The Buddha Addressing Yamaraja at Kusinagara 釋迦牟尼佛會圖



The Buddha Addressing Yamaraja at Kusinagara 釋迦牟尼佛會圖





Yunnan 雲南 (province)


Painting captions: (2) – Anonymous
1. Painting, right cartouche (damaged)
1 column, standard script.
Created [for ][Chen] Guanyin Qing, his wife Wen[shu] Lian, and son Qingfu2
2. Painting, left cartouche.
1 column, standard script.
Assembly of the Blessed Sakyamuni Buddha Who Extinguishes Just Rewards3

Sutra text: Anonymous. Damaged. Opening section of the self-titled Feng Yanluowang yuxiu
shengqi wangsheng jingtu jing 《諷閻羅王預修生七往生淨土經》 (Sutra Intoned to King
Yanluo [Yamaraja] to be Cultivated in Preparation for the Sevens of Life and Rebirth in the Pure
The section includes three encomia (zan 讚), each consisting of a quatrain in 7-character
lines; above each poem is a roundel painted in color with the figure of a meditating Buddha
(second roundel largely effaced). Several characters, especially at the beginning of the text, are
missing due to damage; these characters appear in the transcription below in brackets [ ].
One sheet of tan paper. Dimensions: 28 x 53 cm
29 columns, standard script. [Not translated.]5
[謹啟《諷閻羅王預修生七往生淨土經》] 誓勸有緣,以五會啟經入讚。
[成]都府大慈孝沙門藏川 述讚。
南無阿弥陁佛。 讚曰:
如來臨般涅槃 6時,廣召天霊及地祇, 因為琰魔王授記,乃傳生七預修
[時佛]舒光滿大千,普臻龍鬼會人天, 釋梵諸天冥 7密眾,咸來稽首世尊
寶莊嚴,國名花嚴,菩薩充滿。 讚曰:
世尊此日記閻羅,不久當来 8證佛陁, 莊嚴寶國常清淨,菩薩修行眾甚
尒時阿難白佛言 :『世尊,閻羅天子,以何因緣,處斷冥間,復於此會,便得授於當來果記
?』佛言 : 『於彼冥途,為諸王者,有二因緣。一是住不思議解脫不動地菩薩,為欲攝化
Colophons: (18) — The first eight colophons have suffered varying degress of damage, and are
mounted as fragments on two separately mounted sheets of paper; dated texts range between 1789
and 1837.9 The following ten colophons were written directly on three-plus sheets of paper,
continuously mounted; dated texts range between 1902 and 1914.10

Sheet 1: Separately mounted. Colophons 1–5.
Dimensions: 30.7 x 61.2 cm

1. Unidentified — damaged11
6 columns, standard script (much damage, especially columns 5–6, which are
reonstructed below. Where known, missing characters are supplied in brackets [ ].)
毛豎,蓋「十習發業為因,因必趨果,故[感地獄種種苦具,且] 始由[妄想] ,融涉[六] 根

The Catalogue of the Sacred Teachings in the Tripitaka contains no Sutra to be Cultivated in
Preparation for [Judgement by] the Ten Kings, and the [text of the] Dharani Sutra of the
Magnificent and Virtuous Golden Wheel Buddha-head, Tejaprabha Tathagata, Who Dispels All
Disasters and Calamities12 that it does contain, is also not the same as [the one here], so I’m
afraid that these are [non-canonical sutras] which have circulated for ages among the common
people. Nevertheless, [by depicting the punishments of] wicked and perfidious [persons] the
painter was able to so frighten the viewer that his hair stands on end, for ―the Ten Habits13
produce karma and create causality, and cause must lead to effect, therefore [one is affected by
the various instruments of hellish torture; and] since [these habits] derive from [erroneous
thinking] and are transmuted through the [Six] Sense Organs,14 one therefore also receives
punishment [by means of] the Six Sense Organs…‖15

Signature: none

Date: none
Seals: none
2. Weng Fanggang 翁方綱 (1733–1818)16 — damaged
3 columns, standard script
□□□□□ [為]□作□,皆唐以前人書如此。雖無年月可考,然以字畫驗之,則西堂跋中所云「

