Zhongshan Going on Excursion 中山出遊圖
Zhongshan Going on Excursion 中山出遊圖
Painting: Two joined sheets of paper of unequal length. No artist signature or date,
but two (2) artist seals on the center paper join.
Dimensions, sheet 1:
Dimensions, sheet 2:
Artist seals: (2)
Zhi ci lengxiao『直此冷笑』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, center paper join
Xuegu wenyi『學古文藝』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, center paper join
but two (2) artist seals on the center paper join.
Dimensions, sheet 1:
Dimensions, sheet 2:
Artist seals: (2)
Zhi ci lengxiao『直此冷笑』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, center paper join
Xuegu wenyi『學古文藝』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, center paper join
Gong Kai 龔開
Wooden box: Sliding lid with carved text; end carved with text highlighted in
1. Lu Hui 陸恢 (1851–1920)
Carved on sliding lid
Fifteen characters, clerical script
宋龔翠巖《中山出遊圖》。虛齊所藏, 恢題。
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Cuiyan [Gong Kai] of the Song dynasty. In the
Xuzhai Collection [of Pang Yuanji], inscribed by [Lu] Hui.
2. Lu Hui
Carved on end, highlighted in green
Eight characters, clerical script
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Cuiyan (Gong Kai)
Outside wrapper: Fitted brocade wrapper with blue flower design, and white fabric label
Label slip: Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1864–1949)
Twelve characters, standard script
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Cuiyan [Gong Kai) of the Song dynasty. In the
Xuzhai Collection [of Pang Yuanji].
Seal: (1)
Laichen『萊臣』(square relief)
Outside label: He Weipu 何維樸 (1844–1925)
Eight characters, clerical script; plus fourteen characters, running-standard script
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Shengyu [Gong Kai]. Examined and collected
by Xuzhai [Pang Yuanji]. Eighth lunar-month in the jiyou year of the Xuantong reign
period [September 14–October 13, 1909], inscribed by He Weipu.
Signature: 何維樸
He Weipu
Date: 宣統已酉八月
eighth lunar month in the jiyou year of the Xuantong reign period
[September 14–October 13, 1909]
Seal: (1)
Pu yin『樸印』(square intaglio)
Colophons: (22) – Fourteen (14) sheets of paper, of unequal dimensions.
1. Gong Kai 龔開 (1222–1307)
Separately mounted sheet of brown paper, with extra strip at left.
14 columns, clerical script. Poem (16x7), plus prose postscript 髯君家本住中山,駕言出遊安
。卻愁有物覷高明,八姨豪買他人宅,□□君醒為掃除,馬嵬金馱去无跡。 人言墨鬼為戲筆,
My Lord Whiskers’ family home was located on Zhongshan, He
harnessed up and out he went, but whither did he go?
Said he’d make a little hunt without the hawks and dogs, But
I believe his reason had to do with house and home.
Little sister’s lovely face was all made up and powdered, Of
ointments in five colors, the best for her was black.
On coming to a way station she had to take a little rest,
In that old hut who was there to give her wine and food? While
Red Turban and Black Shirt can certainly be boiled, The pure
blood of a beauty will in the end be hard to get.
Isn’t it better to go home and drink some Zhongshan brew, And
once drunk, for three long years be oblivious to all?
Renouncing sorrow someone watched the clever and bright,
Sister-in-law Eight by force bought other people’s homes. But
when My Lord had sobered up, he swept them all away, At
Mawei Slope the golden load was gone without a trace.
People say that painting demons in ink is just doodling, but this is greatly untrue. It is
more like a calligrapher who is a prodigy of grass script: Is there anyone in the world
who is unskilled in standard script, yet is able to write in grass? In the past, Si Yizhen [ ]
and Zhao Qianli [Zhao Boju, active 1120s–1162] were skilled at painting demons in ink.
Qianli’s Clove Demon was truly special and unique, but what a pity he departed so far
from the genre of figure painting, for people were able to use [that departure] to
categorize his work as mere doodling. And while Yizhen’s demons were very
wellcrafted, their subject matter was near to obscene, going so far as to to show Lord
Whiskers [Zhong Kui] in a field privy with a porcupine going for him, and his sister with
an open blouse wielding a stick to drive it away. What kind of a thing was this? In now
making Zhongshan Going on Excursion, it is because I wish to flush away Yizhen’s filth,
and hope I have not abandoned the pure pleasures of brush and ink. Comparing [this
work] to calligraphy, it lies somewhere between standard script and running script.
Extremely little is known about Zhong Kui, all of which from beginning to end I put in
my poem, and since I could not [otherwise] avoid repetition, I have addressed other
matters in this postscript simply to express something new. Recorded by Gong Kai of
Signature: 龔開
Gong Kai
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Huaiyin Gong Kai『淮陰龔開』(square intaglio) – over kai 開 in signature
2. Li Mingfeng 李鳴鳳 (late 13th–early 14th century)
23 columns, standard and running script. Poem (irregular).
Zhongshan Going on Excursion. The Old Woodcutter of Huangshan [Li Mingfeng].
[Translation forthcoming].
Signature: 黃山樵叟
The Old Woodcutter of Huangshan
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Li Mingfeng yin『李鳴鳳印』(square intaglio) – below signature,
column 1
Huangshan shufang『黃山書房』(square relief) – below signature,
column 1
3. Wang Xiaoweng 王肖翁 (1272–1336)
7 columns, running-standard script. Poem (8x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Wang Xiaoweng of Gubing.
Signature: 王肖翁
Wang Xiaoweng
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Fufeng『傅鳳』(square relief)
Muyangzhe『牧羊者』(square relief)
4. Boshiweng 襏襫翁 (unidentified; late 13th–early 14th century?)
7 columns, standard script.
《中山出遊圖》,凡一展翫 3,見者無不驚訝。世之奇形異狀,暴戾詭譎,彊弱吞啗,變詐百出
Whenever I open Zhongshan Going on Excursion for my amusement, everyone who sees
it invariably exclaims in surprise. All the strange shapes and unusual forms of the age—
the fierce and cruel or wily and cunning, the strong and the weak gulping and gnawing—
appear in the hundreds, changing deceitfully. But it has gone so far that many people do
not consider even such evil demons to be odd, and the reason is probably because they
have heard them and seen them around for so long that they have been completely
transformed as well, and therefore view [such apparitions] as normal. Oh, how profound
is the meaning of this painting of Old Man Whiskers! The only part of the Zhong Kui
story that some people consider doubtful is that he appeared in the Bright Emperor’s
dream. But I say that from past to present [time has passed] like a shooting star or bolt of
lightning, and glowing reputations and forlorn sorrows have sprouted like fungus and
burst like bubbles, so that the only thing there is left to doubt is what is not a dream. In
appending some words now at the end of the scroll, couldn’t this also be talking of
dreams while in a dream? Inscribed by Boshiweng [Old Man Raincape] of Donghu.
Signature: 襏襫翁
Boshiweng [Old Man Raincape]
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Yu renjian shi『寓人間世』(square relief)
5. Han Xing 韓性 (1266–1341)
7 columns, standard script. Poem (17x7)
[Translation forthcoming.] Han Xing of Anyang.
Signature: 韓性
Han Xing
Date: none
Seals: none
6. Chen Fang 陳方 (died 1367?)
6 columns, standard script. Poem (14x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Chen Fang of Guyang.
Signature: 陳方
Chen Fang
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Chen shi Zizhen『陳氏子貞』(square relief)
7. Zongyan 宗衍 (1309–1351)
5 columns, standard script. Poem (8x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. The monk Zongyan.
Signature: 釋宗衍
Monk Zongyan
Date: none
Seals: none
8. Qian Liangyou 錢良右 (1278–1344)
3 columns, clerical script. Poem (4x7)
小鬽 4欺人亦可憎,鬼翁怒縳敢馮陵,莫言怪狀元無有,老眼髯龔見屢曾。錢良右敬題
As little imps can be detested for their cheating ways,
In his anger, this old ogre binds and dares maltreat them.
