Ink Plum Blossoms 墨梅圖
Ink Plum Blossoms 墨梅圖
Artist signature: located on tree trunk
Two characters, bafen clerical script
Seals: none
Two characters, bafen clerical script
Seals: none
Yansou 巖叟
Wooden box: Anonymous; lid engraved with text
Seven characters, standard script
Ink Plum, handscroll by Wang Yansou of the Song dynasty1
Signature: none
Seals: none
Outside wrapper: Imperial workshop, mid-18th century
Brown and white brocade with inscribed white silk lining. With white jade fastening pin
with exterior carving and no text.
Dimensions: 46.4 x 46.4 cm (18-1/4 x 18-1/4 in)
Text: Zhang Zhao 張照 (1691–1745)
Ink on silk
Twenty-four characters, standard script
Poetic Idea of Plum Blossoms, by an artist of the Song dynasty. Superior class, celestial first
[grade]. Spring, ninth year of the Qianlong reign period [1744], catalogued at imperial command
by your subjects Zhang Zhao et al.2
Signature: 張照
Zhang Zhao
Date: 乾隆九年春月
Spring, ninth year of the Qianlong reign period [1744]
Fastening pin: Imperial workshop, mid-18th century
White jade: exterior carved with archaic design and engraved text on interior Ten
characters, standard script
Appreciated by the Qianlong emperor: Plum blossoms, painted by Wang Yansou of the Song
Outside label slip: Anonymous
Six characters, standard script
Plum blossoms, painted by Wang Yansou
Inside label: Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 (1620–1691)
Paper slip, on Mounting silk 3
Eleven characters, standard script
北宋王巖叟《梅花》。棠村珍賞 。
Plum Blossoms, by Wang Yansou of the Northern Song dynasty. Treasured by Tangcun [Liang
Other inscriptions: (1) – Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590)
Located in lower right corner of painting
One character, standard script
ke (axle) – cataloguing code (#674)3
Colophons: (4) – First colophon separately mounted. Each of following on separate
paper, each paper directly abutting next.
1. Anonymous (14th–15th century?)4
Separately mounted. Dimensions: 19.3 x 41.7 cm (7-5/8 x 16-7/16 in.)
Ink on two joined sheets of light-brown paper
19 columns, running-cursive script. Title and poem (28x7)
題友人梅花卷我家家在吳山住,路入梅花最深處, 天空歲晚雪紛飛,遶屋
寒香千萬樹。 花時日日醉花邊,酒醒長吟花下眠, 聽到翠禽啼欲斷,任
教明月照青天。 自從遊宧京華久,夢繞花前與花後, 故山花發想依然,
何遜才華已非舊。 霜臺御史繡衣人,藏得橫斜水面真, 一幅齊紈裁皎雪
,筆端渾是玉精神。 蕭齋凍雨檐花落,紙帳夜寒燈影薄, 恍然相對似還
家,春信依稀生綠萼。 綠萼春生日漸多,山中歸計尚蹉跎, 玉堂日醉宮
壺酒,其奈梅花似雪何。 何當便赴看花約,莫待霜天吹曉角, 詩成却向
Inscribed on a friend’s handscroll [painting] of plum blossoms. [Poem translation forthcoming].
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: none5
Mounting silk 5: Beige silk. After colophon paper 1 and before colophon paper 2. With two
(2) whole seals; plus two (2) seals overlapping from colophon 1 at right; and one (1) seal
overlapping onto colophon paper 2.
2. Wu Sidao 烏斯道 (active mid-to-late 14th century)
Ink on one sheet of brown paper. Dimensions: 25.1 x 60 cm (9-7/8 x 34-1/2 in)
36 columns, standard script.
Preface, plus ten quatrains (4x7), each preceded by a title6
探梅 (Seeking Plum Blossoms)
種梅 (Planting Plum Blossoms)
觀梅 (Viewing Plum Blossoms)
兩眼看華正未昏,華含微笑欲譚論,世人只[我]愛 7顏如玉,心在天先用默存。
折梅 (Plucking Plum Blossoms) 百歲冰梢斗柄迴,一時斷折為華開,小窓雪後寒如水,何得紛
浴梅 (Bathing Plum Blossoms)
嚼梅 (Tasting Plum Blossoms)
夢梅 (Dreaming Plum Blossoms)
畫梅 (Painting Plum Blossoms)
羣僊正欲乘風去,憑仗丹青喚得回,寶鴨焚香供燕坐,春風庭院綠牎 8開。
梅魂 (Soul of Plum Blossoms)
右梅影 (At right: Shadows of Plum Blossoms)
I am usually unable to compose poetry, and especially would not dare to compose a poem on the
theme of plum blossoms, for while there are many verses composed on the theme by men of the
past, exceptionally few are popularly relished. And though I wished to follow in their dust, I was
afraid to defile the purity of the genre, and never uttered or wrote a single word. But now that I
have had the honor of being shown your “Ten Quatrains on the Theme of Plum Blossoms,” and
you have importuned me so mightliy to [compose a set of verses to] harmonize [with their
rhymes], I have exerted myself in emulating but one ten-thousandth [of their beauty]. As the plum
tree possesses an innate spirit, [my poems] surely must be reproved.
[Poem translations forthcoming ] Wu Sidao from Siming [Zhejiang Province], bowing twice to
Master Yuanhui, the great administrator.
Signature: 烏斯衜
Wu Sidao
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Chuncaozhai『春草齋』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 2, upper right
Wu Sidao yin『烏斯道印』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, left
Jishan『繼善』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, left
3. Jin Shi 金湜 (active mid- to late 15th century)
Ink on first of two joined sheets of light-brown paper.
