Ten Thousand Li Along the Yangzi River 長江萬里圖
Ten Thousand Li Along the Yangzi River 長江萬里圖
Unidentified artist
Outside label slip: Lu Xinyuan 陸心源 (1834–1894)
Eighteen characters, standard script2
The Yangzi River, by the monk Juran [active ca. 960–995] of the Song dynasty.3 Colophons by Lu
Wenyu [Lu Shen, 1477–1544] and Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang, 1555–1636]. In the collection
of Rangliguan [Lu Xinyuan].4
Frontispiece: Handpainted paper with two dragons in clouds with a flaming pearl
between them. No text or seals.
Painting inscriptions: (240) – Anonymous.
Red ink on silk, standard script; along the length of the scroll.5
240 individual place names
001 汶川 002 □□口 003 雪山 004 □□ 005 青城山 006 白□□
007 丈人觀 008 蚕[叢]關 009 虎頭山 010 蒙德庙
011 青城縣 012 玉壘關 013 永康軍 014 大面山 015 離堆
016 六六峰 017 江心堤 018 新津縣 019 修覺山 020 芳草渡
021 錦宮江合 022 彭山縣 023 至德觀 024 蟆頤山 025 眉州
026 岷峨亭 027 石佛鎮 028 青神縣 029 中岩寺 030 思蒙江合
031 瓦屋山 032 □□ 033 月峰 034 萬景樓 035 娥眉縣
036 嘉定府 037 眉山 038 烏油山 039 大佛象 040 九頂山
041 揵為縣 042 清溪江合 043 大渡河合 044 敘州 045 宣化縣
046 鎮江亭 047 馬湖江合 048 山門寨山 049 保子山寨 050 長寧江合
051 瀘川軍 052 江安縣 053 資簡江合 054 青草峽 055 安樂山
056 合江縣 057 江津縣 058 馬肝峽 059 塗山 060 禹廟
061 重慶府 062 古渝 063 鷓鴣堆 064 洪山 065 嘉陵
066 春酒甕 067 鄰山鄰水江合 068 樂溫縣 069 張飛庙 070 涪州
071 豐都縣 072 黔江合 073 豐都觀 074 帄都山 075 忠州
076 望夫山 077 武寧縣 078 万州 079 岑公洞 080 □□
081 下岩寺 082雲安縣 083 中顯庙 084 飛鳳山 085 南鄉峽
086 夔府 087 景福寺 088 勝巳山 089 八陣圖 090 手巾山
091 報恩寺 092 南城 093 龍脊灘 094 寧江井 095 灩澦堆
096 瞿塘峽 097 白鹽山 098 白帝庙 099 白帝城 100 赤甲山
101 琵琶峰 102 巫山縣 103 流石灘 104 南陵 105 楚宮
106 施州鹽倉 107 南陵百八盤 108 巫峽 109 掉石村 110 馬餘嶺
111 凝真觀 112 十二峰 113 白馬山 114 此石村 115 巴東縣
116 查神庙 117 歸州 118 臥牛山 119 天慶觀 120 人鮓甕
121 黃牛影 122 黃牛珠 123 黃牛庙 124 假十二峰 125 歸峽
126 明月峽 127 扇子峰 128 蝦蟆培 129 至喜亭 130 帄善埧
131 峽州 132 鑽天二里 133 望州坡 134 枝江縣 135 荊南府
136 沙市 137 二聖寺 138 楚樓 139 公安縣 140 君山
141 岳陽樓 142 岳州 143 赤壁磯 144 通濟口 145 鸚鵡洲 8
146 散花洲 147 南草市 148 漢陽軍 149 南樓 150 大別山
151 黃鶴樓 152 鄂州 153 漢口 154 赤壁 155 蘆洲浦
156 雪堂 157 月坡樓 158 黃州 159 武昌 160 峴山
161 礬口 162 蘄州 163 捲雪樓 164 富池 165 昭勇庙
166 湓浦 167 廬山 168 江州 169 庾樓 170 天子障
171 双劍峰 172 江寺 173 娘娘廟 174 大孤山 175 桑落村
176 湖口縣 177 小孤山 178 彭浪磯 179 彭澤縣 180 風火磯
181 磨背洲 182 馬當山 183 馬當庙 184 東流縣 185 祝家磯
186 蝦磯 187 鷹汊 188 皖公山 189 羅剎石 190 長風沙
191 池口鎮 192 池州 193 青陽縣 194 九華山 195 大通市
196丁家洲 197 扳磯 198 鶚磯 199 蕪湖縣 200 遮山寨
201 夏昜磯 202 太帄州 203 大信市 204 東粮山 205 西粮山
206 萬石倉 207 采石鎮 208 白鶴灘 209 望夫山 210 慈湖市
211 歷陽 212 慈母山 213 石灰山 214 烈山 215 烏江渡
216 霸王庙 217 建康 218 靖安鎮 219 半山寺 220 長蘆
221 蔣山 222 龍女祠 223 石頭城 224 涂口 225 龍灣
226 東陽 227 天寧寺 228 落帆石 229 倉 230 方山
231 金山 232 鎮江府 233 瓜洲 234 多景樓 235 甘露寺
236 焦山 237 下港 238 申浦 239 江陰軍 240 海門
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: none
Colophons: (2) – both written on one separately mounted sheet of paper; with eight (8)
collector seals (including four half-seals).