…, were all written the way people did before the Tang dynasty. Although no date can be
determined, if one examines how the calligraphy and paintings are executed, then it is as Xitang
[You Tong, 1618–1704] says in his colophon, ―they were painted by someone at the end of the
Tang dynasty, and while they need not be attributed to Zhu You [early 10th century], it shouldn’t
be by anyone too distant from him either.‖17 Fearing that viewers may be suspicious [of them], I
have appended this statement here [in support]. Written by Weng Fanggang.
Signature: 方綱
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Fanggang『方綱』(square relief)
Tanxi『覃溪』(square relief)
3. Wu Zhao 吳照 (1755–1811) — damaged
3 columns, standard script
On the third day of the ninth lunar month in the fifth year [of the Jiaqing reign period] [October
20, 1800], Zhang Dunli [1755–1833] from Yangcheng, Wu Zhao [1755–1811] from Nancheng,
and Chen Yingxiong from Yixing, visited Kaixian Temple [on Mount Lu, Jiangxi Province], and
respectfully viewed [this scroll] together with Dunli’s sons, Zi and Cai [?], and Yingxiong’s son,
Chun, whom they brought along.18
Signature: none
Date: [嘉慶]五年九月三日
Third day of the ninth lunar month in the fifth year [of the Jiaqing reign
period] [October 20, 1800]
Seals: (1)
Wu Zhao zhi yin『吳照之印』(square intaglio)
4a-b. Xie Qikun 謝啟昆 (1737–1802) — damaged
a.) 3 columns, standard script
First day of the intercalary fifth [lunar-month] in the [jiyou?] year [June 23, 1789?],19 viewed
again at the Spring Wind Pavilion of Deer Cave Academy [on Mount Lu] by Xie Qikun from
Nankang, together with Wan Jin from Nanchang, Feng Laiyi from Jinxian, and his big brother
Xuezeng,. Additionally recorded by [Xie] Qikun.
Signature: 啟昆
Date: [己酉?]閏五[月]朔日
First day of the intercalary fifth lunar-month [in the jiyou year?][June 23,
Seals: (1)
Xie Qikun yin『謝啟昆印』(square intaglio)
b.) Remnants of three characters from a longer text — damaged
Seals: (2) – both missing all, or most of, right side
□Qikun □『□啟昆□』(square intaglio)
Xuancheng taishou『宣城太孚』(square relief)
5. Wu Rongguang 吳榮光 (1773–1843) — damaged
3 columns, standard script
In the one-hundred-and-twenty-seventh year since Governor Mantang [Song Lao, 1634–1713]
donated this scroll, on the twelfth day of the third lunar month, with the year-star in xinsi, first
year of the Daoguang reign period [April 13, 1821], respectfully viewed at Kaixian Temple by
Wu Rongguang from Nanhai.20 May all living beings ascend to the Good Land.
Signature: 吳榮光
Wu Rongguang
Date: 道光紀元歲在辛巳三月十二日
Twelfth day of the third lunar month, with the year-star in xinsi, first year
of the Daoguang reign period [April 13, 1821]
Seals: (1)
Borong『伯榮』(square intaglio)
Sheet 2: Separately mounted. Colophons 6–8.
Dimensions: 30.8 x 61.2 cm
6. Zheng Zuchen 鄭祖琛 (died 1858)
2 columns, standard script
Traveling to [Xiu] Peak [on Mount Lu] to view the waterfall, I was shown this scroll. As it was
already severely damaged, I had it remounted and have recorded [the fact]. Zheng Zuchen from
Signature: 鄭祖琛
Zheng Zuchen
Date: none
Seals: (1) – damaged upper right
Zheng Zuchen yin『鄭[祖]琛印』(square intaglio)
7. Zhang X-liang (?) 張□亮(?) (unidentified, 19th century) – damaged
Two columns, standard script
On the third day of the fifth lunar month in the dingyou year of the Dao[guang] reign period
[June 5, 1837], Zhang X-liang from Jianning came on a trip to Kuanglu [Mount Lu] to view
Green Jade…
Signature: none
Date: 道[光]丁酉五月三日
Third day of the fifth lunar month in the dingyou year of the Daoguang
reign period [June 5, 1837]
Seals: none
8a–b. Unidentified (19th century) — damaged
a. Thirteen columns (only six undamaged), standard script
禪堂五月風冷冷,來觀圖畫兼寫經,經寫兩卷共一軸,□□□□□□□, □□□□□□□,
□□□□□□□,□□□□□□□,□□□□□□□, □□□□□□□,空留翰墨兼丹青,□□□□□□□,持贈心
21百齡,披圖能使髮□□,詠經□□□□□,此□□□搜秘藏,□□□□歸窈冥, □□□用辨唐
[Poem not translated.]
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: none
b. Remnants of a few undecipherable large strokes — damaged
Sheet 3: Continuously mounted. Colophons 9–11.
Dimensions: 31.4 x 135.1 cm
9. Duanfang 端方 (1861–1911)
11 columns, running-standard script.
Two poems (4x7), and postscript.
[Poems not translated.] First month of the renyin year in the Guangxu reign period [February 8–
March 9, 1902], Master Yi Shifu [Yi Shunding, 1858–1920] brought along the Transformation
Images [of Souls] in Hell by a Tang dynasty artist and [its accompanying] damaged sutra
manuscript from Kaixian Temple on Mount Lu to show me.22 Having kept and examined [the
scroll] for a month, I have respectfully inscribed it with two quatrains and sent it back. Recorded
by Duanfang from Bianyang.
Signature: 端方
Date: 光緒壬寅札月
First month of the renyin year in the Guangxu reign period [February 8–
March 9, 1902]
Seals: (1)
Duanfang siyin『端方私印』(square intaglio)
10. Yang Shoujing 楊孚敬 (1839–1915)
27 columns, running script.
At right is the damaged scroll of a Tang dynasty sutra manuscript that formerly was donated by
Song Mantang [Song Lao, 1634–1713] to the Kaixian Temple on Mount Lu, and has now been
acquired by Master Yi Shifu [Yi Shunding, 1858–1920]. [The scroll] had been eaten by insects
and its [painted] frontispiece is incomplete. As the common monks [at the temple] did not know
how to care for it, Shifu salvaged it from its broken covers. The third column of [the sutra] text
―Narrative and encomia by the sramana Cangchuan of Great Compassion Temple in Chengdu
Prefecture;‖23 while the fourth column is missing four characters at the beginning and then reads,
“Sutra…to the Four Orders of Disciples on the Prophecy Given to King…Concerning the Sevens