Do not say that such strange creatures have never been,
For Whiskers Gong with aged eyes has seen them many times.
Repectfully inscribed by Qian Liangyou.
Signature: 錢良右
Qian Liangyou
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Jiangcun min『江村民』(rectangle relief)
Qian shi Yizhi『錢氏翼之』(square intaglio)
9. Song Wu 宋无 (1260–after 1340)
12 columns, standard script. Poem (35x7) 酆都山黑隂雨秋,群鬼聚哭寒啾啾,老馗豐髯古
執縳罔兩血洒骻,毋乃剁鬼作鬼鮓 6,令我有手不能把,神閒意定元是假,始信吟翁筆揮寫。翠
[Translation forthcoming]. Cuihan Song Wu.
Signature: 宋无
Song Wu
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Wu yishi Song Zixu『吳逸士宋子虛』(square relief)
Cuihanzhai『翠寒齋』(square relief)
10. Liu Hong 劉洪 (unidentified; late 13th–early 14th century)
4 columns, running-standard script. Poem (4x7).
堪咲龔侯戲鬼神,豪端寫出逼天 7真,我貧不敢披圖看,恐作邪揄來笑人。
[Translation forthcoming]
Liu Hong
Signature: 劉洪
Liu Hong
Date: none
Seals: none
11. Sun Yuanchen 孫元臣 (unidentified; late 13th–early 14th century)
4 columns; standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Inscribed by Sun Yuanchen.
Signature: 孫元臣
Sun Yuanchen
Date: none
Seals: none
12. Lü Yuangui 呂元規 (unidentifed; late 13th–early 14th century)
4 columns, standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Lü Yuangui.
Signature: 呂元規
Lü Yuangui
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Zhixu『執徐』(square relief)
Gushou Lü shi Fangshu『古壽呂氏方叔』(square intaglio)
Fangcundi『方寸地 』(square relief)
13. Tang Shimou 湯時懋 (unidentified; active early 14th century)
2 columns, standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Tang Shimou.
Signature: 湯時懋
Tang Shimou
Date: none
Seals: none
14. Gong Su 龔璛 (1266–1331)
4 columns, running script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Gong Su of Gaoyou.
Signature: 龔璛
Gong Su
Date: none
Seals: none
15. Wang Shi 王時 (active 1330s–1380s)
4 columns; running script. Poem (4x7) 長嘯空林百草秋,蒼髯煤臉也風流,當
[Translation forthcoming]. Wang Shi of Jinyuan.
Signature: 王時
Wang Shi
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Wang Shi『王時』(square relief)
Wang Benzhong yin『王本中印』(square intaglio)
16. Bai Ting 白珽 (1248–1328)
7 columns, running-standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Xixia jushi Bai Ting.
Signature: 栖霞居士白珽
Xixia jushi, Bai Ting
Seals: (2)
Qiantang Bai Ting『錢唐白珽』(square intaglio)
Zhanyuanzi『湛淵子』(square intaglio)
17. Zhou Yun 周耘 (unidentified; early 14th century?)
12 columns, standard script.
翠巖龔先生,負荊楚雄俊才 8,不為世用,故其胸中磊磊落落者,發為怪怪奇奇。在豪端游戲,
Master Cuiyan Gong [Kai] was a brave and noble talent from Jing-Chu [the area of
modern Hunan and Hubei provinces], but he was not employed by the times, so the
discontentment in his breast was expressed in [depictions of] the strange and unusual. In
the play of his brush tip, his resonant and atmospheric style is not something that a
common craftsman can understand. Thus, he often made [paintings of] blood-sweating
[steeds], where ―the old thoroughbred bent over his trough‖ bears itself as it did in life,
for it [still] ―has the will to go a thousand li.‖9 The way he painted Zhongshan Going on
Excursion—Lord Whiskers glaring about in suppressed rage; the myriad-strong
entourage surrounding his sedan chair, a confused crowd of the fantastic and the odd;
sprites and goblins bound and tied, waiting to be boiled—causes the resolute and upright
to be glad of heart when they view it, and the wicked and deceitful to lose courage upon
seeing it. Therefore, we know that the master’s intent was to sweep and scour away evil
and malignancy, so how could one merely view [the painting] as pure entertainment? Oh,
the master may indeed be gone, but to this day his glorious light compels one!
Respectfully inscribed by his later student, Zhou Yun of Xiangshan.
Signature: 周耘
Zhou Yun
Date: none
Seals: (2)
X-shan XX yun『□山□□雲』(rectangle relief)
Shuizhu yunshan zhu『水竹雲山主』(square relief)
18. Feng Fang 豐坊 (1492–1563)
6 columns, clerical script
As Old Man Cuiyan [Gong Kai] had been an official under the Song dynasty, upon
entering the Yuan, he did not serve [in government]. His quality as a person was like this,
and therefore both his calligraphy and painting are exceptionally marvelous. For his
[colophon in] clerical script, he fully employed a style of seal script that is reminiscent of
[the writing found on] steelyards from the Qin dynasty [221–207 b.c.e.], or the Fenyin
tripod [ding] and Suihe pot from the Han dynasty [206 b.c.e. –c.e. 220]. And while the
demonic creatures he depicted are indeed strange and odd, the idea behind them is
emphatically not one of amusement or play. As the [Classic of] Poetry says: ―It’s a
demon, it’s a reptile, / Then it cannot be predicted.‖10 As [creatures] such as this bunch
are certainly not few in the world, how can we serve them all for Lord Whiskers [Zhong
Kui] to suck and chew? Twenty-fifth day in the second lunar-month of the dinghai year
in the Jiajing reign period [March 25, 1527], inscribed by Feng Fang of Siming upon
viewing [this scroll] in the Baoxian [Precious Hill] Pavilion.
Signature: 豐坊
Feng Fang
Date: 嘉靖丁亥二月廿五日
Twenty-fifth day in the second lunar-month of the dinghai year in
the Jiajing reign period [March 25, 1527]
Seals: (3)
Jinyun『晉雲』(circle relief)
Feng shi Cunshu『豐氏存叔』(square relief)
Nanyu waishi『南禺外史』(square relief)
19. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1704)
13 columns, standard script
11 人詩篇圖畫,多託之馬者,或以喻才俊,或以傷不遇,尚
Ever since Wu Daozi [active ca. 710–760] of the Tang dynasty did the picture Zhong Kui
Going on Excursion, those who emulated him have grown more numerous by the day,
which is probably because [the subject] lends itself to the bizarre and fanciful. Gong
Cuiyan [Gong Kai] lived into the Yuan dynasty, but did not serve [in government], so he
had nothing to cook at his hostel, and frequently spread paper on his son’s back to make
pictures in exchange for rice. People competed to buy them; however, not very many
have passed down in the world. In winter of the dingchou year [1697], when I first
returned from recuperating, I acquired his Emaciated Horse in Wumen [Suzhou], and this
year in the sixth lunar month, I also acquired his Zhongshan Going on Excursion. As
these two scrolls are [Gong Kai’s] most illustrious [surviving works], and the colophons
inscribed [on them] by former worthies are both numerous and beautiful, I prize them
both equally. A visitor said: ―Many poems and paintings by men of the past used the
horse as a symbol, and whether it was as a metaphor of great talent, or of a person born
out his time, there was still an [underlying] meaning to it. But what is one to take from a
group of demons like the one that fills the [paper] in front of us?‖ I replied: ―Not so, for
more than one person in the world is human in outward form, but behaves like a demon
in his actions, so how can one know that this bunch, though ugly in appearance, might
not have real character of mind? Whenever I encounter something in life that provokes
joy, or honesty, or fear, or anger, or grief, or sighs, I take this out and look at it, and I’m
bound to have a good laugh, for the ancients never fail [in their purposes], I think.‖ The
day before Seventh Night in the gengchen year of the Kangxi reign period [August 20,
1700]—it is more than ten days after Establishing Autumn, and the sun blazed at my
studio window in the lingering summer heat. Only near evening did it get a bit cooler, so
I rinsed off my inkstone to pass the time and wrote out these words. When I was done
writing and stood up, the slender moon was already at the edge of the eaves. The jasmine
flowers have opened and fill the bushes with a riot of color, [making me] recall my youth
and the smells of a different [time and] place. The old collector of River Village, Gao
Signature: 高士奇
Gao Shiqi
Date: 康熙庚辰七夕前一日
one day before Seventh Night [in the seventh lunar-month] of the
gengchen year in the Kangxi reign period [August 20, 1700]
Seals: (3)
Gao Zhanshi『高詹事』(square intaglio)
Jiangcun Shiqi zhi zhang『江邨士奇之章』(square intaglio)
Bu yi sangong yi ci ri『不以三公易此日』(square relief)
20. Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (1629–1709)
1 column, clerical script.
