo ji 捉績 (choosing the mature silkworms)
Seal: (2)
Huixin buyuan『會心不遠』(square intaglio)
De chong fu『德充符』(square relief)
11. Shang cu 上簇 (setting up the trellises)
Seal: (1)
Si wuxie『思無邪』(rectangle relief)
12. Zhi bo 炙箔 (warming the screens)
Seal: (1)
Chengguan『澂觀』(rectangle relief)
13. Xia cu 下簇 (taking down the trellises; or selecting cocoons)
Seal: (1)
Hanhui『含輝 44』(rectangle relief)
14. Ze jian 擇繭 (harvesting cocoons)
Seal: (1)
Zhonghe『中和』(oval relief)
15. Jiao jian 窖繭 (storing cocoons)
Seal: (1)
Qingwan『清玩』(rectangle relief)
16. Sao si 繅絲 (reeling off silk from the cocoons)
Seal: (1)
Xishang zhen『席上珍』(rectangle intaglio)
17. Can e 蠶蛾 (silkworm moths)
Seal: (1)
Quyi zai guangqiu『取益在廣求』(rectangle relief)
18. Si xie 祀謝 (offering thanks)
Seal: (1)
Chuilu『垂露』(rectangle relief) – (1/2)
19. Lao si 絡絲 (spooling)
繰絲甫報畢,絡絲應及節,工作有次序,此風盛吳越。麤細卒未分,要使無斷脫,轉篗 45
Seal: (1)
Sanxitang『三希堂』(rectangle intaglio) – (1/2)
20. Jing 經 (preparing the warp threads)
Seal: (1)
Suianshi『隨安室』(rectangle intaglio)
21. Wei 緯 (preparing the weft threads)
Seal: (1)
Yunxia si『雲霞思』(rectangle relief) – (1/2)
22. Zhi 織 (weaving silk)
Seal: (1)
Luohua mandi jie wenzhang『落華滿地皆文章』(square intaglio) – 2/2
23. Pan hua 攀花 (weaving patterned silk)
Seal: (1)
Jingzhong guan zaohua『靜中觀造化』(rectangle relief)
24. Jian bo 剪帛 (cutting silk) 精麤不中數,廣狹不中尺,王制弗鬻市,要義寓翦帛。辛苦豈
[Poems not translated.] New year’s day of the jichou year [February 7, 1769], inscribed by the
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 已丑新正
New year’s day of the jichou year [February 7, 1769]
Seal: (1)
Qianlong『乾』『隆』(linked circle/square relief) – (2/2)

(6) — on three sheets of different paper
1. Zhao Mengyu 趙孟籲 (active 1290s–1330s)
Sheet 1: paper continuously mounted with painting; same kind of paper.
Dimensions: 31.9 x 23.8 cm (12-9/16 x 9-3/8 in)
4 columns, running script 《耕織圖》二卷,乃程氏舊藏,每節小篆,皆隨齋手題。流
The two scrolls [that comprise the] Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving were in the former
collection of the Cheng family, and each passage of small seal script was inscribed by the hand of
Suizhai [Cheng Qi]. Circulating in the world, the [pictures] bring those who enjoy rich fare and
wear fine silks to understand the hard work of farmers and silk-makers. [Zhao] Zijun.
Signature: 子俊
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Zhao shi Zijun『趙氏子俊』(square relief)
2. Fan Qi 范奇 (1261–after 1341)
Sheet 2: paper continuously mounted with preceding; different paper.
Dimensions: 31.9 x 65.2 cm (12 9/16 x 25 11/16 in)
11 columns, running script
Once long ago when I was serving temporarily in the Jade Hall [Hanlin Academy], I was invited
to speak about the Illustrations of the Odes of Bin.