of Life to be Cultivated in Preparation for Rebirth in the Pure Land.” According to the Xin Tang
shu (New History of the Tang dynasty), ―In the second year of the Zhide reign period [757], [the
name of] Shu Commandery was changed to Chengdu Prefecture,‖24 while Cao Xuequan [1574–
1646] in his ―Record of Famous Sites‖ quotes the Tong shi [Comprehensive History] as saying,
―Great Compassion Temple was constructed during the Zhide reign period [756–58],‖25 so this
scroll must have been made during the middle period of the Tang dynasty. Yet the Gaoseng zhuan
[Lives of Eminent Monks] by the monk Zanning [919–1001] does not record the name of
Cangchuan, and neither do any of the three Buddhist Canons compiled during the Song, Yuan,
and Ming dynasties, nor the Korean Buddhist Canon, record this sutra, so this must be a lost text of
Buddhist scripture, though I do not know if there is still such a Sanskrit sutra in India or not.
Regarding the colophon by Weng Tanqi [Weng Fanggang, 1733–1818], where he states that
Mantang’s26 inscription says, ―It was written by someone at the end of the Tang dynasty, and
while it need not be attributed to Zhu You, it shouldn’t be by anyone too far from him either,‖ I
note that Zhu You was a man of the Zhu-Liang dynasty [907–923],27 and the Tuhua jianwen zhi
praised him as ―skilled at Buddhist and Daoist subjects, very much like Master Wu [Daozi,
active ca. 710– 760].‖28 This scroll includes a Picture of an Assembly of the Blessed Sakyamuni
Buddha Who Extinguishes Just Rewards, which was appended because of its particularly
exquisite qualities; however, the inscriptions in the two cartouches [on the painting] were actually
written by the same hand as the texts of the sutra and encomia that follow. The calligraphy is
quite vigorous and derives from [that of] Liu Chengxuan [Liu Gongquan, 778–865]. Now the
stone inscriptions [of the Buddhist Canon] from the Tang dynasty preserved on Mount Fang [in
Hebei Province]29 already exhibit full [technical] maturity and do not at all possess the style [of
writing seen here], so how can one speak of the [much later] Zhu-Liang dynasty? Regretably,
[most of] the Buddhist sutras written during middle antiquity have been lost to fire and sword, and
of those originals that do survive in the world today, such as the Lingfei, Dousha, Yucaoyue [?],
Zhuanlunwang, and other sutras, [the calligrapy of] the Lingfei is the very best. Yuan Qingrong
[Yuan Jue, 1266–1327] held the view that it was written by Zhong Shaojing [active 680–730s],30
but he didn’t know that Shaojing inscribed the reverse side of the Stele of the Heir Apparent
Becoming an Immortal in the second year of the Shengli reign period of Empress Wu [699], while
the Lingfei [sutra] was written during the twenty-sixth year of the Kaiyuan reign period [738].
With [the writing of these two texts] being so far apart in time, how could they resemble each
other? Of the ancient sutras that I have seen in the collections of the Tōdaiji, Kōzanji, and Hōryūji
in Japan, those that were written by Tang dynasty individuals on tough but pliable jute [paper]
number no fewer than several thousand scrolls, which one may say are ―too many to see and too
much to enjoy,‖31 yet none of them bear the names of those who wrote them (and the several dozen scrolls that I have collected also bear no writers’ names), which exactly [goes to show] that
one should not [consider a calligraphy] worth treasuring only if it has been assigned to the brush
of someone famous. I have said that, at the time, sutra writers in the Tang were nothing more than
a class of commercial scribes, and [their works] certainly do not come up to those by [true]
calligraphers. But today, even if one could choose [among sutras written during the Tang] from
absolutely everywhere in the world and devote all of one’s intelligence and talent [to their study]
for a lifetime, one would still not be able to trace [the evolution of] their rules of composition. The
fact that calligraphers from past to present cannot equal [them], is a cause for bemoaning ―the
vicissitudes of the world.‖32 Twelfth day of the mid-winter [eleventh] lunar month in the yisi year
of the Guangxu reign period
[December 8, 1905], recorded by Yang Shoujing of Yidu at Chrysanthemum Cove in Echeng
[Hubei Province]
Signature: 楊孚敬
Yang Shoujing
Date: 光緒乙巳仲冬十有二日
Twelfth day of the mid-winter [eleventh] lunar month in the yisi year of
the Guangxu reign period [December 8, 1905]
Seals: (2)
Yang Shoujing yin『楊孚敬印』(square intaglio)
Xingwu shending『惺吾審定』(square intaglio)
11. Zhou Yun 周雲 (late 19th–early 20th century)
18 ruled columns, standard script.
Poem (46x7)
[Poem not translated.] Inscribed at the request of fifth elder-brother Zhongshi [Yi Shunding] for
him to correct, Zhou Yun.
Signature: 周雲
Zhou Yun
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Yun『雲』(circle intaglio)
Shichenfu『世臣父』(rectangle relief)
Sheet 4: Continuously mounted. Colophons 12–14.
Dimensions: 31.4 x 134.8 cm
12. Li Baogan 李寶淦 (1864–1919)
22 columns, standard script.
Poem (48x7)
李寶淦自注第四十二句: 「原卷裝潢後,仍歸開先孝」。
[Poem not translated.] Fifth day of the jiaping [twelfth] lunar month in the dingwei year [January
8, 1908], inscribed to receive the instruction and correction of Mister Zhongshi [Yi Shunding] by
Li Baogan.
Signature: 李寶淦
Li Baogan
Date: 丁未嘉帄五日
Fifth day of the jiaping (twelfth) lunar month in the dingwei year [January
8, 1908]
Seals: (2)
Wangu yixiang『萬古遺香』(rectangle relief) – top right
Hantang『漢堂』(square relief) – bottom left
13. Guo Baoheng 郭寶珩 (active late 19th–early 20th century)
23 columns, running standard script.
Poem (58x7)

