Homeward-bound Fisherman Covered in Snow 戴雪歸漁圖



Homeward-bound Fisherman Covered in Snow 戴雪歸漁圖


Artist Inscription: Liang Kai 梁楷 (late 12th–early 13th century) – interpolated
Lower left, near tree trunk
Two characters, running script. No seals.
Signature: 梁楷
Liang Kai




Liang Kai (attributed to) (傳) 梁楷


Accompanying document: Hayasaki Kōji 早崎稉吉 (1874–1956)1
Ink on one folded sheet of white paper. Pasted on page in Freer file folder.
7 columns, standard script.
Homeward-bound Fisherman Covered in Snow. Ink-wash painting on silk, a true landscape.
Circular dimensions: seven inches, seven tenths, and five one-hundredths in height; eight inches,
one tenth, and five one-hundredths in diameter. Genuine work from the brush of Liang Kai, of
the divine category rarely seen in the world. Hayasaki Tenshin.
Signature: 早崎天真
Hayasaki Tenshin
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Niten no ka『日天之甲』(circle relief, with animal figures) – upper right
Tenshin『天真』(oval relief) – left of signature
Gūzen zokusho『偶然欲書』(square relief) – left of signature


5 Total
1. Chen Rentao 陳仁濤 (J. D. Chen, 1906–1968) – (3)
Rentao『仁濤』(square relief) – painting, lower right
Jinkui baocang Chen shi Rentao『金匱寶藏,陳氏仁濤』(coin and square relief) –
mounting, upper right
Jinkuitang jingjian xi『金匱堂精鑒璽』(rectangle relief) – mounting, lower left
2. Unidentified – (2)
x–shang『□賞』(relief; lower left corner) – painting, upper right
Undeciphered (right half) – painting, lower left

Rights Holder

National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)




Chen Rentao 陳仁濤 (J. D. Chen, 1906–1968). Jinkui canghua pingshi 金匱藏畫評釋. 2 vols. Hong Kong: Dongnan shuju, 1956. Vol. 1, 66–67
Tō Sō Gen Min meiga taikan 唐宋元明名畫大觀 (Catalogue of the Works of Chinese Master
Painters held at Tokyo in the Art Gallery, November-December, 1928, under the auspices of the
Japanese Government). Small edition. 2 vols. Tokyo: Otsuka Kogeisha, 1929. Vol. 1, plate 80.
Chen Rentao 陳仁濤 (J. D. Chen, 1906–1968). Jinkui canghua ji 金匱藏畫集. 2 vols. Kyoto:
Benrido, 1956. Vol. 2, plate 12.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol. 1, 246 (A21–162).
Zhejiang daxue Zhongguo gudai shuhua yanjiu zhongxin 浙江大學中國古代書畫研究中心, eds.
Song hua quanji: di liu juan, di liu ce 宋畫全集: 第六卷,第六冊. Hangzhou: Zhejiang daxue
chubanshe, 2008. Pp. 43 and 257 (no. 10).


Traditionally attributed to Liang Kai 梁楷