46 So I assuredly know that when the Master of
the fields abandoned his office and presented a handful of grain to feed the people, encouraged
them to trade and engage in financial transactions and to exchange their accumulated stores, it was
not only in the era of Yu [Shun] and Xia [Yu] that ―all the nations were ably governed,‖ but for a
million years people’s lives have depended on it.47…One day Xunzhai was sitting in my country
estate and opened the cover of this precious scroll, and my spirit soared in exhilaration. Written by
Yunbian laoren Fan Qi in his eighty-first year.
Signature: 芸邊老人范奇
Yunbian laoren Fan Qi
Date: none (1341?)
Seals: (3)
Lu x-x『盧□□』(square relief)
Jingmen Xunyang Fan shi Shiqi Daosheng fu yin『旌門潯陽范氏士奇道
升父印』(square relief)
Yunxuan『芸軒』(square relief)
Sheet 3: Continuously mounted with preceding colophon; different paper. Bears three
colophons: Colophons 3–5. Dimensions: 31.9 x 208.5 cm (12 9/16 x 82 1/16 in)
3. Qiu Yuan 仇遠 (1247–after 1327)
7 columns, running-standard script.
Poem (8x7).
,私逋未了先輸官,蠶婦寸絲不着體,豪家墻壁被紈綺。48 山村老民仇遠。
[Poem not translated.] Old Commoner of Mountain Village, Qiu Yuan.
Signature: 山村老民仇遠
Shancun laomin Qiu Yuan
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Shancun Qiu Yuan Renjin『山村仇遠仁近』(square relief)
4. Nie Qixiu 聶奇秀 (1250–after 1325)
12 columns, clerical-standard script.
Poem (8x7).
[Poem not translated.] On the festival of zhonghe [second day of the second lunar-month] in the
year of zhanmeng-chifenruo [yichou] of the Taiding reign period [March 16, 1325],49 written at
Yiqing by the Old Man from Kangshan in his seventy-sixth year.
Signature: 康山七十六歲翁
Old Man from Kangshan in his seventy-sixth year
Date: 時泰定歲次旃蒙赤奮若中和節
on the festival of zhonghe [second day of the second lunar-month] in the
year of zhanmeng-chifenruo [yichou] of the Taiding reign period [March 16,
Seals: (1)
Nie Qixiu『聶奇秀』(square relief)
5. Chen Huan 陳煥 (unidentified – 14th century?)
5 columns, running script.
Poem (4x7).
[Poem not translated.] Chen Huan of Xunyang.
Signature: 陳煥
Chen Huan
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Zhenyi jia Chen Huan yin『真逸家陳煥印』(square relief)
Zhangbo『章伯』(square intaglio)
Xiaogu daoren『肖谷道人』(square relief)
6. Wu Wei 吳煟 (unidentified – 14th century?)
5 columns, running script.
―At the spring sacrifice, they declare the actions they will take; at the winter sacrifice, they
present the results they have achieved,‖ such is the ancient regulation.50 So how could anyone today
who performs women’s work not know to put all her might into it! These pictures need not have
been made, so [the reason] they were made must be to provide even greater encouragement. For if
there is no anxiety over having silk to sell in the second month, nor pressure to get ten robes out of
each worm, then from ―looking for furs when it’s already cold,‖ ―I know I’ve escaped!‖51 Crazy
Old Man in the Mountains, Wu Wei.