Dimensions: 44 x 111.9 cm (17-5/16 x 44-1/16 in)
1. Lu Shen 陸深 (1477–1544)
14 columns, running-standard script.
This handscroll, Ten Thousand Li Along the Yangzi River, is in the collection of the
Adminstration Vice Commissioner, Mister Zhang Xiashan.9
In Jingkou, I once saw a handscroll
[painting of the Yangzi River] by Mi Yuanzhang [Mi Fu, 1051–1107] done on chengxintang
paper.10 Its brushwork was strange and unusual, and it had an appearance beyond one’s
imagination. And when I was staying at home [in Zhejiang], a man from Wu [Suzhou] once
brought a handscroll [painting of the Yangzi River] by Xia Gui [first-half 13th century], and I
loved the antique power of its ink tonalities. This handscroll, however, is modeled on Guo Xi [ca.
1001–1090]. Its level distances are clear and moist, and it has a feeling of infinite space. The
[imperial] House of Song relied on the Yangzi River as an impregnable moat, so many artists of
the time liked to paint it. But in the end, [the river] could not protect them and the iron cavalry [of
the Mongols] came flying right across. Because of this, we both heaved an enormous sigh.
Xiashan’s courtesy name is Yongzai and his home is in Jinhua [Zhejiang Province], where the
mountain scenery is extraordinary. This thing takes up half the space in his official pouch, [so I
asked if] it is one of those possessions, as they say, ―from which one never parts, whether
moving or staying, sitting or lying down?‖ Because of this we both had a great laugh. On this the
first day of the eighth lunar month in the jiawu year of the Jiajing reign period [September 8,
1534], written on viewing [the painting] in the Crape Myrtle Pavilion at the Jiangxi Provincial
Administration Commission [in Nanchang], Lu Shen, Ziyuan fu, from Yunjian.11
Signature: 陸深子淵父
Lu Shen, Ziyuanfu
Date: 嘉靖甲午八月吉
First day of the eighth lunar-month in the jiawu year of the Jiajing reign
period [September 8, 1534]
Seals: (3)
Gu taishi shi『古太史氏』(rectangle relief) – upper right
Lu Shen siyin『陸深私印』(rectangle intaglio)
Lu shi Ziyuan『陸氏子淵』(square intaglio)
2. Dong Qichang 董其昌 (1555–1636)
6 columns, running-standard script.
I once saw a Yangzi River painting by Li Boshi [Li Gonglin, ca. 1049–1106] in the collection of
[vice minister of] the Imperial Stud, Chen Ziyou [1543–1626], and it had exceptionally fine
brushwork.12 On looking now at this handscroll, [I see that] it was in the [Northern Song] imperial
collection during the Xuanhe reign period [1119–25] and still bears all of the small imperial seals;
it is certainly not a work with which the likes of Ma Yuan [late 12th–early 13th century] or Xia Gui [active first half 13th century] could compete. At the end [of the scroll], there is a colophon
written by Lu Wenyu [Lu Shen] from my home district. Both it and the painting are a pair of
exceptional works and should be especially treasured. Fifth day after mid-autumn in the jiwei year
[September 27, 1619], inscribed by Dong Qichang.
