The Yueyang Pavilion 岳陽樓圖
The Yueyang Pavilion 岳陽樓圖
Xia Yong 夏永
Label slip: Unidentified.
Pasted on cloth album cover, upper right.
Four characters, standard script.
Thicket of Brushworks from the Forest of Ink
Inscription: Literary text, prose: Yueyanglou ji 岳陽樓記 (Record of the Yueyang Pavilion), by
Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹 (989–1052).2
22 columns, miniature standard script.
製,刻唐賢今人詩賦于其上,屬予作文以記之。予觀夫巴陵勝狀,在洞庭一湖,啣 3遠山
[Text not translated.4
Pasted on cloth album cover, upper right.
Four characters, standard script.
Thicket of Brushworks from the Forest of Ink
Inscription: Literary text, prose: Yueyanglou ji 岳陽樓記 (Record of the Yueyang Pavilion), by
Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹 (989–1052).2
22 columns, miniature standard script.
製,刻唐賢今人詩賦于其上,屬予作文以記之。予觀夫巴陵勝狀,在洞庭一湖,啣 3遠山
[Text not translated.4
10 Total
1. Geng Zhaozhong 耿昭忠 (1640–1687)5
– (7)
Dancheng『丹誠』(circle intaglio; left half) – mid right
[Duwei Geng] Xingong shuhua zhi zhang『[都尉耿]信公書画之章』(square intaglio; left
half) – mid right
Gong『公』(square relief) – lower right
Xingong zhenshang『信公珍賞』(square relief) – lower right
Zhenshang『真賞』(gourd relief) – upper left
Zhen[mi]『珍[祕]』(square relief; right half) –mid left
Yi er [zisun]『宜爾[子孫]』(square intaglio; right half) – lower left
2. Geng Jiazuo 耿嘉祚 (late 17th–early 18th century) – (1)
Huihou zhencang『會侯珍藏』(square intaglio) – lower left
3. Cheng Xun 成勳 (unidentified; 19th–20th century?) – (1)
Lianqiao jiancang『蓮樵鑑藏』(square relief) – upper left
4. Unidentified – (1)
[Xiushui Liu shi] jiacang zhenwan『[秀水劉氏] 家藏珍玩』 6
(rectangle relief; left half) –
upper right
1. Geng Zhaozhong 耿昭忠 (1640–1687)5
– (7)
Dancheng『丹誠』(circle intaglio; left half) – mid right
[Duwei Geng] Xingong shuhua zhi zhang『[都尉耿]信公書画之章』(square intaglio; left
half) – mid right
Gong『公』(square relief) – lower right
Xingong zhenshang『信公珍賞』(square relief) – lower right
Zhenshang『真賞』(gourd relief) – upper left
Zhen[mi]『珍[祕]』(square relief; right half) –mid left
Yi er [zisun]『宜爾[子孫]』(square intaglio; right half) – lower left
2. Geng Jiazuo 耿嘉祚 (late 17th–early 18th century) – (1)
Huihou zhencang『會侯珍藏』(square intaglio) – lower left
3. Cheng Xun 成勳 (unidentified; 19th–20th century?) – (1)
Lianqiao jiancang『蓮樵鑑藏』(square relief) – upper left
4. Unidentified – (1)
[Xiushui Liu shi] jiacang zhenwan『[秀水劉氏] 家藏珍玩』 6
(rectangle relief; left half) –
upper right
Rights Holder
National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)
Related Works (other versions): (6) – all by, or attributed to, Xia Yong
Palace Museum, Beijing. Oval fan. 25.2 x 25.8 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. Signed and
dated (1347); no seal. In Yu Hui 余輝 et al., eds. Yuandai huihua 元代繪畫, in series
Gugong bowuyuan cang wenwu zhenpin daxi 故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系 (Shanghai: Shanghai
kexue jishu chubanshe, 2005), 216–17 (no. 109).
Palace Museum, Beijing. Album leaf. 24.4 x 26.2 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. Artist
seal. In Zhongguo gudai shuhua jiandingzu 中國古代書畫鑒定組, eds., Zhongguo gudai shuhua
tumu 中國古代書畫圖目, vol. 19 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1998), 297, Jing 京 1–801.
Yunnan Provincial Museum, Kunming. Album leaf. 26 x 24.7 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan
text. Signed, with seal (illegible). In Yunnan sheng bouwuguan 雲南省博物館, eds., Yunnan
sheng bouwuguan canghua ji 雲南省博物館藏畫集 (Kunming: Yunnan meishu chubanshe,
1999), 18–19.