Signature: 山中癡翁吳煟
Crazy Old Man in the Mountains, Wu Wei
Date: none
Seals: none


92 Total
1. Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 (1620–1691) – (20)
Cangyanzi『蒼巖子』(circle relief) – mounting silk 3, lower middle
Jiaolin jianding『蕉林鑒定』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 3, lower middle
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 2/poem 3, join, bottom – (1/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 3/poem 4, join, bottom – (2/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – poem 6/painting 6, join, bottom – (3/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – poem 8/painting 8, join, bottom – (4/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 9, join, bottom – (5/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 11, join, bottom – (6/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 12, join, bottom – (7/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 14, join, bottom – (8/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – poem 17/painting 17, join, bottom – (9/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – poem 19/painting 19, join, bottom – (10/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 20/poem 21, join, bottom – (11/12)
Hebei tangcun『河北棠邨』(square relief) – painting 23, join, bottom – (12/12)
Liang Qingbiao yin『梁清標印』(square intaglio) – painting 24, lower left Cangyan『蒼嚴
』(square relief) – colophon 1/colophon 2, join, bottom – (1/2)
Yeqi yuyin『冶溪漁隱』(rectangle relief) – colophon 2/colophon 3, join, middle
Cangyan『蒼嚴』(square relief) – colophon 4, paper join, top – (2/2)
Guan qi dalue『觀其大略』(square intaglio) – colophon 6, left
Jiaolin shoucang『蕉林收藏』(rectangle relief) – colophon 6, left
2. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96) – (60)
Congyun『叢雲』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 1/frontispiece 1 join, upper right –
(1/2) Biduan zaohua『筆端造化』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1/frontispiece 1 join,
lower right
Chengshu cunzi『成書存子』(square relief) – frontispiece 1/mounting silk 2 join, mid left
Wufuwudaitang guxi tianzi bao『五福五代堂古稀天子寶』(square relief) – mounting silk
2, top
Luohua mandi jie wenzhang『落華滿地皆文章』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk
2/frontispiece 2 join, upper right – (1/2)
Shufangrun『漱芳潤』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 2/frontispiece 2 join, lower right
Xiuse ru chuangxu『秀色入窗虛』(square intaglio) – frontispiece 2/mounting silk 3 join,
upper left
Xinqing wen miaoxiang『心清聞妙香』(square relief) – frontispiece 2/mounting silk 3 join,
lower left
Taishang huangdi zhi bao 太上皇帝之寶 (square relief) – mounting silk 3, top center
Yi zai bixian 意在筆先 (oval relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, middle – (1/2)
Luozhi yunyan 落紙雲煙 (square intaglio) – mounting silk 3/painting join, bottom
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief) – poem 1, mid right
Yushufang jiancang bao『御書房鑑藏寶』(oval relief) – poem 1, lower right
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(square relief) – poem 1, upper right
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief) – poem 1, upper right
Yi zisun『宜子孫』(square intaglio) – poem 1, mid right
Shiqu dingjian『石渠定鑑』(circle relief) – poem 1, top
Baoji chongbian『寶笈重編』(square intaglio) – poem 1, top
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief)52 – painting 1, top – (1/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 2, top – (2/24)
Jishi duo suoxin『即事多所欣』(square intaglio) – painting 2/3, join – (1/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 3, top – (3/24)
Xiexin『寫心』(oval intaglio) – painting 3/poem 4, join, top
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 4, top – (4/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 5, top – (5/24)
Xiesheng『寫生』(rectangle intaglio) – poem 6/painting 6, join, top – (2/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 6, top – (6/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 7, top – (7/24)
Miaoyi xie qingkuai『妙意寫清快』(rectangle relief) – poem 8/painting 8, join, top – (1/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 8, top – (8/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 9, top – (9/24)