Signature: 董其昌
Dong Qichang
Date: 己未中秋後五日
Fifth day after mid-autumn in the jiwei year [September 27, 1619]
Seals: (2)
Taishi shi『太史氏』 (square intaglio)
Dong Qichang yin『董其昌印』(square intaglio)
Eighteen characters, standard script2
The Yangzi River, by the monk Juran [active ca. 960–995] of the Song dynasty.3 Colophons by Lu
Wenyu [Lu Shen, 1477–1544] and Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang, 1555–1636]. In the collection
of Rangliguan [Lu Xinyuan].4
Frontispiece: Handpainted paper with two dragons in clouds with a flaming pearl
between them. No text or seals.
Painting inscriptions: (240) – Anonymous.
Red ink on silk, standard script; along the length of the scroll.5
240 individual place names
001 汶川 002 □□口 003 雪山 004 □□ 005 青城山 006 白□□
007 丈人觀 008 蚕[叢]關 009 虎頭山 010 蒙德庙
011 青城縣 012 玉壘關 013 永康軍 014 大面山 015 離堆
016 六六峰 017 江心堤 018 新津縣 019 修覺山 020 芳草渡
021 錦宮江合 022 彭山縣 023 至德觀 024 蟆頤山 025 眉州
026 岷峨亭 027 石佛鎮 028 青神縣 029 中岩寺 030 思蒙江合
031 瓦屋山 032 □□ 033 月峰 034 萬景樓 035 娥眉縣
036 嘉定府 037 眉山 038 烏油山 039 大佛象 040 九頂山
041 揵為縣 042 清溪江合 043 大渡河合 044 敘州 045 宣化縣
046 鎮江亭 047 馬湖江合 048 山門寨山 049 保子山寨 050 長寧江合
051 瀘川軍 052 江安縣 053 資簡江合 054 青草峽 055 安樂山
056 合江縣 057 江津縣 058 馬肝峽 059 塗山 060 禹廟
061 重慶府 062 古渝 063 鷓鴣堆 064 洪山 065 嘉陵
066 春酒甕 067 鄰山鄰水江合 068 樂溫縣 069 張飛庙 070 涪州
071 豐都縣 072 黔江合 073 豐都觀 074 帄都山 075 忠州
076 望夫山 077 武寧縣 078 万州 079 岑公洞 080 □□
081 下岩寺 082雲安縣 083 中顯庙 084 飛鳳山 085 南鄉峽
086 夔府 087 景福寺 088 勝巳山 089 八陣圖 090 手巾山
091 報恩寺 092 南城 093 龍脊灘 094 寧江井 095 灩澦堆
096 瞿塘峽 097 白鹽山 098 白帝庙 099 白帝城 100 赤甲山
101 琵琶峰 102 巫山縣 103 流石灘 104 南陵 105 楚宮
106 施州鹽倉 107 南陵百八盤 108 巫峽 109 掉石村 110 馬餘嶺
111 凝真觀 112 十二峰 113 白馬山 114 此石村 115 巴東縣
116 查神庙 117 歸州 118 臥牛山 119 天慶觀 120 人鮓甕
121 黃牛影 122 黃牛珠 123 黃牛庙 124 假十二峰 125 歸峽
126 明月峽 127 扇子峰 128 蝦蟆培 129 至喜亭 130 帄善埧
131 峽州 132 鑽天二里 133 望州坡 134 枝江縣 135 荊南府
136 沙市 137 二聖寺 138 楚樓 139 公安縣 140 君山
141 岳陽樓 142 岳州 143 赤壁磯 144 通濟口 145 鸚鵡洲 8
146 散花洲 147 南草市 148 漢陽軍 149 南樓 150 大別山
151 黃鶴樓 152 鄂州 153 漢口 154 赤壁 155 蘆洲浦
156 雪堂 157 月坡樓 158 黃州 159 武昌 160 峴山
161 礬口 162 蘄州 163 捲雪樓 164 富池 165 昭勇庙
166 湓浦 167 廬山 168 江州 169 庾樓 170 天子障
171 双劍峰 172 江寺 173 娘娘廟 174 大孤山 175 桑落村
176 湖口縣 177 小孤山 178 彭浪磯 179 彭澤縣 180 風火磯
181 磨背洲 182 馬當山 183 馬當庙 184 東流縣 185 祝家磯
186 蝦磯 187 鷹汊 188 皖公山 189 羅剎石 190 長風沙
191 池口鎮 192 池州 193 青陽縣 194 九華山 195 大通市
196丁家洲 197 扳磯 198 鶚磯 199 蕪湖縣 200 遮山寨
201 夏昜磯 202 太帄州 203 大信市 204 東粮山 205 西粮山
206 萬石倉 207 采石鎮 208 白鶴灘 209 望夫山 210 慈湖市
211 歷陽 212 慈母山 213 石灰山 214 烈山 215 烏江渡
216 霸王庙 217 建康 218 靖安鎮 219 半山寺 220 長蘆
221 蔣山 222 龍女祠 223 石頭城 224 涂口 225 龍灣
226 東陽 227 天寧寺 228 落帆石 229 倉 230 方山
231 金山 232 鎮江府 233 瓜洲 234 多景樓 235 甘露寺
236 焦山 237 下港 238 申浦 239 江陰軍 240 海門
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: none
Colophons: (2) – both written on one separately mounted sheet of paper; with eight (8)
collector seals (including four half-seals).
Dimensions: 44 x 111.9 cm (17-5/16 x 44-1/16 in)
1. Lu Shen 陸深 (1477–1544)
