The Shu River 蜀川圖
The Shu River 蜀川圖
Li Gonglin (attributed to) (傳) 李公麟
Outside label: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–
1796), 李公麟《蜀川圖》。內府鑒定珍藏。上上,神品。
The River of Shu, by Li Gonglin. Authenticated treasure in the collection of the Imperial
Household. Best of the best, [a work of] the divine category.
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: (4)
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – (1/4)
Shenpin『神品』(linked square relief seals) – (1/2)
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square relief) – (1/3)
Qinwen zhi xi『欽文之璽』(circle relief)
Frontispiece: Ren Daoxun 任道遜 (1422–1503)
One sheet light-gray paper; creased and damaged. With additional inscription by the
Qianlong emperor. Dimensions: W 95.2 cm (37-1/2 in)
Four horizontal characters, plus five vertical characters, standard script.
Scenery of the Shu River. Written by Bayi Daoren [Daoist of the Eight-in-One].
Signature: 八一道人
Bayi daoren [Daoist of the Eight-in-One]
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Kecheng『克誠』(square relief)
Inscription: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
5 columns, running script. Two poems (each: 4x7)
[Poems not translated].1
Inscribed by the Emperor in the eleventh lunar-month of the xinhai year
[November 26–December 24, 1791].
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 辛亥仲冬月
in the eleventh lunar-month of the xinhai year [November 26–December
24, 1791]
Seals: (2)
Bazheng maonian『八徵耄念』(square intaglio)
Ziqiang bu xi『自彊不息』(square relief)
Inscription 1: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 1, top. Text written in light-red ruled-line box.5
16 columns, running-standard script.
Extending over the length of Li Gonglin’s The Shu River is a landscape of ten-thousand li that
[lets the viewer] completely transcend the marks left by brush and ink and roam at large with the
Creator. In the inscription by Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang, 1555–1636] on Gonglin’s XiaoXiang
River, he states that [it and] this scroll, together with the Nine Songs, and the Admonitions of the
Instructress by Gu Kaizhi [ca. 345–406], were the [four] best among the famous scrolls collected
by Gu [Congyi, 1523–1588] of the Secreatriat.6 After him, [the painting] circulated and was
passed around as set forth in detail in the colophons by Chen Suoyun and others [see below].
In Dong [Qichang’s] colophon, he refers to General Wang Siyan’s acquisition of the scroll as a
―homecoming.‖ As all [four of Gu Congyi’s paintings] have now entered Our private collection,
how can that previous ―homecoming‖ [of two scrolls] compare to this? What a pity that We
cannot bring Xiangguang [Dong Qichang] back to life and command him rewrite his statement.
Inscribed by Emperor Qianlong.
Signature: 乾隆御
Emperor Qianlong
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍秘』(square relief) – (1/4) – preceding inscription
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』(square intaglio) – (1/3) – preceding inscription
Qianlong『乾』『隆』(linked circle/square relief) – following inscription
Inscription 2: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 2, top. Text written in light-green ruled-line box.7
83 columns, running-standard script. Eight poems by Du Fu 杜甫 (712–770), plus
[Poems not transcribed.]9 杜陵《秋興八首》,蓋在蜀中時作也。近得李龍眠是圖,古跡歷
[Poems not translated.]10 The Autumn Meditations, eight poems, by [Du Fu] of Duling were
probably written during his time in Shu [Sichuan]. We recently acquired this picture by Li
Longmian [Li Gonglin, ca. 1049–1107], on which all the ancient sites can be clearly enumerated.,
and We imagined Old Du [Fu] in a riverside pavilion wielding his brush. As Our pleasure in this
was not slight, We transcribed his poems onto the picture to record these two exceptional [works
together]. Four days before tianzhong [fifth day of the fifth lunar-month]11 in the bingyin year of
the Qianlong reign period [June 19, 1746], written by the Emperor.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 乾隆丙寅天中前四日
four days before tianzhong [fifth day of the fifth lunar-month] in the
bingyin year of the Qianlong reign period [June 19, 1746]
Seals: (3)
Zhonghe『中和』(oval relief) – preceding inscription
Tianfu zhencang『天府珍藏』(rectangle intaglio) – following inscription
De jiaqu『得佳趣』(square intaglio) – (1/2) – following inscription
Inscription 3: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 4, top. Text writen in light-blue ruled-line box.12
53 columns, running script. Poem (58x7).
* 李戎亦有《蜀江圖》,見王穉登跋語中。
[Poem not translated.] On the first day of the mid-summer month in the bingyin year of the Qianlong
reign period [June 19, 1746], inscribed the Emperor in the Yangxin Pavilion.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 乾隆丙寅仲夏朔
on the first day of the mid-summer month in the bingyin year of the
Qianlong reign period [June 19, 1746]
Seals: (4)
Shenpin『神』『品』(linked square relief ) – (2/2) – preceding inscription
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – (2/4) – following inscription
Langrun『朗潤』(square intaglio) – following inscription
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square relief) – (2/3) – following inscription
Inscription 4: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 5, top. Text writen in light-blue ruled-line box.13
65 columns, running script. Poem (irregular meter), plus postscript.
Hard is the Road to Shu, using the rhymes of Li Bai.
15 [Poem not translated.]
From reading [Li] Taibai’s poem, We previously had the idea that the road to Shu [Sichuan] was
the most perilous territory known to man, but in the last couple of years We have employed Our
military in the Jinchuan [region of western Sichuan], where the terrain is so much more perilous
[than in the poem] that one looks back upon the ―sky ladders‖ of Sword Gate [Pass] as just a
smooth and level path. From reports to the throne [sent] by Assistant Grand Secretary, the Loyal
and Brave Duke, Fuheng, We formed an overall impression [of its topography], and fêting him
upon his triumphant return, We commanded him to describe it all in minute detail, [which he did
so realistically] that it felt as if We had personally undertaken [the journey], and immediately
[made the above poem] using the rhymes of [Li] Bai to record it.16 If [Li] Bai were to read this,
he would suddenly feel as if he had never witnessed any hardships at all on the road to Shu. As
We were just now looking over this picture by Longmian [Li Gonglin], We forthwith recorded
Our poem upon it. Although all the sites along the River of Ba [Sichuan] are labeled in order on
the scroll, it does not reach to the steep and hidden places beyond the border [where the recent
campaign took place]. What a pity We cannot bring Longmian back to life to add a depiction of
Our poem! Five days after changzhi [summer solstice] in the jisi year of the Qianlong reign
period [June 27, 1749], inscribed by the Emperor.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 乾隆己已長至後五日
five days after changzhi [summer solstice] in the jisi year of the Qianlong
reign period [June 27, 1749]
Seals: (2)
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』(square intaglio) – (2/3)
De jiaqu『得佳趣』(square intaglio) – (2/2)
Colophons: (10) – One strip of yellow figured silk (Mounting silk 5). Plus five sheets of paper
(Note: Sheet 1 has an additional strip of paper joined at left). Ten items: eight written colophons;
plus one small imperial painting; plus one other painting with inscription.
Mounting silk 5: 1 colophon
Sheet 1: W 66.8 cm (26 5/16 in) white paper 3 colophons
Sheet 2: W 79.7 cm (31 3/8 in) white paper 2 colophons
Sheet 3: W 12.3 cm (4 13/16 in) brown paper Qianlong painting
Sheet 4: W 120.1 cm (47 5/16 in) white paper 2 colophons
Sheet 5: W 106.6 cm (41 15/16 in) white paper painting with inscription
1. Dong Qichang 董其昌 (1555–1636)
Ink on silk; written directly on Mounting silk 5.