40瓏,時清文勝物力富,一技之末無凡庸,優婆 41夛塞大歡喜,落筆乃與歐虞同,撞鐘吹
[Poem not translated.] In the la jiaping [twelfth] lunar month of the dingwei year [January 1908],
inscribed at the command of the Surveillance [Commissioner], Mister Zhongshi, by Guo
Baoheng, [courtesy name] Baichi, from Jiangdu.
Signature: 郭寶珩百遲
Guo Baoheng, [courtesy name] Baichi
Date: 丁未臘嘉帄
In the la jiaping [twelfth] lunar month of the dingwei year [January 1908]
Seals: (1)
Guo □『郭□
42』 (rectangle relief)
14. Wang Bing’en 王秉恩 (1845–1928)
2 columns, running script.
Late spring in the wushen year of the Guangxu reign period [April 1908], respectfully viewed by
Wang Bing’en from Huayang, with his son Wen-x in attendance. At present, I am residing at the
Shitao Jilu in Yangcheng [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province].
Signature: 王秉恩
Wang Bing’en
Date: 光緒戊申春晚
Late spring in the wushen year of the Guangxu reign period [April 1908]
Seals: (2)
Wang Bing’en yin『王秉恩印』(square intaglio)
Shitao jilu『石桃寄廬』(square intaglio)
Sheet 5: Plus short section. Continuously mounted. Colophons 15–18.
Dimensions: 31.4 x 134.8 cm
Short section: 31.4 x 10.3 cm
15. Qiu Fengjia 丘逢甲 (1864–1912)
3 columns; running script. Poem (5, 5, 7, 7)
[Poem not translated.] Inscribed at the command of Mister Zhongshi [Yi Shunding], by [Qiu]
Signature: 逢甲
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Meixia sanxian『梅下散以』(square intaglio)
16. Wang Zhaoquan 汪兆銓 (1858–1928)
6 columns, running script.
Poem (8x4)
[Poem not translated.] Fourth lunar month in the wushen year [April 30–May 29, 1908], inscribed
by Wang Zhaoquan from Panyu to receive the great instruction of Mister Zhongshi [Yi
Signature: 汪兆銓
Wang Zhaoquan
Date: 戊申四月
fourth lunar month in the wushen year [April 30–May 29, 1908]
Seals: (2)
Wang Zhaoquan guan『汪兆銓觀』(square relief)
Xinbo『辛伯』(square intaglio)
17. Fan Zengxiang 樊增祥 (1846–1931)
25 columns, running-standard script.
Poem (36x7)
注: [帶玉]兩字被點去