14 columns, running-standard script.
This handscroll, Ten Thousand Li Along the Yangzi River, is in the collection of the
Adminstration Vice Commissioner, Mister Zhang Xiashan.9
In Jingkou, I once saw a handscroll
[painting of the Yangzi River] by Mi Yuanzhang [Mi Fu, 1051–1107] done on chengxintang
paper.10 Its brushwork was strange and unusual, and it had an appearance beyond one’s
imagination. And when I was staying at home [in Zhejiang], a man from Wu [Suzhou] once
brought a handscroll [painting of the Yangzi River] by Xia Gui [first-half 13th century], and I
loved the antique power of its ink tonalities. This handscroll, however, is modeled on Guo Xi [ca.
1001–1090]. Its level distances are clear and moist, and it has a feeling of infinite space. The
[imperial] House of Song relied on the Yangzi River as an impregnable moat, so many artists of
the time liked to paint it. But in the end, [the river] could not protect them and the iron cavalry [of
the Mongols] came flying right across. Because of this, we both heaved an enormous sigh.
Xiashan’s courtesy name is Yongzai and his home is in Jinhua [Zhejiang Province], where the
mountain scenery is extraordinary. This thing takes up half the space in his official pouch, [so I
asked if] it is one of those possessions, as they say, ―from which one never parts, whether
moving or staying, sitting or lying down?‖ Because of this we both had a great laugh. On this the
first day of the eighth lunar month in the jiawu year of the Jiajing reign period [September 8,
1534], written on viewing [the painting] in the Crape Myrtle Pavilion at the Jiangxi Provincial
Administration Commission [in Nanchang], Lu Shen, Ziyuan fu, from Yunjian.11
Signature: 陸深子淵父
Lu Shen, Ziyuanfu
Date: 嘉靖甲午八月吉
First day of the eighth lunar-month in the jiawu year of the Jiajing reign
period [September 8, 1534]
Seals: (3)
Gu taishi shi『古太史氏』(rectangle relief) – upper right
Lu Shen siyin『陸深私印』(rectangle intaglio)
Lu shi Ziyuan『陸氏子淵』(square intaglio)
2. Dong Qichang 董其昌 (1555–1636)
6 columns, running-standard script.
I once saw a Yangzi River painting by Li Boshi [Li Gonglin, ca. 1049–1106] in the collection of
[vice minister of] the Imperial Stud, Chen Ziyou [1543–1626], and it had exceptionally fine
brushwork.12 On looking now at this handscroll, [I see that] it was in the [Northern Song] imperial
collection during the Xuanhe reign period [1119–25] and still bears all of the small imperial seals;
it is certainly not a work with which the likes of Ma Yuan [late 12th–early 13th century] or Xia Gui [active first half 13th century] could compete. At the end [of the scroll], there is a colophon
written by Lu Wenyu [Lu Shen] from my home district. Both it and the painting are a pair of
exceptional works and should be especially treasured. Fifth day after mid-autumn in the jiwei year
[September 27, 1619], inscribed by Dong Qichang.
