Panthaka, the Tenth Venerable Luohan 半託迦尊者像
Panthaka, the Tenth Venerable Luohan 半託迦尊者像
Unidentified artist
Wrapper labels: (3) – One (1) label slip, and two (2) end labels
Label slip: Anonymous (19th/20th century); same as outside and inside labels below
Ink on silk; mounted on fitted brocade wrapper
Five characters, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi of the Song dynasty
End labels: (2) – Anonymous (19th/20th century)
1. Ink on silk. Four characters, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi
2. Ink on silk. Eight characters, standard script
??? No. 807
Outside label: Anonymous (19th/20th century); same as above and below
Ink on brown paper.
1 column, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi of the Song dynasty
Inside label: Anonymous (19th/20th century); same as both above.
Ink on paper. On mounting, upper right.
1 column, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi of the Song dynasty
Inscription: Anonymous (mid-14th century)
Ink on silk. Upper right.
2 columns, standard script. Top portion missing.
The venerable [Panthaka, the Tenth Luohan], who resides with one thousand three hundred
disciples at Trayastrinsa… on auspicious jiaxu, the nineteenth day of the second lunar month, with
jimao as its first day, in [the cyclical year] yiyou [March 23, 1345].4
Signature: none
Date: 乙酉歲二月己卯朔十九日甲戌
… on auspicious jiaxu, the nineteenth day of the second lunar month, with
jimao as its first day, in yiyou [March 23, 1345]
Seals: none
Label slip: Anonymous (19th/20th century); same as outside and inside labels below
Ink on silk; mounted on fitted brocade wrapper
Five characters, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi of the Song dynasty
End labels: (2) – Anonymous (19th/20th century)
1. Ink on silk. Four characters, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi
2. Ink on silk. Eight characters, standard script
??? No. 807
Outside label: Anonymous (19th/20th century); same as above and below
Ink on brown paper.
1 column, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi of the Song dynasty
Inside label: Anonymous (19th/20th century); same as both above.
Ink on paper. On mounting, upper right.
1 column, standard script
Luohan, by Qian Yi of the Song dynasty
Inscription: Anonymous (mid-14th century)
Ink on silk. Upper right.
2 columns, standard script. Top portion missing.
The venerable [Panthaka, the Tenth Luohan], who resides with one thousand three hundred
disciples at Trayastrinsa… on auspicious jiaxu, the nineteenth day of the second lunar month, with
jimao as its first day, in [the cyclical year] yiyou [March 23, 1345].4
Signature: none
Date: 乙酉歲二月己卯朔十九日甲戌
… on auspicious jiaxu, the nineteenth day of the second lunar month, with
jimao as its first day, in yiyou [March 23, 1345]
Seals: none
5 Total
1. Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫 (1254–1322) – (1) – spurious
Zhao『趙』(circle relief) – upper right, on replaced silk
2. Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming dynasty 明宣宗朱瞻基 (1399–1435; reigned
1426–1435) – (1) – spurious
Xuande yuti『宣德御題』(square relief) –top center
3. Unidentified – (3)
Zisun chuan shi jia chuan zhi bao 『子孫傳世家傳之寶』(rectangle relief) – lower left
Taiyuan jun tushu yin 『太原郡圖書印』 (rectangle relief) – lower left
?? shuhua changshou『□□書畫長壽』(square relief) – lower right
1. Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫 (1254–1322) – (1) – spurious
Zhao『趙』(circle relief) – upper right, on replaced silk
2. Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming dynasty 明宣宗朱瞻基 (1399–1435; reigned
1426–1435) – (1) – spurious
Xuande yuti『宣德御題』(square relief) –top center
3. Unidentified – (3)
Zisun chuan shi jia chuan zhi bao 『子孫傳世家傳之寶』(rectangle relief) – lower left
Taiyuan jun tushu yin 『太原郡圖書印』 (rectangle relief) – lower left
?? shuhua changshou『□□書畫長壽』(square relief) – lower right
Rights Holder
National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)
Suzuki Kei 鈴木敬 (1920–2007), ed. Chūgoku kaiga sōgō zuroku 中國繪畫總合圖錄
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol. 1, 258 (A21–284).
(Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings). 5 vols. Tokyo: University of Tokyo,
1982–83. Vol. 1, 258 (A21–284).
Formerly attributed to Qian Yi (傳)錢易