4 columns, standard script.
While the painting by Longmian [Li Gonglin] is indeed meticulously rendered, I am especially
enamored of his miniature ―fly’s head‖ calligraphy. As one unrolls the scroll, all along its length
[are short texts] written in the style of script used for placards and signboards, from which one
understands what is meant by ―writing small calligraphy just like large calligraphy.‖ Some say
that this is the brushwork of Mi Yuanzhang [Mi Fu, 1042–1107]; however, the Record [of
calligraphy in the imperial collection, compiled during the] Xuanhe Era praises the calligraphy of
Boshi [Li Gonglin] as being close to that of the Wei and Jin dynasties [220–420], so why must
the calligraphy that Boshi inscribed on paintings routinely be attributed to Haiyue [Mi Fu]?
Inscribed by Dong Qichang upon viewing [the painting].
Signature: 董其昌
Dong Qichang
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Dong Xuanzai『董玄宰』(square relief/intaglio)
2. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Ink on paper. Sheet 1, right.
5 columns, small standard script.
The two colophons by Dong Xiangguang [Dong Qichang, see Colophons 1 and 4] are bright and
sleek and have a glowing look, so they were obviously treasured. Gao Shiqi [see Colophons 6
and 8] says that they were lost at first and later recovered, and that ―in the spring of the wuyin
year [1698], [he] had them mounted at the end [of the painting].‖ And he also says that in looking
[at the painting], ―it does in fact bear the seal impressions of a Wang Yanshi,‖ and ―the small
seal [reading] Yongcun zhenmi is located on the paper joins.‖ In looking now at these two seals,
as they are impressed exactly on the join [between the painting] and Dong’s [first] colophon,
how can Gao say that they were lost and recovered and that he had them remounted?18 In winter
of the xinyin year [1751], when We unrolled the scroll again and read through the two colophons
by [Gao] Shiqi, We had doubts that there is any substance [to his claims], and have therefore
casually written this. On the first day of the tenth lunar-month [November 18], inscribed by the
Emperor in the Pavilion of Tranquil Ease.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 辛未冬…十月朔日
winter of the xinwei year…on the first day in the tenth lunar month
[November 18, 1751]
Seals: (2)
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍秘』(square relief) – (2/4)
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』(square intaglio) – (3/3)
3. Wang Zhideng 王穉登 (1535–1612)
Ink on paper. Sheet 1, middle.
11 columns, standard with some running script; plus 2 columns, small standard script
[Translation forthcoming.] On the fifth day of the first [decade] in the third lunar-month of the jiawu
year [April 24, 1594], inscribed on a boat at Tiger Hill [outside Suzhou, Jiangsu Province], Wang
Signature: 王穉登
Wang Zhideng
Date: 甲午三月初五日
on the fifth day of the first [decade] in the third lunar month of the jiawu
year [April 24, 1594]
Seals: (1)
Wang Zhideng yin『王穉登印』(square intaglio)
4. Dong Qichang 董其昌 (1555–1636)
Ink on paper. Sheet 1, left.
3 columns, running script; plus 1 column, small standard script.
[旁註]: 思延乃宮諭王師竹先生子,好古能詩,中州人。
I acquired this scroll from Mister Gu [Congyi, 1523–1588] of Shanghai, and pass it now into the
hands of General Siyan [Wang Yanshi, late 16th–early 17th century],19 which is a homecoming,
indeed! On the day of the la festival in the renyin year [January 22, 1603],20 written on viewing
[the scroll] again, [Dong] Qichang.
[Side note:] Siyan is the son of Mister Wang Shizhu [Wang Zudi, 1530s–1590s], who was fond of
antique things and an able poet, a man of Zhongzhou.
Signature: 其昌
Date: 壬寅臘日
on the day of the la festival in the renyin year [January 22, 1603]
Seals: none
5. Chen Suoyun 陳所蘊 (1543–1626)
Ink on paper. Sheet 2, right.
12 columns, running script
The former collection of Warden Gu Ruhe [Gu Congyi, 1523–1588] included two pictures by Li
Longmian [L Gonglin], The Xiao-Xiang River and The Shu River, both of which are praised as
works of the divine class. The Xiao-Xiang River reverted to me, and I exchanged it with Wu Ting,
[courtesy-name] Yongqing, for an ancient bronze tripod, which I have not been able to stop
regretting to this day. I do not know into whose hands The Shu River initially fell, but it circulated
around, being sold and resold, until it too reverted to Yongqing [see Collector Seals 3, below].
This year Yongqing brought [the painting] to Shanghai, where I acquired it for eighty [taels of]
gold…. In the jiaping [twelfth] lunar month of the wushen year in the Wanli reign period
[January 6–February 3, 1609], colophon [written by] Chen Suoyun, [known as] Ziyoufu, of
Signature: 陳所蘊子有父
Chen Suoyun, Ziyou fu
Date: 萬曆戊申嘉帄月
twelfth lunar month of the wushen year in the Wanli reign period [January
6–February 3, 1609]
Seals: (2)21
Chen Suoyun yin『陳所蘊印』(square intaglio)
Chen shi Ziyou『陳氏子有』(square intaglio)
6. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703)
Ink on paper. Sheet 2, left.
13 columns, small standard script
In the spring of the jiaxu year [1694], I acquired Dream Journey on the Xiao-Xiang River and,
combining it with the present scroll, I happily composed a long song and inscribed it at the end
[see Colophon 8]. In the ninth lunar-month of that year, I received an imperial command to go
north, and I spent [the next] three years in the capital, half the time on campaign beyond the
frontier.22 In the ninth lunar-month of the dingchou year [October 15–November 13, 1697], I
requested leave and returned home to the south, opening and viewing [this scroll] for the first
time aboard the boat. In the tenth lunar-month, when I arrived at the Gate of Wu [Suzhou], I met
Gu Weiyue, who told me, ―Traveling this summer in Hanjiang [modern Yangzhou], I acquired
the frontispiece and colophon [sections] of The Shu River. And having bought them for you, I
have waited to attend on you.‖ So I gladly asked to see [the texts], and the two [above] colophons
by Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang] were among them. In spring of the wuyin year [1698], I had
the [colophons] mounted to the end [of the painting] and, though I again wanted to compose a
poem to commemorate the occasion, I held back out of circumspection. On a frosty morning at
the beginning of the tenth lunar-month in the jimao year [late November 1699], the
chrysanthemums by the hedge are still fragrant, and as I happened to recall [these events], fearing
that this fine story might be forever lost, I have recorded it at the end of the scroll. If not for
divine protection, how could these colophons be separated [from the painting] for some thirty or
forty years, and later come to be made whole? [The course of] human lives [fluctuates] between
heaven and earth, and time after time our meetings and partings, separations and reunions, give
cause to sigh. May those who later view [this scroll], please treasure it greatly [that it may]
forever preserve this episode of providential destiny. As for the small standard script on the
painting, it is definitely the writing of Mi [Fu], and the assertion of Wenmin [Dong Qichang, see
Colophon 1] that it was written by Boshi [Li Gonglin] does not show discernment. Shi Laiyi ren,
Gao Shiqi, Zhuchuang of Zheshang.