National Palace Museum, Taibei. Formerly attributed to Li Sheng 李昇 (early 10th century). Oval
fan. 23 x 23.8 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. No signature; no seal. In Lin Lina 林莉娜,
Gongshi louge zhi mei: jiehua tezhan 宮室樓閣之美:界畫特展 (The Elegance and Elements of
Chinese Architecture: Catalogue to the Special Exhibition "The Beauty of Traditional Chinese
Architecture in Painting") (Taibei: National Palace Museum, 2000), 24–25 (plate 4), 98, and 115–
16. See also Xue Yongnian 薛永年, “Qinggong jiucang Li Sheng Yueyanglou tu kaobian” 清宮舊
藏傳李升岳陽樓圖考辨, in Shoucangjia 收藏家 9 (1995.1): 16–17.
Shanghai Museum of Art. Different composition. Album leaf. 24.4 x 25.6 cm. Inscribed with Fan
Zhongyan text. No signature; no seal (?). In Zhongguo gudai shuhua jiandingzu 中國古代書畫鑒
定組, eds., Zhongguo gudai shuhua tumu 中國古代書畫圖目, vol. 2 (Beijing: Wenwu
chubanshe, 1987), 112, Hu 滬 1–0222.
Unknown collection (authenticity uncertain). Different composition. Album leaf. 21.9 x 23.2 cm.
Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. Artist seal. In Sotheby’s, Important Classical Chinese
Paintings and Calligraphy, auction catalogue, Hong Kong, Sunday, October 29, 2000, Sale
HK0166, Lot 12.
Xie Zhiliu 謝稚柳 (1910–1997). Tang Wudai Song Yuan mingji 唐五代宋元名迹. Shanghai:
Gudian wenxue chubanshe, 1957. Cat. no. 102.
Cahill, James F. Chinese Album Leaves in the Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, DC:
Smithsonian Institution, 1961. Pp. 14 and 36 (plate 20).
Zhongguo gudai huihua xuanji bianji weiyuanhui 中國古代繪畫選集編輯委員會, eds.
Zhongguo gudai huihua xuanji 中國古代繪畫選集. Beijing: Xinhua shudian, 1963. Cat. no. 61.
Freer Gallery of Art. Freer Gallery of Art I, China. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1972. Plate 65 and p. 168.
Weidner, Marsha Smith. “Painting and Patronage at the Mongol Court of China, 1260–1368.
Ph.D. dissertation. University of California, Berkeley, 1982. Ann Arbor, MI: University
Microfilms International, 1983. Pp. 183 and 366 (plate 145).
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol. 1, 246 (A21–158).
__________. Chūgoku kaigashi 中國繪畫史. Vol. 2. Tokyo: Yoshikawa kōbunkan, 1984. Part 2,
section 1, 174; and part 2, section 2, 125 (plate 123).
Wei Dong 魏冬. “Xia Yong ji qi jiehua” 夏永及其界畫. In Gugong bowuyuan yuankan 故宮博
物院院刊 26 (1984.4): 168–83, esp. 174–76 and fig. 5.
Guoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院, eds. Haiwai yizhen: huihua 海外遺珍:繪畫
(Chinese Art in Overseas Collections: Paintings). Taibei: Gugong bowuyuan, 1985. P. 103.
Strassberg, Richard E. Inscribed Landscapes: Travel Writing from Imperial China. Berkeley and
Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1994. Pp. 156–159.
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua bianji weiyuanhui 海外藏中國歷代名畫編輯委員會, eds.
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua 海外藏中國歷代名畫. 8 vols. Changsha: Hunan meishu
chubanshe, 1998. Vol. 5, 6 (no. 5).
Toda Teisuke 戶田禎佑 and Ogawa Hiromitsu 小川裕充, eds. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku:
zokuhen 中國繪畫總合圖錄:續編 (Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings:
Second Series). 4 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 1998–2001. Vol. 1, 129 (A21–365-9).
Palace Museum, Beijing. Oval fan. 25.2 x 25.8 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. Signed and
dated (1347); no seal. In Yu Hui 余輝 et al., eds. Yuandai huihua 元代繪畫, in series
Gugong bowuyuan cang wenwu zhenpin daxi 故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系 (Shanghai: Shanghai
kexue jishu chubanshe, 2005), 216–17 (no. 109).
Palace Museum, Beijing. Album leaf. 24.4 x 26.2 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. Artist
seal. In Zhongguo gudai shuhua jiandingzu 中國古代書畫鑒定組, eds., Zhongguo gudai shuhua
tumu 中國古代書畫圖目, vol. 19 (Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1998), 297, Jing 京 1–801.