Spring of the renwu year in the Kangxi reign period [1702], respectfully viewed by Zhu
Yizun of Xiushui.
Signature: 朱彝尊
Zhu Yizun
Date: 康熙壬午春
Spring of the renwu year in the Kangxi reign period [1702]
Seals: (2)
Zhu Yizun yin『朱彝尊印』(square intaglio)
Zhucha『竹垞』(square relief)
21. Li Shizhuo 李世倬 (1687–1765)
6 columns, running script
[Translation forthcoming]. Yiqi Li Shizhuo.
Signature: 伊祁李世倬
Yiqi Li Shizhuo
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Shizhuo siyin『世倬私印』(square intaglio)
Guzhai『轂齋』(square relief)
22. Xu Naipu 許乃普 (1787–1866)
4 columns, standard script
The painting on this handscroll is rare and antique, and was deeply influenced by the style
of [carved] figures found on the Wu Liang Shrine.12 Astounding the mind and frightening
the eye, it is to be treasured, to be treasured. On the second day after yuanxi [fifteenth day
of the first lunar-month] in the dingyou year of the Daoguang reign period
[February 6, 1837], viewed by Xu Naipu of Qiantang and recorded at the Studio of
Tranquil Fragrance in the Zhang Gate commissioner’s office.
Signature: 許乃普
Xu Naipu
Date: 道光丁酉元夕後二日
Second day after yuanxi [fifteenth day of the first lunar-month] in
the dingyou year of the Daoguang reign period [February 6, 1837]
Seals: (2)
Tiansheng guoyan『滇生過眼』(square relief)
Chen Xu Naipu『臣許乃普』(square intaglio)
1. Lu Hui 陸恢 (1851–1920)
Carved on sliding lid
Fifteen characters, clerical script
宋龔翠巖《中山出遊圖》。虛齊所藏, 恢題。
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Cuiyan [Gong Kai] of the Song dynasty. In the
Xuzhai Collection [of Pang Yuanji], inscribed by [Lu] Hui.
2. Lu Hui
Carved on end, highlighted in green
Eight characters, clerical script
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Cuiyan (Gong Kai)
Outside wrapper: Fitted brocade wrapper with blue flower design, and white fabric label
Label slip: Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1864–1949)
Twelve characters, standard script
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Cuiyan [Gong Kai) of the Song dynasty. In the
Xuzhai Collection [of Pang Yuanji].
Seal: (1)
Laichen『萊臣』(square relief)
Outside label: He Weipu 何維樸 (1844–1925)
Eight characters, clerical script; plus fourteen characters, running-standard script
Zhongshan Going on Excursion, by Gong Shengyu [Gong Kai]. Examined and collected
by Xuzhai [Pang Yuanji]. Eighth lunar-month in the jiyou year of the Xuantong reign
period [September 14–October 13, 1909], inscribed by He Weipu.
Signature: 何維樸
He Weipu
Date: 宣統已酉八月
eighth lunar month in the jiyou year of the Xuantong reign period
[September 14–October 13, 1909]
Seal: (1)
Pu yin『樸印』(square intaglio)
Colophons: (22) – Fourteen (14) sheets of paper, of unequal dimensions.
1. Gong Kai 龔開 (1222–1307)
Separately mounted sheet of brown paper, with extra strip at left.
14 columns, clerical script. Poem (16x7), plus prose postscript 髯君家本住中山,駕言出遊安
。卻愁有物覷高明,八姨豪買他人宅,□□君醒為掃除,馬嵬金馱去无跡。 人言墨鬼為戲筆,
My Lord Whiskers’ family home was located on Zhongshan, He
harnessed up and out he went, but whither did he go?
Said he’d make a little hunt without the hawks and dogs, But
I believe his reason had to do with house and home.
Little sister’s lovely face was all made up and powdered, Of
ointments in five colors, the best for her was black.
On coming to a way station she had to take a little rest,
In that old hut who was there to give her wine and food? While
Red Turban and Black Shirt can certainly be boiled, The pure
blood of a beauty will in the end be hard to get.
Isn’t it better to go home and drink some Zhongshan brew, And
once drunk, for three long years be oblivious to all?
Renouncing sorrow someone watched the clever and bright,
Sister-in-law Eight by force bought other people’s homes. But
when My Lord had sobered up, he swept them all away, At
Mawei Slope the golden load was gone without a trace.
People say that painting demons in ink is just doodling, but this is greatly untrue. It is
more like a calligrapher who is a prodigy of grass script: Is there anyone in the world
who is unskilled in standard script, yet is able to write in grass? In the past, Si Yizhen [ ]
and Zhao Qianli [Zhao Boju, active 1120s–1162] were skilled at painting demons in ink.
Qianli’s Clove Demon was truly special and unique, but what a pity he departed so far
from the genre of figure painting, for people were able to use [that departure] to
categorize his work as mere doodling. And while Yizhen’s demons were very
wellcrafted, their subject matter was near to obscene, going so far as to to show Lord
Whiskers [Zhong Kui] in a field privy with a porcupine going for him, and his sister with
an open blouse wielding a stick to drive it away. What kind of a thing was this? In now
making Zhongshan Going on Excursion, it is because I wish to flush away Yizhen’s filth,
and hope I have not abandoned the pure pleasures of brush and ink. Comparing [this
work] to calligraphy, it lies somewhere between standard script and running script.
Extremely little is known about Zhong Kui, all of which from beginning to end I put in
my poem, and since I could not [otherwise] avoid repetition, I have addressed other
matters in this postscript simply to express something new. Recorded by Gong Kai of
Signature: 龔開
Gong Kai
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Huaiyin Gong Kai『淮陰龔開』(square intaglio) – over kai 開 in signature
2. Li Mingfeng 李鳴鳳 (late 13th–early 14th century)
23 columns, standard and running script. Poem (irregular).
Zhongshan Going on Excursion. The Old Woodcutter of Huangshan [Li Mingfeng].
[Translation forthcoming].
Signature: 黃山樵叟
The Old Woodcutter of Huangshan
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Li Mingfeng yin『李鳴鳳印』(square intaglio) – below signature,
column 1
Huangshan shufang『黃山書房』(square relief) – below signature,
column 1
3. Wang Xiaoweng 王肖翁 (1272–1336)
7 columns, running-standard script. Poem (8x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Wang Xiaoweng of Gubing.
Signature: 王肖翁
Wang Xiaoweng
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Fufeng『傅鳳』(square relief)
Muyangzhe『牧羊者』(square relief)
4. Boshiweng 襏襫翁 (unidentified; late 13th–early 14th century?)
7 columns, standard script.