Signature: 侍萊衣人高士奇竹窗
Shi Laiyi ren Gao Shiqi, Zhuchuang
Date: 己卯十月
tenth lunar-month in the jimao year [November 21–December 20, 1699]
Seals: (3)
Jiangcun Shiqi zhi zhang『江村士奇之章』(square intaglio)
Bu yi sangong yi ci ri『不以三公易此日』(square relief)
Hao zhuangxin qian yunian『耗壯心遣餘年』(rectangle intaglio)
7. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796) Ink on brown
paper. Sheet 3. Painting: flowering branch of plum.
Nine characters, running script.
Final month of summer in the bingyin year [July 18–August 16, 1746], made by the Emperor in
the Pavilion of Tranquil Ease.
Signature: 御
the emperor
Date: 丙寅季夏
In the final month of summer in the bingyin year [July 18–August 16,
Seals: (2)
Qianlong chenhan 乾隆宸翰 (square relief) – following signature – (3/3)
Jixia linchi『幾暇臨池』(square intaglio) – lower right
8. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703)
Ink on paper. Sheet 4, right and middle.
21 columns, standard script; plus 2 columns, small standard script; plus 16 columns, small
standard script. Poem (48x7), plus postscript.
古來繪事以人重,龍眠居士邁等常,精神每[於]每 23萬物會,天機發處何洋洋。有時適興寫山
頓使至者得道路,溪瀨如聞花藥香,蠅頭細楷法遒勁,山名 24水號注且詳。
[下註]: 刪『嶾嶙』二句。
[後註]: 《瀟湘圖》亦有王延世印記,或二卷原在王處也。
[Poem not translated.] As The Shu River by Longmian [Li Gonglin, ca. 1049–1106] has been in
my collection for more than twenty years, I am generally familiar with it, but because it was
missing its colophons, I did not realize how important it is. Recently I acquired the Dream
Journey on the Xiao-Xiang River, which bears a colophon by Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang, 1555–
1636] that says: ―Secretary Gu [Congyi] of Shanghai had four famous handscrolls in his collection,
namely the Admonitions of the Instructress by Gu Kaizhi [ca. 345–406], The Shu River and Nine
Songs by Li Boshi [Li Gonglin], and this picture The Xiao-Xiang River. The Admonitions is in the collection Xiang [Yuanbian, 1525–1590] of Zuili, the Nine Songs is in my
collection, the Xiao-Xiang River is in the collection of Vice Commissioner Chen Ziyou [Chen
Suoyun, 1543–1626], and The Shu River is in the collection of General Wang Siyan [Wang
Yanshi, late 16th–early 17th century] of Yangxin, and they are all rare masterpieces.‖ Looking at
The Shu River with this [colophon in mind], as it does in fact bear the seal impressions of a Wang
Yanshi, he must then be [the person] that Wenmin [Dong Qichang] calls Wang Siyan. Also, the
small seal [reading] Yongcun zhenmi that is impressed on the paper joins of both scrolls must be
that of Secreatary Gu [Congyi]. When I was previously in the capital, I saw the painting Mountain
Villa by Longmian [Li Gonglin], on which the names of every hill and gully are written in
miniature standard script just as on The Shu River. … On the third day of the second lunar-month
in jiaxu, thirty-third year of the Kangxi reign period [February 26, 1694]…written in the Jianjing
Studio by Jiangcun Gao Shiqi.
Signature: 江村高士奇
Jiangcun Gao Shiqi
Date: 康熙三十三年甲戌二月三日
On the third day of the second lunar-month in jiaxu, thirty-third year of the
Kangxi reign period [February 26, 1694]
Seals: (5)
Xiaoran zifang wu’er wuming『蕭然自放兀爾無名』(rectangle intaglio) –
right, middle
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – right, lower middle – (2/2) Shiqi『士奇
』(square relief) – following signature, one of pair Gao Danren『高
澹人』(square intaglio) – following signature, one of pair Gao zhanshi『高詹事』(square intaglio)
9. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1704)
Ink on paper. Sheet 4, left.
5 columns, standard script. Prose, plus two poems (each 4x7).
I am traveling by boat between Nanyang and Xiazhen [both in southwest Shandong Province],
and the river’s current is swift and clear, for this is where all the waters of the Zou-Yi district
gather. Though the seasons are proceeding in sequence toward the beginning [of a new year],
there is still plenty of autumn color. I unrolled the handscroll of The Shu River by Longmian [Li
Gonglin], and inscribed it again at the end with two quatrains: [poems not translated].
Twentyseventh day of the ninth lunar-month in the dingchou year of the Kangxi reign period, and
already the third day after Establishing Winter [November 10, 1697], Gao Shiqi, [known as]
Signature: 高竹窗士奇
Gao Zhuchuang Shiqi
Date: 時康熙丁丑九月廿七日,已立冬三日矣
Twenty-seventh day of the ninth lunar-month in the dingchou year of the
Kangxi reign period, and already the third day after Establishing Winter
[November 10, 1697].
Seals: (2)
Shiqi tushu『士奇圖書』(rectangle intaglio) – (1/2)
Jiangcun『江邨』(rectangle relief)
10. Ding Guanpeng 丁觀鵬 (active ca. 1740–1768)
Ink on white paper. Sheet 5. Painting; moonlit riverscape.
Inscription: 7 columns, standard script.
The Shu River by Li Gonglin is one of the Simeiju (Four Beauties Complete) of the imperial
collection.25 With a single glance, the viewer takes in a thousand li of rivers and mountains, as
one after another all the famous sites and fabled lands [appear before one’s eyes] in the time it
takes to point and look. …. Inept and inferior, your servant received the imperial command to
paint a landscape at the end of the scroll. But as there was no way he could copy the layered cliffs
and the great flood [of the river], he has humbly followed the poetic intent [of the lines] in Du
Date: 時康熙丁丑九月廿七日,已立冬三日矣
Twenty-seventh day of the ninth lunar-month in the dingchou year of the
Kangxi reign period, and already the third day after Establishing Winter
[November 10, 1697].
Seals: (2)
Shiqi tushu『士奇圖書』(rectangle intaglio) – (1/2)
Jiangcun『江邨』(rectangle relief)
10. Ding Guanpeng 丁觀鵬 (active ca. 1740–1768)
Ink on white paper. Sheet 5. Painting; moonlit riverscape.
Inscription: 7 columns, standard script.
The Shu River by Li Gonglin is one of the Simeiju (Four Beauties Complete) of the imperial
collection.25 With a single glance, the viewer takes in a thousand li of rivers and mountains, as
one after another all the famous sites and fabled lands [appear before one’s eyes] in the time it
takes to point and look. …. Inept and inferior, your servant received the imperial command to
paint a landscape at the end of the scroll. But as there was no way he could copy the layered cliffs
and the great flood [of the river], he has humbly followed the poetic intent [of the lines] in Du
1796), 李公麟《蜀川圖》。內府鑒定珍藏。上上,神品。
The River of Shu, by Li Gonglin. Authenticated treasure in the collection of the Imperial
Household. Best of the best, [a work of] the divine category.
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: (4)
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – (1/4)
Shenpin『神品』(linked square relief seals) – (1/2)
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square relief) – (1/3)
Qinwen zhi xi『欽文之璽』(circle relief)
Frontispiece: Ren Daoxun 任道遜 (1422–1503)
One sheet light-gray paper; creased and damaged. With additional inscription by the
Qianlong emperor. Dimensions: W 95.2 cm (37-1/2 in)
Four horizontal characters, plus five vertical characters, standard script.
Scenery of the Shu River. Written by Bayi Daoren [Daoist of the Eight-in-One].