Jian tianxin『見天心』(oval intaglio) – painting 9, join, top – (1/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 10, top – (10/24)
Yongbi zai xin『用筆在心』(square intaglio) – painting 11, join, top – (1/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 11, top – (11/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 12, top – (12/24)
Yanyun shujuan『煙雲舒卷』(square intaglio) – painting 12, join, top
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 13, top – (13/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 14, top – (14/24)
Shuiyue liang chengming『水月兩澂明』(rectangle relief) – painting 14, join, top
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 15, top – (15/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 16, top – (16/24)
Miaoyi xie qingkuai『妙意寫清快』(rectangle relief) – poem 17/painting17, join, top – (2/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 17, top – (17/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 18, top – (18/24)
Jian tianxin『見天心』(oval intaglio) – poem 19/painting 19, join, top – (2/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 19, top – (19/24) Guxi
tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 20, top – (20/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 21, top – (21/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 22, top – (22/24)
Yongbi zaixin『用筆在心』(square intaglio) – painting 23, join, top – (2/2)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 23, top – (23/24)
Guxi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting 24, top – (24/24)
Qianlong jianshang『乾隆鑑賞』(round intaglio) – painting 24/colophon 1, join, top
Yi zai bixian『意在筆先』(oval relief) – painting 24/colophon 1, join, bottom – (2/2)
Jishi duo suoxin『即事多所欣』(square intaglio) – colophon 1/colophon 2, join, top – (2/2)
Yunxia si『雲霞思』(rectangle relief) – colophon 2/colophon 3, join, top – (2/2)
Wan you tongchun『卍有同春』(square relief) – colophon 2/colophon 3, join, bottom
Chuilu『垂露』(rectangle relief) – colophon 4, paper join, bottom – (2/2)
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief) – colophon 6, upper left
3. Zeng Xiejun 曾協均 (active 1843–after 1864) – (2)53
Shengchao zhenshang『笙巢真賞』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower right
Woxuezhai cang『臥雪齋藏』(square relief) – colophon 1, lower right
4. Yixin, Prince Gong 恭親王弈訢 (1833–1898) – (3)
Huang liuzi heshuo Gong qinwang『皇六子和碩恭親王』(rectangle relief) – painting 1,
lower right
Ledao zhuren『樂道主人』(square intaglio) – painting 24, lower left
Zhengyi shuwu zhencang tushu『正誼書屋珍藏圖書』(rectangle relief) – painting 24, lower
4. Jin Cheng 金城 (1878–1926) – (2)
Jin Gongbo jingjian yin『金鞏伯精鑑印』(rectangle relief) painting 1, lower right – (1/2)
Jin Gongbo jingjian yin『金鞏伯精鑑印』(rectangle relief) painting 24, lower left – (2/2)
5. Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927?) – (3)
Wanyan Jingxian qingjian『完顏景賢清鑒』(square relief) – painting 1, lower right
Jingxing weixian『景行維賢』(square intaglio) – painting 24, lower left
Xiaoru’an miji『小如庵秘笈』(square relief) – painting 24, lower left
6. Unidentified – (2) – both pre-Qianlong
Fu hou『父後』(coin-shape relief; left half) – painting 1, upper right
Wuche liang zisun yongbao zhi『五車良子孫永保之』(rectangle relief; left half) – painting1,
upper right

Rights Holder

National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)




Zhang Zhao 張照 (1691–1745) et al., comps. Shiqu baoji 石渠寶笈 (1745). Published jointly with
Midian zhulin 秘殿珠林 (1744). Facsimile reprint of 1918 ms. copy. 2 vols. Taibei: National Palace
Museum, 1971. Vol. 2, 974–77. (F1954.20 listed alone under the artist Liu Songnian 劉松年.)
Wang Jie 王杰 (1725–1805) et al., comps. Shiqu baoji xubian 石渠寶笈續編 (1793). Published
jointly with Midian zhulin xubian 秘殿珠林續編 (1793). Facsimile reprint of 1948 ms. copy. 8
vols. Taibei: National Palace Museum, 1971. Vol. 7, 3881–84 and 3885–87. (F1954.20 and .21
listed together under the artist Cheng Qi 程棨.)
Lou Shou 樓璹 (1090–1162). Yuqianling Lou gong jin Gengzhi ertu shi yijuan, fulu yijuan 於潛令
樓公進《耕織二圖詩》一卷附錄一卷. In Bao Tingbo 鮑庭博 (1728–1814), comp. Zhibuzuzhai
congshu 知不足齋叢書. Preface 1774. Lingnan 嶺南: Yunlinxianguan 芸林以館, 1882. Section 9.
Vol. 5. Separate pagination.
Lou Yue 樓鑰 (1137–1213). Gongkui ji 攻媿集. 33:14a–15a, and 76:18a–20a. In WSKQS.