《中山出遊圖》,凡一展翫 3,見者無不驚訝。世之奇形異狀,暴戾詭譎,彊弱吞啗,變詐百出
Whenever I open Zhongshan Going on Excursion for my amusement, everyone who sees
it invariably exclaims in surprise. All the strange shapes and unusual forms of the age—
the fierce and cruel or wily and cunning, the strong and the weak gulping and gnawing—
appear in the hundreds, changing deceitfully. But it has gone so far that many people do
not consider even such evil demons to be odd, and the reason is probably because they
have heard them and seen them around for so long that they have been completely
transformed as well, and therefore view [such apparitions] as normal. Oh, how profound
is the meaning of this painting of Old Man Whiskers! The only part of the Zhong Kui
story that some people consider doubtful is that he appeared in the Bright Emperor’s
dream. But I say that from past to present [time has passed] like a shooting star or bolt of
lightning, and glowing reputations and forlorn sorrows have sprouted like fungus and
burst like bubbles, so that the only thing there is left to doubt is what is not a dream. In
appending some words now at the end of the scroll, couldn’t this also be talking of
dreams while in a dream? Inscribed by Boshiweng [Old Man Raincape] of Donghu.
Signature: 襏襫翁
Boshiweng [Old Man Raincape]
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Yu renjian shi『寓人間世』(square relief)
5. Han Xing 韓性 (1266–1341)
7 columns, standard script. Poem (17x7)
[Translation forthcoming.] Han Xing of Anyang.
Signature: 韓性
Han Xing
Date: none
Seals: none
6. Chen Fang 陳方 (died 1367?)
6 columns, standard script. Poem (14x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Chen Fang of Guyang.
Signature: 陳方
Chen Fang
Date: none
Seals: (1)
Chen shi Zizhen『陳氏子貞』(square relief)
7. Zongyan 宗衍 (1309–1351)
5 columns, standard script. Poem (8x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. The monk Zongyan.
Signature: 釋宗衍
Monk Zongyan
Date: none
Seals: none
8. Qian Liangyou 錢良右 (1278–1344)
3 columns, clerical script. Poem (4x7)
小鬽 4欺人亦可憎,鬼翁怒縳敢馮陵,莫言怪狀元無有,老眼髯龔見屢曾。錢良右敬題
As little imps can be detested for their cheating ways,
In his anger, this old ogre binds and dares maltreat them.
Do not say that such strange creatures have never been,
For Whiskers Gong with aged eyes has seen them many times.
Repectfully inscribed by Qian Liangyou.
Signature: 錢良右
Qian Liangyou
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Jiangcun min『江村民』(rectangle relief)
Qian shi Yizhi『錢氏翼之』(square intaglio)
9. Song Wu 宋无 (1260–after 1340)
12 columns, standard script. Poem (35x7) 酆都山黑隂雨秋,群鬼聚哭寒啾啾,老馗豐髯古
執縳罔兩血洒骻,毋乃剁鬼作鬼鮓 6,令我有手不能把,神閒意定元是假,始信吟翁筆揮寫。翠
[Translation forthcoming]. Cuihan Song Wu.
Signature: 宋无
Song Wu
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Wu yishi Song Zixu『吳逸士宋子虛』(square relief)
Cuihanzhai『翠寒齋』(square relief)
10. Liu Hong 劉洪 (unidentified; late 13th–early 14th century)
4 columns, running-standard script. Poem (4x7).
堪咲龔侯戲鬼神,豪端寫出逼天 7真,我貧不敢披圖看,恐作邪揄來笑人。
[Translation forthcoming]
Liu Hong
Signature: 劉洪
Liu Hong
Date: none
Seals: none
11. Sun Yuanchen 孫元臣 (unidentified; late 13th–early 14th century)
4 columns; standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Inscribed by Sun Yuanchen.
Signature: 孫元臣
Sun Yuanchen
Date: none
Seals: none
12. Lü Yuangui 呂元規 (unidentifed; late 13th–early 14th century)
4 columns, standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Lü Yuangui.
Signature: 呂元規
Lü Yuangui
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Zhixu『執徐』(square relief)
Gushou Lü shi Fangshu『古壽呂氏方叔』(square intaglio)
Fangcundi『方寸地 』(square relief)
13. Tang Shimou 湯時懋 (unidentified; active early 14th century)
2 columns, standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Tang Shimou.
Signature: 湯時懋
Tang Shimou
Date: none
Seals: none
14. Gong Su 龔璛 (1266–1331)
4 columns, running script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Gong Su of Gaoyou.
Signature: 龔璛
Gong Su
Date: none
Seals: none
15. Wang Shi 王時 (active 1330s–1380s)
4 columns; running script. Poem (4x7) 長嘯空林百草秋,蒼髯煤臉也風流,當
[Translation forthcoming]. Wang Shi of Jinyuan.
Signature: 王時
Wang Shi
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Wang Shi『王時』(square relief)
Wang Benzhong yin『王本中印』(square intaglio)
16. Bai Ting 白珽 (1248–1328)
7 columns, running-standard script. Poem (4x7)
[Translation forthcoming]. Xixia jushi Bai Ting.
Signature: 栖霞居士白珽
Xixia jushi, Bai Ting
Seals: (2)
Qiantang Bai Ting『錢唐白珽』(square intaglio)
Zhanyuanzi『湛淵子』(square intaglio)
17. Zhou Yun 周耘 (unidentified; early 14th century?)
12 columns, standard script.
翠巖龔先生,負荊楚雄俊才 8,不為世用,故其胸中磊磊落落者,發為怪怪奇奇。在豪端游戲,
Master Cuiyan Gong [Kai] was a brave and noble talent from Jing-Chu [the area of
modern Hunan and Hubei provinces], but he was not employed by the times, so the
discontentment in his breast was expressed in [depictions of] the strange and unusual. In
the play of his brush tip, his resonant and atmospheric style is not something that a
common craftsman can understand. Thus, he often made [paintings of] blood-sweating
[steeds], where ―the old thoroughbred bent over his trough‖ bears itself as it did in life,
for it [still] ―has the will to go a thousand li.‖9 The way he painted Zhongshan Going on
Excursion—Lord Whiskers glaring about in suppressed rage; the myriad-strong
entourage surrounding his sedan chair, a confused crowd of the fantastic and the odd;
sprites and goblins bound and tied, waiting to be boiled—causes the resolute and upright
to be glad of heart when they view it, and the wicked and deceitful to lose courage upon
seeing it. Therefore, we know that the master’s intent was to sweep and scour away evil
and malignancy, so how could one merely view [the painting] as pure entertainment? Oh,
the master may indeed be gone, but to this day his glorious light compels one!
Respectfully inscribed by his later student, Zhou Yun of Xiangshan.
Signature: 周耘
Zhou Yun
Date: none
Seals: (2)
X-shan XX yun『□山□□雲』(rectangle relief)
Shuizhu yunshan zhu『水竹雲山主』(square relief)
18. Feng Fang 豐坊 (1492–1563)
6 columns, clerical script
As Old Man Cuiyan [Gong Kai] had been an official under the Song dynasty, upon
entering the Yuan, he did not serve [in government]. His quality as a person was like this,
and therefore both his calligraphy and painting are exceptionally marvelous. For his
[colophon in] clerical script, he fully employed a style of seal script that is reminiscent of
[the writing found on] steelyards from the Qin dynasty [221–207 b.c.e.], or the Fenyin
tripod [ding] and Suihe pot from the Han dynasty [206 b.c.e. –c.e. 220]. And while the
demonic creatures he depicted are indeed strange and odd, the idea behind them is
emphatically not one of amusement or play. As the [Classic of] Poetry says: ―It’s a
demon, it’s a reptile, / Then it cannot be predicted.‖10 As [creatures] such as this bunch
are certainly not few in the world, how can we serve them all for Lord Whiskers [Zhong
Kui] to suck and chew? Twenty-fifth day in the second lunar-month of the dinghai year
in the Jiajing reign period [March 25, 1527], inscribed by Feng Fang of Siming upon
viewing [this scroll] in the Baoxian [Precious Hill] Pavilion.