Signature: 八一道人
Bayi daoren [Daoist of the Eight-in-One]
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Kecheng『克誠』(square relief)
Inscription: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–96)
5 columns, running script. Two poems (each: 4x7)
[Poems not translated].1
Inscribed by the Emperor in the eleventh lunar-month of the xinhai year
[November 26–December 24, 1791].
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 辛亥仲冬月
in the eleventh lunar-month of the xinhai year [November 26–December
24, 1791]
Seals: (2)
Bazheng maonian『八徵耄念』(square intaglio)
Ziqiang bu xi『自彊不息』(square relief)
Inscription 1: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 1, top. Text written in light-red ruled-line box.5
16 columns, running-standard script.
Extending over the length of Li Gonglin’s The Shu River is a landscape of ten-thousand li that
[lets the viewer] completely transcend the marks left by brush and ink and roam at large with the
Creator. In the inscription by Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang, 1555–1636] on Gonglin’s XiaoXiang
River, he states that [it and] this scroll, together with the Nine Songs, and the Admonitions of the
Instructress by Gu Kaizhi [ca. 345–406], were the [four] best among the famous scrolls collected
by Gu [Congyi, 1523–1588] of the Secreatriat.6 After him, [the painting] circulated and was
passed around as set forth in detail in the colophons by Chen Suoyun and others [see below].
In Dong [Qichang’s] colophon, he refers to General Wang Siyan’s acquisition of the scroll as a
―homecoming.‖ As all [four of Gu Congyi’s paintings] have now entered Our private collection,
how can that previous ―homecoming‖ [of two scrolls] compare to this? What a pity that We
cannot bring Xiangguang [Dong Qichang] back to life and command him rewrite his statement.
Inscribed by Emperor Qianlong.
Signature: 乾隆御
Emperor Qianlong
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍秘』(square relief) – (1/4) – preceding inscription
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』(square intaglio) – (1/3) – preceding inscription
Qianlong『乾』『隆』(linked circle/square relief) – following inscription
Inscription 2: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 2, top. Text written in light-green ruled-line box.7
83 columns, running-standard script. Eight poems by Du Fu 杜甫 (712–770), plus
[Poems not transcribed.]9 杜陵《秋興八首》,蓋在蜀中時作也。近得李龍眠是圖,古跡歷
[Poems not translated.]10 The Autumn Meditations, eight poems, by [Du Fu] of Duling were
probably written during his time in Shu [Sichuan]. We recently acquired this picture by Li
Longmian [Li Gonglin, ca. 1049–1107], on which all the ancient sites can be clearly enumerated.,
and We imagined Old Du [Fu] in a riverside pavilion wielding his brush. As Our pleasure in this
was not slight, We transcribed his poems onto the picture to record these two exceptional [works
together]. Four days before tianzhong [fifth day of the fifth lunar-month]11 in the bingyin year of
the Qianlong reign period [June 19, 1746], written by the Emperor.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 乾隆丙寅天中前四日
four days before tianzhong [fifth day of the fifth lunar-month] in the
bingyin year of the Qianlong reign period [June 19, 1746]
Seals: (3)
Zhonghe『中和』(oval relief) – preceding inscription
Tianfu zhencang『天府珍藏』(rectangle intaglio) – following inscription
De jiaqu『得佳趣』(square intaglio) – (1/2) – following inscription
Inscription 3: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 4, top. Text writen in light-blue ruled-line box.12
53 columns, running script. Poem (58x7).
* 李戎亦有《蜀江圖》,見王穉登跋語中。
[Poem not translated.] On the first day of the mid-summer month in the bingyin year of the Qianlong
reign period [June 19, 1746], inscribed the Emperor in the Yangxin Pavilion.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 乾隆丙寅仲夏朔
on the first day of the mid-summer month in the bingyin year of the
Qianlong reign period [June 19, 1746]
Seals: (4)
Shenpin『神』『品』(linked square relief ) – (2/2) – preceding inscription
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – (2/4) – following inscription
Langrun『朗潤』(square intaglio) – following inscription
Qianlong chenhan『乾隆宸翰』(square relief) – (2/3) – following inscription
Inscription 4: Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Sheet 5, top. Text writen in light-blue ruled-line box.13
65 columns, running script. Poem (irregular meter), plus postscript.
Hard is the Road to Shu, using the rhymes of Li Bai.
15 [Poem not translated.]
From reading [Li] Taibai’s poem, We previously had the idea that the road to Shu [Sichuan] was
the most perilous territory known to man, but in the last couple of years We have employed Our
military in the Jinchuan [region of western Sichuan], where the terrain is so much more perilous
[than in the poem] that one looks back upon the ―sky ladders‖ of Sword Gate [Pass] as just a
smooth and level path. From reports to the throne [sent] by Assistant Grand Secretary, the Loyal
and Brave Duke, Fuheng, We formed an overall impression [of its topography], and fêting him
upon his triumphant return, We commanded him to describe it all in minute detail, [which he did
so realistically] that it felt as if We had personally undertaken [the journey], and immediately
[made the above poem] using the rhymes of [Li] Bai to record it.16 If [Li] Bai were to read this,
he would suddenly feel as if he had never witnessed any hardships at all on the road to Shu. As
We were just now looking over this picture by Longmian [Li Gonglin], We forthwith recorded
Our poem upon it. Although all the sites along the River of Ba [Sichuan] are labeled in order on
the scroll, it does not reach to the steep and hidden places beyond the border [where the recent
campaign took place]. What a pity We cannot bring Longmian back to life to add a depiction of
Our poem! Five days after changzhi [summer solstice] in the jisi year of the Qianlong reign
period [June 27, 1749], inscribed by the Emperor.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 乾隆己已長至後五日
five days after changzhi [summer solstice] in the jisi year of the Qianlong
reign period [June 27, 1749]
Seals: (2)
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』(square intaglio) – (2/3)
De jiaqu『得佳趣』(square intaglio) – (2/2)
Colophons: (10) – One strip of yellow figured silk (Mounting silk 5). Plus five sheets of paper
(Note: Sheet 1 has an additional strip of paper joined at left). Ten items: eight written colophons;
plus one small imperial painting; plus one other painting with inscription.
Mounting silk 5: 1 colophon
Sheet 1: W 66.8 cm (26 5/16 in) white paper 3 colophons
Sheet 2: W 79.7 cm (31 3/8 in) white paper 2 colophons
Sheet 3: W 12.3 cm (4 13/16 in) brown paper Qianlong painting
Sheet 4: W 120.1 cm (47 5/16 in) white paper 2 colophons
Sheet 5: W 106.6 cm (41 15/16 in) white paper painting with inscription
1. Dong Qichang 董其昌 (1555–1636)
Ink on silk; written directly on Mounting silk 5.
4 columns, standard script.
While the painting by Longmian [Li Gonglin] is indeed meticulously rendered, I am especially
enamored of his miniature ―fly’s head‖ calligraphy. As one unrolls the scroll, all along its length
[are short texts] written in the style of script used for placards and signboards, from which one
understands what is meant by ―writing small calligraphy just like large calligraphy.‖ Some say
that this is the brushwork of Mi Yuanzhang [Mi Fu, 1042–1107]; however, the Record [of
calligraphy in the imperial collection, compiled during the] Xuanhe Era praises the calligraphy of
Boshi [Li Gonglin] as being close to that of the Wei and Jin dynasties [220–420], so why must
the calligraphy that Boshi inscribed on paintings routinely be attributed to Haiyue [Mi Fu]?