[Poem not translated.] At right is a song for the picture, Assembly of Sakyamuni Buddha Who
Extinguishes Just Rewards, inscribed at the request of the poet, fifth elder-brother Zhongshi [Yi
Shunding], one day before shangsi in the renzi year [May 18, 1912]; inscribed in Hushang
[Shanghai] by Fan Zengxiang from Fanshan, during his sixty-seventh year.
Signature: 樊增祥
Fan Zengxiang
Date: 壬子上巳前一日
One day before shangsi in the renzi year [May 18, 1912]
Seals: (1)
Hugong『壺公』(square relief)
18. Xin Yaowen 辛耀文 (1876–1928)
4 columns, running script
I had seen [this scroll] during the bingwu year of the Guangxu reign period [1906] at the Jiang
Residence in the Liangjiayuan [neighborhood of Beijing]. Seven years having passed, in guichou
[1913–14], I viewed it again at my residence in Big Luck Lane [Beijing]. May Qinzhi [Yi
Shunding] treasure these remnants from catastrophe. Eighth day of the la [twelfth] lunar month
in the guichou year [January 3, 1914], inscribed by Xin Yaowen of Shunde.
Signature: 辛耀文
Xin Yaowen
Date: 癸丑臘月初八日
Eighth day of the la [twelfth] lunar month in the guichou year [January 3,
Seals: none



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National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)




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