Signature: 豐坊
Feng Fang
Date: 嘉靖丁亥二月廿五日
Twenty-fifth day in the second lunar-month of the dinghai year in
the Jiajing reign period [March 25, 1527]
Seals: (3)
Jinyun『晉雲』(circle relief)
Feng shi Cunshu『豐氏存叔』(square relief)
Nanyu waishi『南禺外史』(square relief)
19. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1704)
13 columns, standard script
11 人詩篇圖畫,多託之馬者,或以喻才俊,或以傷不遇,尚
Ever since Wu Daozi [active ca. 710–760] of the Tang dynasty did the picture Zhong Kui
Going on Excursion, those who emulated him have grown more numerous by the day,
which is probably because [the subject] lends itself to the bizarre and fanciful. Gong
Cuiyan [Gong Kai] lived into the Yuan dynasty, but did not serve [in government], so he
had nothing to cook at his hostel, and frequently spread paper on his son’s back to make
pictures in exchange for rice. People competed to buy them; however, not very many
have passed down in the world. In winter of the dingchou year [1697], when I first
returned from recuperating, I acquired his Emaciated Horse in Wumen [Suzhou], and this
year in the sixth lunar month, I also acquired his Zhongshan Going on Excursion. As
these two scrolls are [Gong Kai’s] most illustrious [surviving works], and the colophons
inscribed [on them] by former worthies are both numerous and beautiful, I prize them
both equally. A visitor said: ―Many poems and paintings by men of the past used the
horse as a symbol, and whether it was as a metaphor of great talent, or of a person born
out his time, there was still an [underlying] meaning to it. But what is one to take from a
group of demons like the one that fills the [paper] in front of us?‖ I replied: ―Not so, for
more than one person in the world is human in outward form, but behaves like a demon
in his actions, so how can one know that this bunch, though ugly in appearance, might
not have real character of mind? Whenever I encounter something in life that provokes
joy, or honesty, or fear, or anger, or grief, or sighs, I take this out and look at it, and I’m
bound to have a good laugh, for the ancients never fail [in their purposes], I think.‖ The
day before Seventh Night in the gengchen year of the Kangxi reign period [August 20,
1700]—it is more than ten days after Establishing Autumn, and the sun blazed at my
studio window in the lingering summer heat. Only near evening did it get a bit cooler, so
I rinsed off my inkstone to pass the time and wrote out these words. When I was done
writing and stood up, the slender moon was already at the edge of the eaves. The jasmine
flowers have opened and fill the bushes with a riot of color, [making me] recall my youth
and the smells of a different [time and] place. The old collector of River Village, Gao
Signature: 高士奇
Gao Shiqi
Date: 康熙庚辰七夕前一日
one day before Seventh Night [in the seventh lunar-month] of the
gengchen year in the Kangxi reign period [August 20, 1700]
Seals: (3)
Gao Zhanshi『高詹事』(square intaglio)
Jiangcun Shiqi zhi zhang『江邨士奇之章』(square intaglio)
Bu yi sangong yi ci ri『不以三公易此日』(square relief)
20. Zhu Yizun 朱彝尊 (1629–1709)
1 column, clerical script.
Spring of the renwu year in the Kangxi reign period [1702], respectfully viewed by Zhu
Yizun of Xiushui.
Signature: 朱彝尊
Zhu Yizun
Date: 康熙壬午春
Spring of the renwu year in the Kangxi reign period [1702]
Seals: (2)
Zhu Yizun yin『朱彝尊印』(square intaglio)
Zhucha『竹垞』(square relief)
21. Li Shizhuo 李世倬 (1687–1765)
6 columns, running script
[Translation forthcoming]. Yiqi Li Shizhuo.
Signature: 伊祁李世倬
Yiqi Li Shizhuo
Date: none
Seals: (2)
Shizhuo siyin『世倬私印』(square intaglio)
Guzhai『轂齋』(square relief)
22. Xu Naipu 許乃普 (1787–1866)
4 columns, standard script
The painting on this handscroll is rare and antique, and was deeply influenced by the style
of [carved] figures found on the Wu Liang Shrine.12 Astounding the mind and frightening
the eye, it is to be treasured, to be treasured. On the second day after yuanxi [fifteenth day
of the first lunar-month] in the dingyou year of the Daoguang reign period
[February 6, 1837], viewed by Xu Naipu of Qiantang and recorded at the Studio of
Tranquil Fragrance in the Zhang Gate commissioner’s office.
Signature: 許乃普
Xu Naipu
Date: 道光丁酉元夕後二日
Second day after yuanxi [fifteenth day of the first lunar-month] in
the dingyou year of the Daoguang reign period [February 6, 1837]
Seals: (2)
Tiansheng guoyan『滇生過眼』(square relief)
Chen Xu Naipu『臣許乃普』(square intaglio)
101 Total
1. An Guo 安國 (1481–1532) – (6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – painting, left edge – (1/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 2 – (2/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 7 – (3/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 10 – (4/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 13 – (5/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 17 – (6/6)
2. Han Shineng 韓世能 (1528–1598) – (2)
Yundong cangshi『雲東藏室』(rectangle relief) – painting, center paper join
Han Shineng yin『韓世能印』(square relief) – painting, upper left
3. Han Fengxi 韓逢禧 (1576–after 1655) – (5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 1 – (1/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 2 – (2/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 17, paper join – (3/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (4/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (5/5)
4. Han Fengyou 韓逢祐 (late 16th–mid-17th century) – (1)
Fengyou『逢祐』(square intaglio) – painting, mid left edge
5. Sun Chengze 孫承澤 (1593–1675) – (1)
Tianzaolou『天藻樓』(rectangle relief; with intaglio dragons) – frontispiece, right edge
6. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1704) – (17)
Haozhuang xinyi yunian『耗壯心遺餘年』(rectangle intaglio) – frontis., right edge – (1/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – frontispiece, left edge – (1/2)
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之
印』(rectangle intaglio) – frontispiece, left edge – (1/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 1, lower
left – (1/5)
Gao shi Qingyintang jiancang shuhua『高氏清吟堂鑒藏書畫』(rectangle relief) –
painting, lower right
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower left – (2/5)
Jianjingzhai『簡靜齋』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower left – (1/2)
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之
印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 1, paper join – (2/2)
Youxi『遊戲』(rectangle relief) – lower left of colophon 2, paper join
Haozhuang xinyi yunian『耗壯心遺餘年』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 7,
paper join – (2/2)
Jianjingzhai『簡靜齋』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join – (2/2)
Dudanweng『獨旦翁』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Gao Shiqi tushu ji『高士奇圖書記』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 15, paper
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief ) – left of colophon 17, paper join – (2/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 17 – (3/5)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 17 – (4/5)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (5/5)
7. Bi Long 畢瀧 (1733–1797) – (18)
Guangkanzhai Bi shi cang『廣堪齋畢氏藏』(rectangle relief) – frontis., right edge
Bi Long cang shuhua ji 『畢瀧藏書畫記』(square relief) – frontis., left edge
Nanyuan xiaoyin『南園小隱』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1, mid left
Bi Long Jianfei shi cang『畢瀧澗飛氏藏』(square relief) – mounting silk 1, lower
Bi Long qingshang『畢瀧清賞』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