Inscribed by Dong Qichang upon viewing [the painting].
Signature: 董其昌
Dong Qichang
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Dong Xuanzai『董玄宰』(square relief/intaglio)
2. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796)
Ink on paper. Sheet 1, right.
5 columns, small standard script.
The two colophons by Dong Xiangguang [Dong Qichang, see Colophons 1 and 4] are bright and
sleek and have a glowing look, so they were obviously treasured. Gao Shiqi [see Colophons 6
and 8] says that they were lost at first and later recovered, and that ―in the spring of the wuyin
year [1698], [he] had them mounted at the end [of the painting].‖ And he also says that in looking
[at the painting], ―it does in fact bear the seal impressions of a Wang Yanshi,‖ and ―the small
seal [reading] Yongcun zhenmi is located on the paper joins.‖ In looking now at these two seals,
as they are impressed exactly on the join [between the painting] and Dong’s [first] colophon,
how can Gao say that they were lost and recovered and that he had them remounted?18 In winter
of the xinyin year [1751], when We unrolled the scroll again and read through the two colophons
by [Gao] Shiqi, We had doubts that there is any substance [to his claims], and have therefore
casually written this. On the first day of the tenth lunar-month [November 18], inscribed by the
Emperor in the Pavilion of Tranquil Ease.
Signature: 御
the Emperor
Date: 辛未冬…十月朔日
winter of the xinwei year…on the first day in the tenth lunar month
[November 18, 1751]
Seals: (2)
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍秘』(square relief) – (2/4)
Jixia yiqing『幾暇怡情』(square intaglio) – (3/3)
3. Wang Zhideng 王穉登 (1535–1612)
Ink on paper. Sheet 1, middle.
11 columns, standard with some running script; plus 2 columns, small standard script
[Translation forthcoming.] On the fifth day of the first [decade] in the third lunar-month of the jiawu
year [April 24, 1594], inscribed on a boat at Tiger Hill [outside Suzhou, Jiangsu Province], Wang
Signature: 王穉登
Wang Zhideng
Date: 甲午三月初五日
on the fifth day of the first [decade] in the third lunar month of the jiawu
year [April 24, 1594]
Seals: (1)
Wang Zhideng yin『王穉登印』(square intaglio)
4. Dong Qichang 董其昌 (1555–1636)
Ink on paper. Sheet 1, left.
3 columns, running script; plus 1 column, small standard script.
[旁註]: 思延乃宮諭王師竹先生子,好古能詩,中州人。
I acquired this scroll from Mister Gu [Congyi, 1523–1588] of Shanghai, and pass it now into the
hands of General Siyan [Wang Yanshi, late 16th–early 17th century],19 which is a homecoming,
indeed! On the day of the la festival in the renyin year [January 22, 1603],20 written on viewing
[the scroll] again, [Dong] Qichang.
[Side note:] Siyan is the son of Mister Wang Shizhu [Wang Zudi, 1530s–1590s], who was fond of
antique things and an able poet, a man of Zhongzhou.
Signature: 其昌
Date: 壬寅臘日
on the day of the la festival in the renyin year [January 22, 1603]
Seals: none
5. Chen Suoyun 陳所蘊 (1543–1626)
Ink on paper. Sheet 2, right.
12 columns, running script
The former collection of Warden Gu Ruhe [Gu Congyi, 1523–1588] included two pictures by Li
Longmian [L Gonglin], The Xiao-Xiang River and The Shu River, both of which are praised as
works of the divine class. The Xiao-Xiang River reverted to me, and I exchanged it with Wu Ting,
[courtesy-name] Yongqing, for an ancient bronze tripod, which I have not been able to stop
regretting to this day. I do not know into whose hands The Shu River initially fell, but it circulated
around, being sold and resold, until it too reverted to Yongqing [see Collector Seals 3, below].
This year Yongqing brought [the painting] to Shanghai, where I acquired it for eighty [taels of]
gold…. In the jiaping [twelfth] lunar month of the wushen year in the Wanli reign period
[January 6–February 3, 1609], colophon [written by] Chen Suoyun, [known as] Ziyoufu, of
Signature: 陳所蘊子有父
Chen Suoyun, Ziyou fu
Date: 萬曆戊申嘉帄月
twelfth lunar month of the wushen year in the Wanli reign period [January
6–February 3, 1609]
Seals: (2)21
Chen Suoyun yin『陳所蘊印』(square intaglio)
Chen shi Ziyou『陳氏子有』(square intaglio)
6. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703)
Ink on paper. Sheet 2, left.
13 columns, small standard script
In the spring of the jiaxu year [1694], I acquired Dream Journey on the Xiao-Xiang River and,
combining it with the present scroll, I happily composed a long song and inscribed it at the end
[see Colophon 8]. In the ninth lunar-month of that year, I received an imperial command to go
north, and I spent [the next] three years in the capital, half the time on campaign beyond the
frontier.22 In the ninth lunar-month of the dingchou year [October 15–November 13, 1697], I
requested leave and returned home to the south, opening and viewing [this scroll] for the first
time aboard the boat. In the tenth lunar-month, when I arrived at the Gate of Wu [Suzhou], I met
Gu Weiyue, who told me, ―Traveling this summer in Hanjiang [modern Yangzhou], I acquired
the frontispiece and colophon [sections] of The Shu River. And having bought them for you, I
have waited to attend on you.‖ So I gladly asked to see [the texts], and the two [above] colophons
by Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang] were among them. In spring of the wuyin year [1698], I had
the [colophons] mounted to the end [of the painting] and, though I again wanted to compose a
poem to commemorate the occasion, I held back out of circumspection. On a frosty morning at
the beginning of the tenth lunar-month in the jimao year [late November 1699], the
chrysanthemums by the hedge are still fragrant, and as I happened to recall [these events], fearing
that this fine story might be forever lost, I have recorded it at the end of the scroll. If not for
divine protection, how could these colophons be separated [from the painting] for some thirty or
forty years, and later come to be made whole? [The course of] human lives [fluctuates] between
heaven and earth, and time after time our meetings and partings, separations and reunions, give
cause to sigh. May those who later view [this scroll], please treasure it greatly [that it may]
forever preserve this episode of providential destiny. As for the small standard script on the
painting, it is definitely the writing of Mi [Fu], and the assertion of Wenmin [Dong Qichang, see
Colophon 1] that it was written by Boshi [Li Gonglin] does not show discernment. Shi Laiyi ren,
Gao Shiqi, Zhuchuang of Zheshang.
Signature: 侍萊衣人高士奇竹窗
Shi Laiyi ren Gao Shiqi, Zhuchuang
Date: 己卯十月
tenth lunar-month in the jimao year [November 21–December 20, 1699]
Seals: (3)
Jiangcun Shiqi zhi zhang『江村士奇之章』(square intaglio)
Bu yi sangong yi ci ri『不以三公易此日』(square relief)
Hao zhuangxin qian yunian『耗壯心遣餘年』(rectangle intaglio)
7. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796) Ink on brown
paper. Sheet 3. Painting: flowering branch of plum.
Nine characters, running script.
Final month of summer in the bingyin year [July 18–August 16, 1746], made by the Emperor in
the Pavilion of Tranquil Ease.