Yunnan Provincial Museum, Kunming. Album leaf. 26 x 24.7 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan
text. Signed, with seal (illegible). In Yunnan sheng bouwuguan 雲南省博物館, eds., Yunnan
sheng bouwuguan canghua ji 雲南省博物館藏畫集 (Kunming: Yunnan meishu chubanshe,
1999), 18–19.
National Palace Museum, Taibei. Formerly attributed to Li Sheng 李昇 (early 10th century). Oval
fan. 23 x 23.8 cm. Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. No signature; no seal. In Lin Lina 林莉娜,
Gongshi louge zhi mei: jiehua tezhan 宮室樓閣之美:界畫特展 (The Elegance and Elements of
Chinese Architecture: Catalogue to the Special Exhibition "The Beauty of Traditional Chinese
Architecture in Painting") (Taibei: National Palace Museum, 2000), 24–25 (plate 4), 98, and 115–
16. See also Xue Yongnian 薛永年, “Qinggong jiucang Li Sheng Yueyanglou tu kaobian” 清宮舊
藏傳李升岳陽樓圖考辨, in Shoucangjia 收藏家 9 (1995.1): 16–17.
Shanghai Museum of Art. Different composition. Album leaf. 24.4 x 25.6 cm. Inscribed with Fan
Zhongyan text. No signature; no seal (?). In Zhongguo gudai shuhua jiandingzu 中國古代書畫鑒
定組, eds., Zhongguo gudai shuhua tumu 中國古代書畫圖目, vol. 2 (Beijing: Wenwu
chubanshe, 1987), 112, Hu 滬 1–0222.
Unknown collection (authenticity uncertain). Different composition. Album leaf. 21.9 x 23.2 cm.
Inscribed with Fan Zhongyan text. Artist seal. In Sotheby’s, Important Classical Chinese
Paintings and Calligraphy, auction catalogue, Hong Kong, Sunday, October 29, 2000, Sale
HK0166, Lot 12.
Xie Zhiliu 謝稚柳 (1910–1997). Tang Wudai Song Yuan mingji 唐五代宋元名迹. Shanghai:
Gudian wenxue chubanshe, 1957. Cat. no. 102.
Cahill, James F. Chinese Album Leaves in the Freer Gallery of Art. Washington, DC:
Smithsonian Institution, 1961. Pp. 14 and 36 (plate 20).
Zhongguo gudai huihua xuanji bianji weiyuanhui 中國古代繪畫選集編輯委員會, eds.
Zhongguo gudai huihua xuanji 中國古代繪畫選集. Beijing: Xinhua shudian, 1963. Cat. no. 61.
Freer Gallery of Art. Freer Gallery of Art I, China. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1972. Plate 65 and p. 168.
Weidner, Marsha Smith. “Painting and Patronage at the Mongol Court of China, 1260–1368.
Ph.D. dissertation. University of California, Berkeley, 1982. Ann Arbor, MI: University
Microfilms International, 1983. Pp. 183 and 366 (plate 145).
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol. 1, 246 (A21–158).
__________. Chūgoku kaigashi 中國繪畫史. Vol. 2. Tokyo: Yoshikawa kōbunkan, 1984. Part 2,
section 1, 174; and part 2, section 2, 125 (plate 123).
Wei Dong 魏冬. “Xia Yong ji qi jiehua” 夏永及其界畫. In Gugong bowuyuan yuankan 故宮博
物院院刊 26 (1984.4): 168–83, esp. 174–76 and fig. 5.
Guoli gugong bowuyuan 國立故宮博物院, eds. Haiwai yizhen: huihua 海外遺珍:繪畫
(Chinese Art in Overseas Collections: Paintings). Taibei: Gugong bowuyuan, 1985. P. 103.
Strassberg, Richard E. Inscribed Landscapes: Travel Writing from Imperial China. Berkeley and
Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1994. Pp. 156–159.
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua bianji weiyuanhui 海外藏中國歷代名畫編輯委員會, eds.
Haiwai cang Zhongguo lidai minghua 海外藏中國歷代名畫. 8 vols. Changsha: Hunan meishu
chubanshe, 1998. Vol. 5, 6 (no. 5).
Toda Teisuke 戶田禎佑 and Ogawa Hiromitsu 小川裕充, eds. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku:
zokuhen 中國繪畫總合圖錄:續編 (Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings:
Second Series). 4 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 1998–2001. Vol. 1, 129 (A21–365-9).