Laufer, Berthold (1874–1934). ―The Discovery of a Lost Book.‖ In T’oung Pao 13.1 (1912):
Franke, Otto (1863–1946). Kêng tschi t’u: Ackerbau und Seidengewinnung in China. Band 11 der
Abhandlungen des Hamburgischen Kolonialinstituts. Hamburg: L. Friederichsen and Co., 1913.
___________. ―Zur Geschichte des Kêng tschi t’u: Ein Betrag zu Chinesischen Kunstgeschichte und
Kunstkritik.‖ In Ostasiatische Zeitschrift 3 (1914–15): 169–208.
Pelliot, Paul (1878–1945). ―A propos du Keng tsche t’ou.‖ In Émile C. M. Senart, et al., eds.
Mémoires concernant l’Asie orientale. Vol. 1. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1913. Pp. 65–122, and plates
Hummel, Arthur (1884–1975). ―Pictures of Tilling and Weaving.‖ In Annual Reports of the Librarian
of Congress. 1928–29. Pp. 217–21. And 1938. Pp. 285–88.
Jäger, Fr. ―Der angebliche Steindruck des Kêng-tschï-t’u vom Jahre 1210.‖ In Ostasiatische
Zeitschrift 9 (1933): 1–4.
Montell, Gösta (1899– ). ―The Kêng Chih Thu (Illustrations of Tilling and Weaving).‖ In Ethnos 5
(1940.3–4): 165–?
Needham, Joseph (1900–1995), and Wang Ling. Science and Civilisation in China. Vol. 4. Physics
and Physical Technology. Part 2. Mechanical Engineering. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1965. Pp. 106–07 and plate CLIII (fig. 408), 166–69, 188, 347, and 393.
Lawton, Thomas. Chinese Figure Painting. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1973. Cat nos.
7 and 8, 54–7.
Jiang Wenguang 蔣文光. ―Tan Lou Shu Gengzhi tu Qingdai shike‖ 談樓囗《耕織圖》清代刻石 (A
discussion of the Qing dynasty stone engravings of Lou Shu’s Rice Culture and Sericulture paintings).
In Wenwu 文物 (1979.3): 61–3, and plate 6.
___________. ―Yuan Cheng Qi moben he Qing Qianlong keshi Gengzhi tu” 元程棨摹本和清乾隆
刻石《耕緻圖》‖ (Rubbings from the stone carvings ordered by Emperor Qianlong copying the Rice
Culture and Sericulture paintings by the Yuan dynasty artist, Cheng Qi). In Yuanmingyuan 圓明園 2
(1983): 40–46.
Liu Xingzhen 劉興珍. ―Guanyu Cheng Qi moben Gengzhi tu de xialuo‖ 關於程棨摹本《耕織圖》
的下落 (Concerning the whereabouts of Cheng Qi’s copy of the Rice Culture and Sericulture
paintings), in Wenwu 文物 (1981.9): 92–93.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol. 1, 228–29 (A21–092).
Cahill, James F. Three Alternative Histories of Chinese Painting. Lawrence: Spencer Museum of Art,
University of Kansas, 1988, 18–22.
___________. The Painter’s Practice. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994, p. 139, fn 64.
Wang Chaosheng 王潮生, ed. Zhongguo gudai gengzhi tu 中國古代耕織圖 (Farming and weaving
pictures in ancient China). Beijing: Zhongguo nongye bowuguan, 1995. Pp. 46–64 (Freer paintings),
187–92 (Lou Shu’s poems), 209–12 (Qianlong’s poems).
Hammers, Roslyn Lee. ―The Production of Good Government: Images of Agrarian Labor in Southern
Song (1127–1279) and Yuan (1272/79–1368)‖ Ph.D. dissertation, University of Michigan, 2002.


Attributed to Cheng Qi (傳)程棨
Formerly attributed to Liu Songnian (傳)劉松年