Signature: 御
the emperor
Date: 丙寅季夏
In the final month of summer in the bingyin year [July 18–August 16,
Seals: (2)
Qianlong chenhan 乾隆宸翰 (square relief) – following signature – (3/3)
Jixia linchi『幾暇臨池』(square intaglio) – lower right
8. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703)
Ink on paper. Sheet 4, right and middle.
21 columns, standard script; plus 2 columns, small standard script; plus 16 columns, small
standard script. Poem (48x7), plus postscript.
古來繪事以人重,龍眠居士邁等常,精神每[於]每 23萬物會,天機發處何洋洋。有時適興寫山
頓使至者得道路,溪瀨如聞花藥香,蠅頭細楷法遒勁,山名 24水號注且詳。
[下註]: 刪『嶾嶙』二句。
[後註]: 《瀟湘圖》亦有王延世印記,或二卷原在王處也。
[Poem not translated.] As The Shu River by Longmian [Li Gonglin, ca. 1049–1106] has been in
my collection for more than twenty years, I am generally familiar with it, but because it was
missing its colophons, I did not realize how important it is. Recently I acquired the Dream
Journey on the Xiao-Xiang River, which bears a colophon by Dong Wenmin [Dong Qichang, 1555–
1636] that says: ―Secretary Gu [Congyi] of Shanghai had four famous handscrolls in his collection,
namely the Admonitions of the Instructress by Gu Kaizhi [ca. 345–406], The Shu River and Nine
Songs by Li Boshi [Li Gonglin], and this picture The Xiao-Xiang River. The Admonitions is in the collection Xiang [Yuanbian, 1525–1590] of Zuili, the Nine Songs is in my
collection, the Xiao-Xiang River is in the collection of Vice Commissioner Chen Ziyou [Chen
Suoyun, 1543–1626], and The Shu River is in the collection of General Wang Siyan [Wang
Yanshi, late 16th–early 17th century] of Yangxin, and they are all rare masterpieces.‖ Looking at
The Shu River with this [colophon in mind], as it does in fact bear the seal impressions of a Wang
Yanshi, he must then be [the person] that Wenmin [Dong Qichang] calls Wang Siyan. Also, the
small seal [reading] Yongcun zhenmi that is impressed on the paper joins of both scrolls must be
that of Secreatary Gu [Congyi]. When I was previously in the capital, I saw the painting Mountain
Villa by Longmian [Li Gonglin], on which the names of every hill and gully are written in
miniature standard script just as on The Shu River. … On the third day of the second lunar-month
in jiaxu, thirty-third year of the Kangxi reign period [February 26, 1694]…written in the Jianjing
Studio by Jiangcun Gao Shiqi.
Signature: 江村高士奇
Jiangcun Gao Shiqi
Date: 康熙三十三年甲戌二月三日
On the third day of the second lunar-month in jiaxu, thirty-third year of the
Kangxi reign period [February 26, 1694]
Seals: (5)
Xiaoran zifang wu’er wuming『蕭然自放兀爾無名』(rectangle intaglio) –
right, middle
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – right, lower middle – (2/2) Shiqi『士奇
』(square relief) – following signature, one of pair Gao Danren『高
澹人』(square intaglio) – following signature, one of pair Gao zhanshi『高詹事』(square intaglio)
9. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1704)
Ink on paper. Sheet 4, left.
5 columns, standard script. Prose, plus two poems (each 4x7).
I am traveling by boat between Nanyang and Xiazhen [both in southwest Shandong Province],
and the river’s current is swift and clear, for this is where all the waters of the Zou-Yi district
gather. Though the seasons are proceeding in sequence toward the beginning [of a new year],
there is still plenty of autumn color. I unrolled the handscroll of The Shu River by Longmian [Li
Gonglin], and inscribed it again at the end with two quatrains: [poems not translated].
Twentyseventh day of the ninth lunar-month in the dingchou year of the Kangxi reign period, and
already the third day after Establishing Winter [November 10, 1697], Gao Shiqi, [known as]
Signature: 高竹窗士奇
Gao Zhuchuang Shiqi
Date: 時康熙丁丑九月廿七日,已立冬三日矣
Twenty-seventh day of the ninth lunar-month in the dingchou year of the
Kangxi reign period, and already the third day after Establishing Winter
[November 10, 1697].
Seals: (2)
Shiqi tushu『士奇圖書』(rectangle intaglio) – (1/2)
Jiangcun『江邨』(rectangle relief)
10. Ding Guanpeng 丁觀鵬 (active ca. 1740–1768)
Ink on white paper. Sheet 5. Painting; moonlit riverscape.
Inscription: 7 columns, standard script.
The Shu River by Li Gonglin is one of the Simeiju (Four Beauties Complete) of the imperial
collection.25 With a single glance, the viewer takes in a thousand li of rivers and mountains, as
one after another all the famous sites and fabled lands [appear before one’s eyes] in the time it
takes to point and look. …. Inept and inferior, your servant received the imperial command to
paint a landscape at the end of the scroll. But as there was no way he could copy the layered cliffs
and the great flood [of the river], he has humbly followed the poetic intent [of the lines] in Du
Date: 時康熙丁丑九月廿七日,已立冬三日矣
Twenty-seventh day of the ninth lunar-month in the dingchou year of the
Kangxi reign period, and already the third day after Establishing Winter
[November 10, 1697].
Seals: (2)
Shiqi tushu『士奇圖書』(rectangle intaglio) – (1/2)
Jiangcun『江邨』(rectangle relief)
10. Ding Guanpeng 丁觀鵬 (active ca. 1740–1768)
Ink on white paper. Sheet 5. Painting; moonlit riverscape.
Inscription: 7 columns, standard script.