Bi Jianfei miji yin『畢澗飛祕笈印』(rectangle relief) – painting, left middle
Bi Long jiancang『畢瀧鑑藏』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 2
Taicang Bi shi Jingyi’an tuji『太倉畢氏靜逸庺圖記』(square relief) – mounting
silk 2
Bi Long jianshang『畢瀧鑒賞』(square relief) – left of colophon 1
Bi Long miji『畢瀧祕笈』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 2, paper join
Jianfei jiancang『澗飛鑑藏』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 7, paper join
Zhuchi miwan『竹癡祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Bi Long shending『畢瀧審定』(square relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Bi Long Jianfei cang yin『畢瀧澗飛藏印』(square relief) – left of colophon 17
Loudong Bi Long Jianfei shi cang『婁東畢瀧澗飛氏藏』(rectangle relief) – left of
colophon 19
Bi Jianfei shuhua ji『畢澗飛書畫記』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 21
Bi Long jiancang tushu『畢瀧鑒藏圖書』(square relief) – left of colophon 21
Bi Long jianding tuji『畢瀧鑒定圖記』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 21
8. Zeng Xiejun 曾協均 (active 1843–after 1864) – (7)13
Woxuezhai cang『臥雪齋藏』(square relief) – frontispiece, left
Shengchao zhenshang『笙巢真賞』(square intaglio) – frontispiece, left
Baozhi guoyan『寶之過眼』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1, lower left
Shengchao miwan『笙巢秘玩』(square relief) – painting, right
Yinfen zhuren『吟芬主人』(square relief) – painting, lower right
Yinfenguan zhencang『吟芬館珍藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, mid left
Yinfenguan『吟芬館』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 21
9. Cai Hongjian 蔡鴻鑑 (1854–1881, or 1806–1876) – (11)
Biyuhu Cai Hongjian jiaoshu duhua zhi yin『碧玉壺蔡鴻鑑校書讀畫之印』
(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Cai Jian『蔡鑑』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
Biyuhu zhencang jinshi shuhua ji『碧玉壺珍藏金石書畫記』(square intaglio) –
left of colophon 1, paper join – (1/3)
Cai Jian changle『蔡鑑長樂』(square relief) – left of colophon 7, paper join
Biyuhu『碧玉壺』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 10, paper join
Jibai zhenshang『季白眞賞』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 15, paper join
Biyuhu zhencang jinshi shuhua ji『碧玉壺珍藏金石書畫記』(square intaglio) – left
of colophon 18 – (2/3)
Siming Cai Jizi Hongjian zhang『四明蔡季子鴻鑑章』(square intaglio) – left of colophon
Biyuhu zhencang jinshi shuhua ji『碧玉壺珍藏金石書畫記』(square intaglio) – left
of colophon 21 – (3/3)
Siming Cai shi『四明蔡氏』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 22, paper join
Cai Zhong『蔡仲』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 22, paper join
10. Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1865–1949) – (21)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – frontispiece, right edge – (1/4)
Xuzhai zhijing zhi pin『虛齋至精之品』(rectangle relief) – frontispiece, left edge
Laichen yanfu『萊臣睍福』(square relief) – frontispiece, left edge
Tuixiu'an『退修庺』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 1, upper right
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋秘玩』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1, lower right
Laichen xinshang『萊臣心賞』(square relief) – mounting silk 1, lower right
Wuxing Pang shi zhencang『吳興龐氏珍藏』(square relief) mounting silk 1, lower
Youyuxianshi baocang『有餘閒室寶藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Pang Laichen zhencang Song Yuan zhenji『龐萊臣珍藏宋元真蹟』(square relief)
– painting, mid right – (1/2)
Xuzhai shending『虛齋審定』(rectangle relief) – painting, mid right
Pang Laichen zhenshang yin『龐萊臣珍賞印』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper
Xuzhai shending『虛齋審定』(square intaglio) – painting, mid left
Pang Laichen zhencang Song Yuan zhenji『龐萊臣珍藏宋元真蹟』(square relief)
– left of colophon 1, paper join – (2/2)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 1, paper join – (2/4)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join – (3/4)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 17 – (4/4)
Xuzhai moyuan『虛齋墨緣』(square relief) – left of colophon 18 – (1/2)
Xuzhai jianding『虛齋鑑定』(square relief) – left of colophon 19
Laichen shencang zhenji『萊臣審藏 真蹟』(square relief) – left of colophon 21
Xuzhai moyuan『虛齋墨緣』(square relief) – last end paper, left edge – (2/2)
Pang Yuanji shuhua yin『龐元濟書畫印』( ) – last end paper, left edge
11. Unidentified – (12)
Hushan shuhua chuan『湖山書畫船』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 1, upper
Shousong yanfu『壽松眼福』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right – (1/2)
Chanzi『蟾子』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
Tian yin『田印』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, center paper join
Gu Rongzhai shuhua ji『顧容齋書畫記』(rectangle relief ) – painting, mid left
Undeciphered (square relief) – colophon 1, upper left
Undeciphered (square relief) – colophon 1, lower left
Bishufu『匕叔父』(circle intaglio) – left of colophon 1
Bai ye『白也』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 2, paper join
Zhonglang yiyong『中郎遺咏』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Shousong yanfu『壽松眼福』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (2/2)
Yingying zhang ji『盈盈掌記』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 22, paper join
1. An Guo 安國 (1481–1532) – (6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – painting, left edge – (1/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 2 – (2/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 7 – (3/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 10 – (4/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 13 – (5/6)
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(oval intaglio) – left of colophon 17 – (6/6)
2. Han Shineng 韓世能 (1528–1598) – (2)
Yundong cangshi『雲東藏室』(rectangle relief) – painting, center paper join
Han Shineng yin『韓世能印』(square relief) – painting, upper left
3. Han Fengxi 韓逢禧 (1576–after 1655) – (5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 1 – (1/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 2 – (2/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 17, paper join – (3/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (4/5)
Han Fengxi yin『韓逢禧印』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (5/5)
4. Han Fengyou 韓逢祐 (late 16th–mid-17th century) – (1)
Fengyou『逢祐』(square intaglio) – painting, mid left edge
5. Sun Chengze 孫承澤 (1593–1675) – (1)
Tianzaolou『天藻樓』(rectangle relief; with intaglio dragons) – frontispiece, right edge
6. Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1704) – (17)
Haozhuang xinyi yunian『耗壯心遺餘年』(rectangle intaglio) – frontis., right edge – (1/2)
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief) – frontispiece, left edge – (1/2)
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之
印』(rectangle intaglio) – frontispiece, left edge – (1/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 1, lower
left – (1/5)
Gao shi Qingyintang jiancang shuhua『高氏清吟堂鑒藏書畫』(rectangle relief) –
painting, lower right
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower left – (2/5)
Jianjingzhai『簡靜齋』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower left – (1/2)
Gao shi Jiangcun caotang zhencang shuhua zhi yin『高氏江邨草堂珍藏書畫之
印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 1, paper join – (2/2)
Youxi『遊戲』(rectangle relief) – lower left of colophon 2, paper join
Haozhuang xinyi yunian『耗壯心遺餘年』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 7,
paper join – (2/2)
Jianjingzhai『簡靜齋』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join – (2/2)