Signature: 董其昌
Dong Qichang
Date: 己未中秋後五日
Fifth day after mid-autumn in the jiwei year [September 27, 1619]
Seals: (2)
Taishi shi『太史氏』 (square intaglio)
Dong Qichang yin『董其昌印』(square intaglio)
23 Total
1. Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song dynasty 宋徽宗趙佶 (1082–1135; reigned 1101–25) –
(5) fake?
Double dragon seal 13 (circle relief; left half) – painting, top right – (1/2)
Xuanhe『宣和』(rectangle relief; left half) – painting, bottom right – (1/2)
Double dragon seal (circle relief; right half) – painting, top left – (2/2)
Xuanhe『宣和』(rectangle relief; right half) – painting, lower left – (2/2) Yushu『御書
(rectangle relief; right half) – painting, bottom left
2. Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590) – (8) – all half-seals
[Molin] miwan『[墨林] 祕玩』(square relief; left half) – painting, upper right
[Pingsheng] zhenshang『[帄生]真賞』(square relief; left half) – painting, mid right – (1/3)
[Xiang Molin fu] miji zhiyin『[項墨林父] 祕笈之印』(rectangle relief; left half) – painting,
lower right
Pingsheng [zhenshang]『帄生[真賞]』(square relief; right half) – painting, mid left – (2/3)
[Pingsheng] zhenshang『[帄生]真賞』(square relief; left half) – colophon, top right – (3/3)
[Xiang Zijing] jiazhencang『[項子京]家真藏』(rectangle relief; left half) – colophon, upper
[Xiang Molin] jianshang zhang『[項墨林]鑑賞章』(rectangle intaglio; left half) – colophon,
mid right
[Zuili Xiang shi] shijia baowan『[檇李項氏]士家寶玩』(rectangle relief; left half) –colophon,
lower right
3. Wang Hui 王翬 (1632–1717) 14
– (1)
Wang Hui zhi yin『王翬之印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
4. Lu Shusheng 陸樹聲 (died 1933)15
– (1)
Gui’an Lu Shusheng kaocang jinshi shuhua yin『歸安陸樹聲攷藏金石書畫印』(square
intaglio) – colophon, lower left
5. Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927?)16
– (6)
Jingxian shending『景賢審定』(square relief) – painting, mid right – (1/2)
Xiaoru’an miji『小如庵祕笈』(square relief) – painting, mid right
Jin Zhang shixi Jingxing Weixian『金章世系景行維賢』(rectangle intaglio) – painting,
lower left
Renzhai mingxin zhi pin『任齋銘心之品』(square relief) – painting, lower left
Jingxian shending『景賢審定』(square relief) – colophon, lower right – (2/2)
Wanyan Jingxian zi Hengfu hao Pusun yi zi Renzhai biehao Xiaoru’an yin『完顏景賢字亨
父號樸孫一字任齋別號小如庵印』(square intaglio) – colophon, lower left
6. Unidentified – (2)
Jie『解』 17 (circle intaglio) – painting, lower left
Yifen yinxin『貽汾印信』 18 (square relief) – colophon, lower right
1. Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Song dynasty 宋徽宗趙佶 (1082–1135; reigned 1101–25) –
(5) fake?