The Shu River by Li Gonglin is one of the Simeiju (Four Beauties Complete) of the imperial
collection.25 With a single glance, the viewer takes in a thousand li of rivers and mountains, as
one after another all the famous sites and fabled lands [appear before one’s eyes] in the time it
takes to point and look. …. Inept and inferior, your servant received the imperial command to
paint a landscape at the end of the scroll. But as there was no way he could copy the layered cliffs
and the great flood [of the river], he has humbly followed the poetic intent [of the lines] in Du
95 Total
1. Gu Congyi 顧從義 (1523–1588) – (7) – maybe his?27
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, bottom – (1/7)
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, middle –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, bottom –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, bottom –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join , bottom –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, middle –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, bottom –
2. Wang Yanshi 王延世 (late 16th–early 17th century) – (3)
Wang Yanshi yin『王延世印』(square intaglio) – frontispiece, lower right
Wang Yanshi yin『王延世印』(square relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, middle – (1/2)
Wang Yanshi yin『王延世印』(square relief) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, top – (2/2)
3. Wu Ting 吳廷 (ca. 1555–after 1626) – (4)
Yuqingzhai tushu yin『餘清齋圖書印』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 3, bottom
Wu Ting shu yin『吳廷書印』(square relief) – mounting silk 3, bottom
Wu Ting『吳廷』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Wu Ting zhi yin『吳廷之印』(square relief) – painting, lower left
4. Chen Suoyun 陳所蘊 (1543–1626) – (2)28
Chen Suoyun yin『陳所蘊印』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right
Chen shi Ziyou『陳氏子有』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right
5. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703) – (27)
Zhongxiao zhi jia『忠孝之家』(square relief)
– frontispiece, upper right corner
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之印』
(rectangle intaglio) – frontispiece, lower right – (1/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 3 – (1/3) Qingyintang
『清吟堂』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Jiangcun『江邨』(gourd relief) – painting, upper right
Shiqi tushu『士奇圖書』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, mid right – (2/2)
Jiangcun micang『江邨祕藏』(square relief) – painting, mid right
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right – (2/3)
Beishu『北墅』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, top – (1/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, bottom – (1/5)
Danren『澹人』(square relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, top
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, middle – (2/5)
Gao Shiqi『高士奇』(square relief) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, top – (1/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, bottom – (3/5)
Beishu『北墅』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join, top – (2/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join, top – (4/5)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, top – (5/5)
Gao Shiqi『高士奇』(square relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, bottom – (2/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief)
– painting, upper left – (1/2)
Gao Shiqi tushu ji『高士奇圖書記』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower left – (1/2)
Langruntang yin『朗潤堂印』(square intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, bottom
Gao Shiqi tushu ji『高士奇圖書記』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 5, lower left – (2/2)
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin 『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之印』
(rectangle intaglio) – colophons, sheet 1, lower right – (2/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(square intaglio) – colophons, sheet 1, lower right –
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – colophons, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, top
Yixiang kan shi Lao Laiyi『一鄉看侍老萊衣』(square intaglio) – colophons, sheet
1/strip/sheet 2 join, bottom
Gao shi Qingyintang jiancang shuhua『高氏清吟堂鑒藏書畫』(square relief) –
colophons, sheet 1/strip/sheet 2 join, bottom
6. Gao Dai 高岱 (late 17th–early 18th century) – (1)
Kuang’an『曠菴』(square relief) – mounting silk 5, lower left
7. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796) – (37)
Wufuwudaitang guxi tianzi bao『五福五代堂古稀天子寶』(square relief) – mounting silk
1, top – (1/2)
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief) – mounting silk 1, middle (1/2)
Qingxin shu miao li『清心抒妙理』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 1/frontispiece join
– (1/2)
Feiyue tianji shi『飛躍天機適』(square intaglio) – frontispiece/mounting silk 2 join, top
Qinshu daoqu sheng『琷書道趣生』(square relief) – frontispiece/mounting silk 2 join, bottom
Qianren tianshou『乾人天壽』(square relief) – mounting silk 2, top
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief)
– mounting silk 2, middle
Simei ju『四美具』(oval relief) 32
– mounting silk 2/mounting silk 3 join
Shou『壽』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 2/mounting silk 3 join
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍秘』(square relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, top – (3/4)
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1, upper right
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1, mid right
Yi zi sun『宜子孫』(square intaglio) – painting, sheet 1, mid right
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – painting, sheet 1, top right – (1/2)
Gu xi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting, sheet 1, top, right of inscription 1 Yanlu『
研露』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, top
Yunxia si『雲霞思』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, top – (1/2)
Taishang huangdi zhi bao『太上皇帝之寶』(square relief) – painting, sheet 4, right top
Jigu youwen zhi xi『稽古右文之璽』(square intaglio) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, top –
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join, top – (3/4)
Shiqu jijian『石渠繼鑑』(square relief) – painting, sheet 5, left of inscription 4
Qianlong yushang『乾隆御賞』(square relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, top – (1/2)
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief) – painting, sheet 6, middle top –
Wufuwudaitang guxi tianzi bao『五福五代堂古稀天子寶』(square relief) – painting,
sheet 6, left top – (2/2)
Qianlong jianshang『乾隆鑑賞』(circle intaglio) – painting, left, top
Neifu shuhua zhi bao『內府書畫之寶』(square intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join
top – (1/2)
Qingxin shu miao li『清心抒妙理』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 5/colophon join,
middle – (2/2)
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍祕』(square relief) – colophons, sheet 1/strip join, bottom - (4/4)
Qianlong yushang『乾隆御賞』(square relief) – colophons, strip/sheet 2 join, top – (2/2)
Youliu yipu『游六藝圃』(rectangle relief) – colophons, sheet 2/QL painting join, middle
Yunxia si『雲霞思』(rectangle relief) – colophons, QL painting/sheet 4 join, top – (2/2) Jigu
youwen zhi xi『稽古右文之璽』(square intaglio) – colophons, QL painting/sheet 4 join,
bottom – (2/2)
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – colophons, sheet 4/DGP painting join, top – (4/4) Neifu
shuhua zhi bao『內府書畫之寶』(square intaglio) – colophons, sheet 4//DGP painting join,
bottom – (2/3)
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – colophons, DGP painting, left top
– (2/2)
Guangbi simen cong『廣闢四門聰』(rectangle relief) – colophons, left of DGP inscription
Taoye xingling『陶冶性靈』(square relief) – colophons, left of DGP inscription
8. Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927) – (1)
Jingxian cengguan『景賢曾觀』(rectangle relief) – left of Ding Guanpeng painting
9. Unidentified– (9) – all pre-Qianlong33
x-li tushu『□李圖書』(square relief, left half) – painting, upper right
Xihu『西湖』(square relief) – painting, mid right
Bo zhengzhong『薄正中』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right edge – (reading uncertain)
Ciyuan『次淵』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Yeyuan shangjian『也園賞鑒』(square intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, middle
Meihuo『梅壑』(oval intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, lower middle
Zisun bao zhi『子孫寶之』(square relief)– painting/mounting silk 4 join, lower middle
Neifeijie dierzhihui disandu zhi ji『內飛捷第二指揮第三都之記』(square relief) –
mounting silk 5/colophons join, top
Yi zi Changshu『一字長叔』(square relief) – mounting silk 5/colophons join, bottom
Mounter’s seal: (1) – Kinoshita Yokichi 木下与卲 (20th century)34
Kinoshita sakuhin『木下作品』(square intaglio) – far left end of scroll
1. Gu Congyi 顧從義 (1523–1588) – (7) – maybe his?27
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, bottom – (1/7)
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, middle –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, bottom –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, bottom –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join , bottom –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, middle –