Dudanweng『獨旦翁』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Gao Shiqi tushu ji『高士奇圖書記』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 15, paper
Zhuchuang『竹窗』(rectangle relief ) – left of colophon 17, paper join – (2/2)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 17 – (3/5)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 17 – (4/5)
Jingjixuan tushu yin『靜寄軒圖書印』(rectangle intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (5/5)
7. Bi Long 畢瀧 (1733–1797) – (18)
Guangkanzhai Bi shi cang『廣堪齋畢氏藏』(rectangle relief) – frontis., right edge
Bi Long cang shuhua ji 『畢瀧藏書畫記』(square relief) – frontis., left edge
Nanyuan xiaoyin『南園小隱』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1, mid left
Bi Long Jianfei shi cang『畢瀧澗飛氏藏』(square relief) – mounting silk 1, lower
Bi Long qingshang『畢瀧清賞』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
Bi Jianfei miji yin『畢澗飛祕笈印』(rectangle relief) – painting, left middle
Bi Long jiancang『畢瀧鑑藏』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 2
Taicang Bi shi Jingyi’an tuji『太倉畢氏靜逸庺圖記』(square relief) – mounting
silk 2
Bi Long jianshang『畢瀧鑒賞』(square relief) – left of colophon 1
Bi Long miji『畢瀧祕笈』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 2, paper join
Jianfei jiancang『澗飛鑑藏』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 7, paper join
Zhuchi miwan『竹癡祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Bi Long shending『畢瀧審定』(square relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Bi Long Jianfei cang yin『畢瀧澗飛藏印』(square relief) – left of colophon 17
Loudong Bi Long Jianfei shi cang『婁東畢瀧澗飛氏藏』(rectangle relief) – left of
colophon 19
Bi Jianfei shuhua ji『畢澗飛書畫記』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 21
Bi Long jiancang tushu『畢瀧鑒藏圖書』(square relief) – left of colophon 21
Bi Long jianding tuji『畢瀧鑒定圖記』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 21
8. Zeng Xiejun 曾協均 (active 1843–after 1864) – (7)13
Woxuezhai cang『臥雪齋藏』(square relief) – frontispiece, left
Shengchao zhenshang『笙巢真賞』(square intaglio) – frontispiece, left
Baozhi guoyan『寶之過眼』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1, lower left
Shengchao miwan『笙巢秘玩』(square relief) – painting, right
Yinfen zhuren『吟芬主人』(square relief) – painting, lower right
Yinfenguan zhencang『吟芬館珍藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, mid left
Yinfenguan『吟芬館』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 21
9. Cai Hongjian 蔡鴻鑑 (1854–1881, or 1806–1876) – (11)
Biyuhu Cai Hongjian jiaoshu duhua zhi yin『碧玉壺蔡鴻鑑校書讀畫之印』
(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Cai Jian『蔡鑑』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
Biyuhu zhencang jinshi shuhua ji『碧玉壺珍藏金石書畫記』(square intaglio) –
left of colophon 1, paper join – (1/3)
Cai Jian changle『蔡鑑長樂』(square relief) – left of colophon 7, paper join
Biyuhu『碧玉壺』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 10, paper join
Jibai zhenshang『季白眞賞』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 15, paper join
Biyuhu zhencang jinshi shuhua ji『碧玉壺珍藏金石書畫記』(square intaglio) – left
of colophon 18 – (2/3)
Siming Cai Jizi Hongjian zhang『四明蔡季子鴻鑑章』(square intaglio) – left of colophon
Biyuhu zhencang jinshi shuhua ji『碧玉壺珍藏金石書畫記』(square intaglio) – left
of colophon 21 – (3/3)
Siming Cai shi『四明蔡氏』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 22, paper join
Cai Zhong『蔡仲』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 22, paper join
10. Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1865–1949) – (21)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – frontispiece, right edge – (1/4)
Xuzhai zhijing zhi pin『虛齋至精之品』(rectangle relief) – frontispiece, left edge
Laichen yanfu『萊臣睍福』(square relief) – frontispiece, left edge
Tuixiu'an『退修庺』(rectangle relief) – mounting silk 1, upper right
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋秘玩』(square intaglio) – mounting silk 1, lower right
Laichen xinshang『萊臣心賞』(square relief) – mounting silk 1, lower right
Wuxing Pang shi zhencang『吳興龐氏珍藏』(square relief) mounting silk 1, lower
Youyuxianshi baocang『有餘閒室寶藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Pang Laichen zhencang Song Yuan zhenji『龐萊臣珍藏宋元真蹟』(square relief)
– painting, mid right – (1/2)
Xuzhai shending『虛齋審定』(rectangle relief) – painting, mid right
Pang Laichen zhenshang yin『龐萊臣珍賞印』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper
Xuzhai shending『虛齋審定』(square intaglio) – painting, mid left
Pang Laichen zhencang Song Yuan zhenji『龐萊臣珍藏宋元真蹟』(square relief)
– left of colophon 1, paper join – (2/2)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 1, paper join – (2/4)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 9, paper join – (3/4)
Xuzhai miwan『虛齋祕玩』(square relief) – left of colophon 17 – (4/4)
Xuzhai moyuan『虛齋墨緣』(square relief) – left of colophon 18 – (1/2)
Xuzhai jianding『虛齋鑑定』(square relief) – left of colophon 19
Laichen shencang zhenji『萊臣審藏 真蹟』(square relief) – left of colophon 21
Xuzhai moyuan『虛齋墨緣』(square relief) – last end paper, left edge – (2/2)
Pang Yuanji shuhua yin『龐元濟書畫印』( ) – last end paper, left edge
11. Unidentified – (12)
Hushan shuhua chuan『湖山書畫船』(rectangle intaglio) – mounting silk 1, upper
Shousong yanfu『壽松眼福』(square intaglio) – painting, mid right – (1/2)
Chanzi『蟾子』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right
Tian yin『田印』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, center paper join
Gu Rongzhai shuhua ji『顧容齋書畫記』(rectangle relief ) – painting, mid left
Undeciphered (square relief) – colophon 1, upper left
Undeciphered (square relief) – colophon 1, lower left
Bishufu『匕叔父』(circle intaglio) – left of colophon 1
Bai ye『白也』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 2, paper join
Zhonglang yiyong『中郎遺咏』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 9, paper join
Shousong yanfu『壽松眼福』(square intaglio) – left of colophon 19 – (2/2)
Yingying zhang ji『盈盈掌記』(rectangle relief) – left of colophon 22, paper join
Rights Holder
National Museum of Asian Art (Freer Sackler)
Zhu Cunli 朱存理 (1444–1513), attr. (Zhao Qimei 趙琦美 [1563–1624], comp.) Tiewang
shanhu 鐵網珊瑚. Postscript 1600. China: Nian Xiyao (1671–1738) Chengjiantang 年希
堯澄鑒堂, 1728. Hua 2:17a–21a.
Zhang Chou 張丑 (1577–1643). Qinghe shuhua fang 清河書畫舫. Preface 1616. Sunqi
孫溪: Zhu shi jiashu 朱氏家塾, 1888. You 酉: 26a–b.
__________. Nanyang minghua biao 南陽名畫表. 21a.
Bian Yongyu 卞永譽 (1645–1712), comp. Shigutang shuhua huikao 式古堂書畫彙考.
1680–82. Wuxing 吳興: Jian’gu shushe 鑑古書社, 1921. Hua 15:33a–37b.
Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703). Jiangcun shuhua mu 江村書畫目 (1705). Hong Kong:
Longmen shudian, 1968. Section 7, no pagination.
Wu Xiu 吳修 (1764–1827). Qingxiaguan lunhua jueju 青霞館論畫絕句. Preface 1824. Pp.
Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927). Sanyutang lun shuhua shi 三虞堂論書畫詩.
Preface 1933. China: n.p., n.d. 2:4a.
Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1864–1949). Xuzhai minghua lu 虛齋名畫錄. Preface 1909.
Shanghai: Shangyouxuan 尚友軒, 1909. 2:1a–9b.
Zhang Heng 張珩 (1914–1963). Muyanzhai shuhua jianshang biji: hiuihua 2, shang 木雁
齋書畫鑒賞筆記:繪畫二,上. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2000. Pp. 156–69.
Morgan, Whitney. ―Museum Acqusitions.‖ In Parnassus 11 (January 1939): 37–41, esp.
38 and 40.
Sirén, Osvald (1879–1966). Kinas konst under tre årtusenden. 2 vols. Stockholm: Natur
och kultur, 1942–43. Vol. 2, fig 404 (four details).
__________. Chinese Painting; Leading Masters and Principles. 7 vols. New York:
Ronald Press Co., 1956–58. Vol. 3, plate 323.