Double dragon seal 13 (circle relief; left half) – painting, top right – (1/2)
Xuanhe『宣和』(rectangle relief; left half) – painting, bottom right – (1/2)
Double dragon seal (circle relief; right half) – painting, top left – (2/2)
Xuanhe『宣和』(rectangle relief; right half) – painting, lower left – (2/2) Yushu『御書
(rectangle relief; right half) – painting, bottom left
2. Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590) – (8) – all half-seals
[Molin] miwan『[墨林] 祕玩』(square relief; left half) – painting, upper right
[Pingsheng] zhenshang『[帄生]真賞』(square relief; left half) – painting, mid right – (1/3)
[Xiang Molin fu] miji zhiyin『[項墨林父] 祕笈之印』(rectangle relief; left half) – painting,
lower right
Pingsheng [zhenshang]『帄生[真賞]』(square relief; right half) – painting, mid left – (2/3)
[Pingsheng] zhenshang『[帄生]真賞』(square relief; left half) – colophon, top right – (3/3)
[Xiang Zijing] jiazhencang『[項子京]家真藏』(rectangle relief; left half) – colophon, upper
[Xiang Molin] jianshang zhang『[項墨林]鑑賞章』(rectangle intaglio; left half) – colophon,
mid right
[Zuili Xiang shi] shijia baowan『[檇李項氏]士家寶玩』(rectangle relief; left half) –colophon,
lower right
3. Wang Hui 王翬 (1632–1717) 14
– (1)
Wang Hui zhi yin『王翬之印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
4. Lu Shusheng 陸樹聲 (died 1933)15
– (1)
Gui’an Lu Shusheng kaocang jinshi shuhua yin『歸安陸樹聲攷藏金石書畫印』(square
intaglio) – colophon, lower left
5. Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927?)16
– (6)
Jingxian shending『景賢審定』(square relief) – painting, mid right – (1/2)
Xiaoru’an miji『小如庵祕笈』(square relief) – painting, mid right
Jin Zhang shixi Jingxing Weixian『金章世系景行維賢』(rectangle intaglio) – painting,
lower left
Renzhai mingxin zhi pin『任齋銘心之品』(square relief) – painting, lower left
Jingxian shending『景賢審定』(square relief) – colophon, lower right – (2/2)
Wanyan Jingxian zi Hengfu hao Pusun yi zi Renzhai biehao Xiaoru’an yin『完顏景賢字亨
父號樸孫一字任齋別號小如庵印』(square intaglio) – colophon, lower left
6. Unidentified – (2)
Jie『解』 17 (circle intaglio) – painting, lower left
Yifen yinxin『貽汾印信』 18 (square relief) – colophon, lower right
Rights Holder
National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)
Attributed to Guo Xi 郭熙 (ca. 1001–ca. 1090)
1. Lu Shen 陸深 (1477–1544). Yanshan ji 儼山集. 87:3b–4a. In WSKQS.
Lu Shen colophon quoted in:
Sun Yueban 孫岳頒 (1639–1708), Wang Yuanqi 王原祁 (1642–1715) et al., comps.
Peiwenzhai shuhua pu 佩文齋書畫譜. Preface 1708. Yangzhou 揚州: Yangzhou shiju 揚
州詩局, 1708. 82:40a–b.
Attributed to Xia Gui 夏珪 (active ca. 1195–1230)
2. Wang Keyu 汪砢玉 (1587–after 1643). Shanhuwang hualu 珊瑚網畫錄. Preface 1643. In
China: Shiyuan congshu 適園叢書, 1914–16. 30:8b–9a.
Wang Keyu entry quoted in:
Bian Yongyu 卞永譽 (1645–1712), comp. Shigutang shuhua huikao 式古堂書畫彙考
(1680–82). Wuxing 吳興: Jian’gu shushe 鑑古書社, 1921. Pp. 14:61b-62a.
Sun Yueban 孫岳頒 (1639–1708), Wang Yuanqi 王原祁 (1642–1715) et al., comps.
Peiwenzhai shuhua pu 佩文齋書畫譜. Preface 1708. Yangzhou 揚州: Yangzhou shiju 揚
州詩局, 1708. 84:28b–29a.
Li E 厲鶚 (1692–1752), comp. Nansongyuan hualu 南宋院畫錄 (1721). In Yang Jialuo
楊家駱, ed. Yishu congbian 藝術叢編. Taibei: Shijie shuju, 1962. Vol. 15, no. 128–129,
Attributed to Juran 巨然 (active ca. 960–995)
3. Lu Xinyuan 陸心源 (1834–1894). Rangliguan guoyan lu 穰梨館過眼錄 (1891). Wuxing 吳興
: Yigutang 儀顧堂, 1891. 2:4a-5b.
Lu Xinyuan colophon quoted in:
Lu Xinyuan. Yigutang tiba 儀顧堂題跋. Preface 1890. 14:9a–b. In Qingren shumu tiba
congkan 清人書目題跋叢刊. Vol. 2. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1990. P. 169, top.