Yongcun zhenmi『永存珍祕』(rectangle relief) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, bottom –
2. Wang Yanshi 王延世 (late 16th–early 17th century) – (3)
Wang Yanshi yin『王延世印』(square intaglio) – frontispiece, lower right
Wang Yanshi yin『王延世印』(square relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, middle – (1/2)
Wang Yanshi yin『王延世印』(square relief) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, top – (2/2)
3. Wu Ting 吳廷 (ca. 1555–after 1626) – (4)
Yuqingzhai tushu yin『餘清齋圖書印』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 3, bottom
Wu Ting shu yin『吳廷書印』(square relief) – mounting silk 3, bottom
Wu Ting『吳廷』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Wu Ting zhi yin『吳廷之印』(square relief) – painting, lower left
4. Chen Suoyun 陳所蘊 (1543–1626) – (2)28
Chen Suoyun yin『陳所蘊印』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right
Chen shi Ziyou『陳氏子有』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right
5. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703) – (27)
Zhongxiao zhi jia『忠孝之家』(square relief)
– frontispiece, upper right corner
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之印』
(rectangle intaglio) – frontispiece, lower right – (1/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 3 – (1/3) Qingyintang
『清吟堂』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Jiangcun『江邨』(gourd relief) – painting, upper right
Shiqi tushu『士奇圖書』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, mid right – (2/2)
Jiangcun micang『江邨祕藏』(square relief) – painting, mid right
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right – (2/3)
Beishu『北墅』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, top – (1/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, bottom – (1/5)
Danren『澹人』(square relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, top
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, middle – (2/5)
Gao Shiqi『高士奇』(square relief) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, top – (1/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, bottom – (3/5)
Beishu『北墅』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join, top – (2/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join, top – (4/5)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, top – (5/5)
Gao Shiqi『高士奇』(square relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, bottom – (2/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief)
– painting, upper left – (1/2)
Gao Shiqi tushu ji『高士奇圖書記』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower left – (1/2)
Langruntang yin『朗潤堂印』(square intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, bottom
Gao Shiqi tushu ji『高士奇圖書記』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 5, lower left – (2/2)
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin 『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之印』
(rectangle intaglio) – colophons, sheet 1, lower right – (2/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(square intaglio) – colophons, sheet 1, lower right –
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – colophons, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, top
Yixiang kan shi Lao Laiyi『一鄉看侍老萊衣』(square intaglio) – colophons, sheet
1/strip/sheet 2 join, bottom
Gao shi Qingyintang jiancang shuhua『高氏清吟堂鑒藏書畫』(square relief) –
colophons, sheet 1/strip/sheet 2 join, bottom
6. Gao Dai 高岱 (late 17th–early 18th century) – (1)
Kuang’an『曠菴』(square relief) – mounting silk 5, lower left
7. Hongli 弘曆, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reigned 1735–1796) – (37)
Wufuwudaitang guxi tianzi bao『五福五代堂古稀天子寶』(square relief) – mounting silk
1, top – (1/2)
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief) – mounting silk 1, middle (1/2)
Qingxin shu miao li『清心抒妙理』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 1/frontispiece join
– (1/2)
Feiyue tianji shi『飛躍天機適』(square intaglio) – frontispiece/mounting silk 2 join, top
Qinshu daoqu sheng『琷書道趣生』(square relief) – frontispiece/mounting silk 2 join, bottom
Qianren tianshou『乾人天壽』(square relief) – mounting silk 2, top
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief)
– mounting silk 2, middle
Simei ju『四美具』(oval relief) 32
– mounting silk 2/mounting silk 3 join
Shou『壽』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 2/mounting silk 3 join
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍秘』(square relief) – mounting silk 3/painting join, top – (3/4)
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1, upper right
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1, mid right
Yi zi sun『宜子孫』(square intaglio) – painting, sheet 1, mid right
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – painting, sheet 1, top right – (1/2)
Gu xi tianzi『古希天子』(circle relief) – painting, sheet 1, top, right of inscription 1 Yanlu『
研露』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 1/sheet 2 join, top
Yunxia si『雲霞思』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 2/sheet 3 join, top – (1/2)
Taishang huangdi zhi bao『太上皇帝之寶』(square relief) – painting, sheet 4, right top
Jigu youwen zhi xi『稽古右文之璽』(square intaglio) – painting, sheet 3/sheet 4 join, top –
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – painting, sheet 4/sheet 5 join, top – (3/4)
Shiqu jijian『石渠繼鑑』(square relief) – painting, sheet 5, left of inscription 4
Qianlong yushang『乾隆御賞』(square relief) – painting, sheet 5/sheet 6 join, top – (1/2)
Bazheng maonian zhi bao『八徵耄念之寶』(square relief) – painting, sheet 6, middle top –
Wufuwudaitang guxi tianzi bao『五福五代堂古稀天子寶』(square relief) – painting,
sheet 6, left top – (2/2)
Qianlong jianshang『乾隆鑑賞』(circle intaglio) – painting, left, top
Neifu shuhua zhi bao『內府書畫之寶』(square intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join
top – (1/2)
Qingxin shu miao li『清心抒妙理』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 5/colophon join,
middle – (2/2)
Neifu zhenmi『內府珍祕』(square relief) – colophons, sheet 1/strip join, bottom - (4/4)
Qianlong yushang『乾隆御賞』(square relief) – colophons, strip/sheet 2 join, top – (2/2)
Youliu yipu『游六藝圃』(rectangle relief) – colophons, sheet 2/QL painting join, middle
Yunxia si『雲霞思』(rectangle relief) – colophons, QL painting/sheet 4 join, top – (2/2) Jigu
youwen zhi xi『稽古右文之璽』(square intaglio) – colophons, QL painting/sheet 4 join,
bottom – (2/2)
Yushang『御賞』(rectangle relief) – colophons, sheet 4/DGP painting join, top – (4/4) Neifu
shuhua zhi bao『內府書畫之寶』(square intaglio) – colophons, sheet 4//DGP painting join,
bottom – (2/3)
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – colophons, DGP painting, left top
– (2/2)
Guangbi simen cong『廣闢四門聰』(rectangle relief) – colophons, left of DGP inscription
Taoye xingling『陶冶性靈』(square relief) – colophons, left of DGP inscription
8. Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927) – (1)
Jingxian cengguan『景賢曾觀』(rectangle relief) – left of Ding Guanpeng painting
9. Unidentified– (9) – all pre-Qianlong33
x-li tushu『□李圖書』(square relief, left half) – painting, upper right
Xihu『西湖』(square relief) – painting, mid right
Bo zhengzhong『薄正中』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right edge – (reading uncertain)
Ciyuan『次淵』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Yeyuan shangjian『也園賞鑒』(square intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, middle
Meihuo『梅壑』(oval intaglio) – painting/mounting silk 4 join, lower middle
Zisun bao zhi『子孫寶之』(square relief)– painting/mounting silk 4 join, lower middle
Neifeijie dierzhihui disandu zhi ji『內飛捷第二指揮第三都之記』(square relief) –
mounting silk 5/colophons join, top
Yi zi Changshu『一字長叔』(square relief) – mounting silk 5/colophons join, bottom
Mounter’s seal: (1) – Kinoshita Yokichi 木下与卲 (20th century)34
Kinoshita sakuhin『木下作品』(square intaglio) – far left end of scroll
Rights Holder
National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)
Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703). Jiangcun shuhua mu 江村書畫目 (1705). Reprint of 1816 edition.
Hong Kong: Longmen shudian, 1968. No pagination, under section ―Yongcun miwan
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Zhang Zhao 張照 (1691–1745) et al., comps. Shiqu baoji 石渠寶笈 (1745). Published jointly
with Midian zhulin 秘殿珠林 (1744). Facsimile reprint of 1918 ms. copy. 2 vols. Taibei:
National Palace Museum, 1971. Vol. 2, 1198–1202.
Hu Jing 胡敬 (1769–1845). Xiqing zhaji 西清劄記 (pref. 1816). China: n.p., n.d. 3:23b–24a.
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(plate 80) and 275. (re: Dong Qichang colophons)
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Zijincheng chubanshe, 2008. Pp. 29–49 and 75–79.
Hong Kong: Longmen shudian, 1968. No pagination, under section ―Yongcun miwan
shangshang shenpin‖ 永存秘玩上上神品, 1a.
Zhang Zhao 張照 (1691–1745) et al., comps. Shiqu baoji 石渠寶笈 (1745). Published jointly
with Midian zhulin 秘殿珠林 (1744). Facsimile reprint of 1918 ms. copy. 2 vols. Taibei:
National Palace Museum, 1971. Vol. 2, 1198–1202.
Hu Jing 胡敬 (1769–1845). Xiqing zhaji 西清劄記 (pref. 1816). China: n.p., n.d. 3:23b–24a.
Duanfang 端方 (1861–1911). Renyin xiaoxia lu 壬寅消夏錄 (pref. 1902). In Xuxiu Siku quanshu 續
修四庫全書. 1800 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1995–2002. Vol. 1089, 336–44.
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Traditionally attributed to Li Gonglin (傳)李公麟