Zheng Zhenduo 鄭振鐸 (1898–1958). Weida de yishu chuantong tulu 偉大的藝術傳統
圖錄. 2 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai chuban gongsi, 1954. Vol. 2, plates 10–11.
Sickman, Laurence (1906–1988), and Alexander Soper (1904–1993). The Art and
Architecture of China. [Baltimore]: Penguin Books, 1956. Plate 110a.
van Gulik, Robert H. (1910–1967). Chinese Pictorial Art, as viewed by the connoisseur.
Roma, Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1958. Fig. 62 (opposite p. 127).
Ye Gongchuo 葉恭綽 (1880–1968). Xia’an tanyi lu 遐庺談藝錄. China: Privately
published, 1960. 3b–4a.
Freer Gallery of Art. Freer Gallery of Art, China I. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1972. Plate 43, and
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__________. Masterpieces of Chinese and Japanese Art: Freer Gallery of Art Handbook.
Washington, DC: Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1976. P. 49.
Lawton, Thomas. Chinese Figure Painting. Washington, DC: David R. Godine, in
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系. Vol. 4. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1975. Pp. 141 (plates 118–20) and 165.
Nakata Yūjirō 中田勇次郎 (1905–1998) and Fu Shen 傅申. Ōbei shūzō: Chūgoku hōsho
meiseki shū 歐米收藏:中國法書名蹟集 (Masterpieces of Chinese Calligraphy in
American and European Collections). 4 vols. Tokyo: Chūōkoron-sha, 1981. Pp. 9–13
(plates 6–10) and 134–36.
Xu Bangda 徐邦逹, ed. Zhongguo huihuashi tulu 中國繪畫史圖錄. 2 vols. Shanghai:
Shanghai renmin meishu chubanshe, 1981. Vol. 1, 282–83 (plate 146).
She Cheng 佘城, ed. Zhongguo shuhua 1: renwu hua 中國書畫 1﹕人物畫. Taibei:
Guangfu shuju, 1981. Pp. 60 and 64–65.
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Meishu shilun congkan 美術史論丛刊 2 (1982): 144.
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(1985): 5–128, esp. 33–34, and fig. 26
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(Chinese Art in Overseas Collections: Paintings). Taibei: Gugong bowuyuan, 1985. Pp.
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Fu, Shen C.Y. "Wit, Humor, and Playfulness in Traditional Chinese Painting." In Asian
Art & Culture 7.3 (1994): 47–65, esp. 56–58, and fig. 12.
Yang Xin, Nie Chongzheng, Lang Shaojun, Richard M. Barnhart, James Cahill, and Wu
Hung. Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting. New Haven: Yale University Press
and Foreign Languages Press, 1997. P. 142 (plate 130).
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Hunan meishu chubanshe, 1998. Vol. 4, 88–91 (no. 50)
Chu Mo 楚默, ed. Yuandai bian: Yuandai mingjia juan 元代編,元代名家卷. In
Zhongguo shufa quanji 中國書法全集. Vol. 47. Beijing: Rongbaozhai chubanshe, 2001.
Pp. 46 and 235.
von Glahn, Richard. The Sinister Way: The Divine and the Demonic in Chinese Religious
Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. Fig. 17.
Song Luxia 宋路霞. Bainian shoucang: Ershi shiji Zhongguo minjian shoucang fengyun
lu 百年收藏: 二十世紀中國民間收藏風雲錄. Taibei: Lianjing chuban gongsi, 2005. Pp.
Zhejiang daxue Zhongguo gudai shuhua yanjiu zhongxin 浙江大學中國古代書畫研究
中心, eds. Song hua quanji 宋畫全集. Vol. 6, part 6. Hangzhou: Zhejiang daxue
chubanshe, 2008. Pp. 60–72 and 259–69 (no. 15).
shanhu 鐵網珊瑚. Postscript 1600. China: Nian Xiyao (1671–1738) Chengjiantang 年希
堯澄鑒堂, 1728. Hua 2:17a–21a.
Zhang Chou 張丑 (1577–1643). Qinghe shuhua fang 清河書畫舫. Preface 1616. Sunqi
孫溪: Zhu shi jiashu 朱氏家塾, 1888. You 酉: 26a–b.
__________. Nanyang minghua biao 南陽名畫表. 21a.
Bian Yongyu 卞永譽 (1645–1712), comp. Shigutang shuhua huikao 式古堂書畫彙考.
1680–82. Wuxing 吳興: Jian’gu shushe 鑑古書社, 1921. Hua 15:33a–37b.
Gao Shiqi 高士奇 (1645–1703). Jiangcun shuhua mu 江村書畫目 (1705). Hong Kong:
Longmen shudian, 1968. Section 7, no pagination.
Wu Xiu 吳修 (1764–1827). Qingxiaguan lunhua jueju 青霞館論畫絕句. Preface 1824. Pp.
Wanyan Jingxian 完顏景賢 (died 1927). Sanyutang lun shuhua shi 三虞堂論書畫詩.
Preface 1933. China: n.p., n.d. 2:4a.
Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1864–1949). Xuzhai minghua lu 虛齋名畫錄. Preface 1909.
Shanghai: Shangyouxuan 尚友軒, 1909. 2:1a–9b.
Zhang Heng 張珩 (1914–1963). Muyanzhai shuhua jianshang biji: hiuihua 2, shang 木雁
齋書畫鑒賞筆記:繪畫二,上. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 2000. Pp. 156–69.
Morgan, Whitney. ―Museum Acqusitions.‖ In Parnassus 11 (January 1939): 37–41, esp.
38 and 40.
Sirén, Osvald (1879–1966). Kinas konst under tre årtusenden. 2 vols. Stockholm: Natur
och kultur, 1942–43. Vol. 2, fig 404 (four details).
__________. Chinese Painting; Leading Masters and Principles. 7 vols. New York:
Ronald Press Co., 1956–58. Vol. 3, plate 323.
Zheng Zhenduo 鄭振鐸 (1898–1958). Weida de yishu chuantong tulu 偉大的藝術傳統
圖錄. 2 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai chuban gongsi, 1954. Vol. 2, plates 10–11.
Sickman, Laurence (1906–1988), and Alexander Soper (1904–1993). The Art and
Architecture of China. [Baltimore]: Penguin Books, 1956. Plate 110a.
van Gulik, Robert H. (1910–1967). Chinese Pictorial Art, as viewed by the connoisseur.
Roma, Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1958. Fig. 62 (opposite p. 127).
Ye Gongchuo 葉恭綽 (1880–1968). Xia’an tanyi lu 遐庺談藝錄. China: Privately
published, 1960. 3b–4a.
Freer Gallery of Art. Freer Gallery of Art, China I. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1972. Plate 43, and
p. 159.
__________. Masterpieces of Chinese and Japanese Art: Freer Gallery of Art Handbook.
Washington, DC: Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1976. P. 49.
Lawton, Thomas. Chinese Figure Painting. Washington, DC: David R. Godine, in
association with Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1973. Pp. 142–49.
Kawakami Kei 川上涇, Toda Teisuke 戶田禎佑, and Ebine Toshirō 海老根聰郎. Ryō
Kai, Indara 梁楷。因陀羅 (Liang Kai, Yintuoluo). In Suiboku bijutsu taikei 水墨美術太
系. Vol. 4. Tokyo: Kōdansha, 1975. Pp. 141 (plates 118–20) and 165.
Nakata Yūjirō 中田勇次郎 (1905–1998) and Fu Shen 傅申. Ōbei shūzō: Chūgoku hōsho
meiseki shū 歐米收藏:中國法書名蹟集 (Masterpieces of Chinese Calligraphy in
American and European Collections). 4 vols. Tokyo: Chūōkoron-sha, 1981. Pp. 9–13
(plates 6–10) and 134–36.
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