Taki Sei-ichi 瀧精一 (1873–1945). ―Art Treasures in the Collection of Mr. Tuan-fang,
ExViceroy of Chih-li.‖ In Kokka 國華 250 (March 1911): 263–64.
Anonymous. ―Views of the Yang-tze-kiang, Attributed to Chu-jan.‖ In Kokka 國華 252 (May
1911): 328, 335–36, and plates 2–3.
Kümmel, Otto (1874–1952). Die Kunst Ostasiens. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1921. Plates 46–47.
Sirén, Osvald (1879–1966). Chinese Paintings in American Collections. 5 vols. Paris and
Brussels: G. van Oest, 1928. Vol. 3, plate 82.
Fischer, Otto (1886–1948). Die Kunst Indiens, Chinas und Japans. Berlin: Propyläen-Verlag,
[1928]. P. 491.
___________. Chinesische landschaftsmalerei. Berlin: Paul Neff Verlag, 1943. Plate 48.
Harada Kinjirō 原田謹次郎 (1882– ). Shina meiga hōkan 支那名畫寶鑒 (The Pageant of
Chinese Painting). Tokyo: Ōtsuka kōgeisha, 1936. Plates 49–51.
Cohn, William (1880–1961). Chinese Painting. London: Phaidon Press; New York: Oxford
University Press, 1948. Plate 43.
Cahill, James F. ―Late Ming Landscape Albums and European Printed Books.‖ In Sandra
Hindman, ed. Early Illustrated Books: Essays in Honor of Lessing J. Rosenwald. Washington,
DC: Library of Congress, 1982. P. 154 (fig. 4).
__________. Three Alternative Histories of Chinese Painting. Lawrence: Spencer Museum of
Art, University of Kansas, 1988. P. 51, plate 35.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol.1, 234–35 (A21–114).
Nakata Yūjirō 中田勇次郎 (1905–1998) and Fu Shen 傅申. Ōbei shuzō: Chūgoku hōsho
meisekishū, Min Shin hen (Masterpieces of Chinese Calligraphy in American and European
Collections, Ming and Qing) 歐米收藏:中國法書名蹟集,明清篇. 2 vols. Tokyo:
Chūōkōron-sha, 1983. Vol. 1, 82–83 (plates 81–82) and 179 (discussion).
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua bianji weiyuanhui 海外藏中國歷代名畫編輯委員會, eds.
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua 海外藏中國歷代名畫. 8 vols. Changsha: Hunan meishu
chubanshe, 1998. Vol. 3, 101 (no. 72).
Hargett, James M. Stairway to Heaven: A Journal to the Summit of Mount Emei. Albany: SUNY
Press, 2006. P. 62.
Akerman, James R. and Robert W. Karrow Jr., eds. Maps: Finding Our Place in the World.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007. Figure 12.
Fong, Wen C., Chin-Sung Chang, and Maxwell K. Hearn. Landscapes Clear and Radiant: The
Art of Wang Hui (1632–1717). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2008. P. 150 (fig.
1. Lu Shen 陸深 (1477–1544). Yanshan ji 儼山集. 87:3b–4a. In WSKQS.
Lu Shen colophon quoted in:
Sun Yueban 孫岳頒 (1639–1708), Wang Yuanqi 王原祁 (1642–1715) et al., comps.
Peiwenzhai shuhua pu 佩文齋書畫譜. Preface 1708. Yangzhou 揚州: Yangzhou shiju 揚
州詩局, 1708. 82:40a–b.
Attributed to Xia Gui 夏珪 (active ca. 1195–1230)
2. Wang Keyu 汪砢玉 (1587–after 1643). Shanhuwang hualu 珊瑚網畫錄. Preface 1643. In
China: Shiyuan congshu 適園叢書, 1914–16. 30:8b–9a.
Wang Keyu entry quoted in:
Bian Yongyu 卞永譽 (1645–1712), comp. Shigutang shuhua huikao 式古堂書畫彙考
(1680–82). Wuxing 吳興: Jian’gu shushe 鑑古書社, 1921. Pp. 14:61b-62a.
Sun Yueban 孫岳頒 (1639–1708), Wang Yuanqi 王原祁 (1642–1715) et al., comps.
Peiwenzhai shuhua pu 佩文齋書畫譜. Preface 1708. Yangzhou 揚州: Yangzhou shiju 揚
州詩局, 1708. 84:28b–29a.
Li E 厲鶚 (1692–1752), comp. Nansongyuan hualu 南宋院畫錄 (1721). In Yang Jialuo
楊家駱, ed. Yishu congbian 藝術叢編. Taibei: Shijie shuju, 1962. Vol. 15, no. 128–129,
Attributed to Juran 巨然 (active ca. 960–995)
3. Lu Xinyuan 陸心源 (1834–1894). Rangliguan guoyan lu 穰梨館過眼錄 (1891). Wuxing 吳興
: Yigutang 儀顧堂, 1891. 2:4a-5b.
Lu Xinyuan colophon quoted in:
Lu Xinyuan. Yigutang tiba 儀顧堂題跋. Preface 1890. 14:9a–b. In Qingren shumu tiba
congkan 清人書目題跋叢刊. Vol. 2. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1990. P. 169, top.
Taki Sei-ichi 瀧精一 (1873–1945). ―Art Treasures in the Collection of Mr. Tuan-fang,
ExViceroy of Chih-li.‖ In Kokka 國華 250 (March 1911): 263–64.
Anonymous. ―Views of the Yang-tze-kiang, Attributed to Chu-jan.‖ In Kokka 國華 252 (May
1911): 328, 335–36, and plates 2–3.
Kümmel, Otto (1874–1952). Die Kunst Ostasiens. Berlin: B. Cassirer, 1921. Plates 46–47.
Sirén, Osvald (1879–1966). Chinese Paintings in American Collections. 5 vols. Paris and
Brussels: G. van Oest, 1928. Vol. 3, plate 82.
Fischer, Otto (1886–1948). Die Kunst Indiens, Chinas und Japans. Berlin: Propyläen-Verlag,
[1928]. P. 491.
___________. Chinesische landschaftsmalerei. Berlin: Paul Neff Verlag, 1943. Plate 48.
Harada Kinjirō 原田謹次郎 (1882– ). Shina meiga hōkan 支那名畫寶鑒 (The Pageant of
Chinese Painting). Tokyo: Ōtsuka kōgeisha, 1936. Plates 49–51.
Cohn, William (1880–1961). Chinese Painting. London: Phaidon Press; New York: Oxford
University Press, 1948. Plate 43.
Cahill, James F. ―Late Ming Landscape Albums and European Printed Books.‖ In Sandra
Hindman, ed. Early Illustrated Books: Essays in Honor of Lessing J. Rosenwald. Washington,
DC: Library of Congress, 1982. P. 154 (fig. 4).
__________. Three Alternative Histories of Chinese Painting. Lawrence: Spencer Museum of
Art, University of Kansas, 1988. P. 51, plate 35.
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol.1, 234–35 (A21–114).
Nakata Yūjirō 中田勇次郎 (1905–1998) and Fu Shen 傅申. Ōbei shuzō: Chūgoku hōsho
meisekishū, Min Shin hen (Masterpieces of Chinese Calligraphy in American and European
Collections, Ming and Qing) 歐米收藏:中國法書名蹟集,明清篇. 2 vols. Tokyo:
Chūōkōron-sha, 1983. Vol. 1, 82–83 (plates 81–82) and 179 (discussion).
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua bianji weiyuanhui 海外藏中國歷代名畫編輯委員會, eds.
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua 海外藏中國歷代名畫. 8 vols. Changsha: Hunan meishu
chubanshe, 1998. Vol. 3, 101 (no. 72).
Hargett, James M. Stairway to Heaven: A Journal to the Summit of Mount Emei. Albany: SUNY
Press, 2006. P. 62.
Akerman, James R. and Robert W. Karrow Jr., eds. Maps: Finding Our Place in the World.
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2007. Figure 12.
Fong, Wen C., Chin-Sung Chang, and Maxwell K. Hearn. Landscapes Clear and Radiant: The
Art of Wang Hui (1632–1717). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2008. P. 150 (fig.
Formerly attributed to Juran (傳)巨然