Dimensions: 25.1 x 87.4 cm (9-7/8 x 34-1/2 in). Second sheet unused: W 96.5 cm.
31 columns, running script.
Ten quatrains (4x7), each followed by a title9
清曉衝寒去路 10遲,經行多傍水邊籬,投詩欲問春消息,已透孤山第幾枝。
右探梅 (At right: Seeking Plum Blossoms)
右種梅 (At right: Planting Plum Blossoms)
雪消風暖月黃昏,滿目[風]春 11光不可論,看遍西湖舊遊路,好華今有幾株存。
右觀梅 (At right: Viewing Plum Blossoms)
右折梅 (At right: Plucking Plum Blossoms)
右浴梅 (At right: Bathing Plum Blossoms)
右嚼梅 (At right: Tasting Plum Blossoms)
右夢梅 (At right: Dreamiing Plum Blossoms)
右畫梅 (At right: Painting Plum Blossoms)
右梅魂 (At right: Soul of Plum Blossoms)
右梅影 (At right: Shadows of Plum Blossoms)
[Poems translations forthcoming] Jin Shi from Nanhu, respectfully harmonizing [with the
preceding rhymes]
Signature: 南湖金湜
Jin Shi from Nanhu
Seals: (3)
Yongdong『甬東』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3, upper right
Benqing『本清』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3, left
Qingshan baifa『青衫白髮』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, left
4. Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590) – far left end of scroll
Ink on one sheet of white paper (far left). Dimensions: 25.1 x 86.7 cm (9-7/8 x 34-1/8 in)
2 columns, running-standard script
Ink Plum, by Yansou. In the collection of Molin zhuren [Master of the Ink Forest], Xiang
Yuanbian. Purchased for [ ] taels of silver from Mister An of Wuxi.12 Recorded on the first day
of the eighth lunar-month, during autumn of the third year in the Longqing reign period
[September 11, 1569]. [catalogue designation:] Ke.
Signature: none
Date: 隆慶三年秋八月朔日
First day in the eight lunar-month, during autumn of the third year in
the Longqing reign period [September 11, 1569]
Seals: (2)
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – 1/4
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – 1/4
Seven characters, standard script
Ink Plum, handscroll by Wang Yansou of the Song dynasty1
Signature: none
Seals: none
Outside wrapper: Imperial workshop, mid-18th century
Brown and white brocade with inscribed white silk lining. With white jade fastening pin
with exterior carving and no text.
Dimensions: 46.4 x 46.4 cm (18-1/4 x 18-1/4 in)
Text: Zhang Zhao 張照 (1691–1745)
Ink on silk
Twenty-four characters, standard script
Poetic Idea of Plum Blossoms, by an artist of the Song dynasty. Superior class, celestial first
[grade]. Spring, ninth year of the Qianlong reign period [1744], catalogued at imperial command
by your subjects Zhang Zhao et al.2
Signature: 張照
Zhang Zhao
Date: 乾隆九年春月
Spring, ninth year of the Qianlong reign period [1744]
Fastening pin: Imperial workshop, mid-18th century
White jade: exterior carved with archaic design and engraved text on interior Ten
characters, standard script
Appreciated by the Qianlong emperor: Plum blossoms, painted by Wang Yansou of the Song
Outside label slip: Anonymous
Six characters, standard script
Plum blossoms, painted by Wang Yansou
Inside label: Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 (1620–1691)
Paper slip, on Mounting silk 3
Eleven characters, standard script
北宋王巖叟《梅花》。棠村珍賞 。
Plum Blossoms, by Wang Yansou of the Northern Song dynasty. Treasured by Tangcun [Liang
Other inscriptions: (1) – Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590)
Located in lower right corner of painting
One character, standard script
ke (axle) – cataloguing code (#674)3
Colophons: (4) – First colophon separately mounted. Each of following on separate
paper, each paper directly abutting next.
1. Anonymous (14th–15th century?)4
Separately mounted. Dimensions: 19.3 x 41.7 cm (7-5/8 x 16-7/16 in.)
Ink on two joined sheets of light-brown paper
19 columns, running-cursive script. Title and poem (28x7)
題友人梅花卷我家家在吳山住,路入梅花最深處, 天空歲晚雪紛飛,遶屋
寒香千萬樹。 花時日日醉花邊,酒醒長吟花下眠, 聽到翠禽啼欲斷,任
教明月照青天。 自從遊宧京華久,夢繞花前與花後, 故山花發想依然,
何遜才華已非舊。 霜臺御史繡衣人,藏得橫斜水面真, 一幅齊紈裁皎雪
,筆端渾是玉精神。 蕭齋凍雨檐花落,紙帳夜寒燈影薄, 恍然相對似還
家,春信依稀生綠萼。 綠萼春生日漸多,山中歸計尚蹉跎, 玉堂日醉宮
壺酒,其奈梅花似雪何。 何當便赴看花約,莫待霜天吹曉角, 詩成却向
Inscribed on a friend’s handscroll [painting] of plum blossoms. [Poem translation forthcoming].
Signature: none
Date: none
Seals: none5
Mounting silk 5: Beige silk. After colophon paper 1 and before colophon paper 2. With two
(2) whole seals; plus two (2) seals overlapping from colophon 1 at right; and one (1) seal
overlapping onto colophon paper 2.
2. Wu Sidao 烏斯道 (active mid-to-late 14th century)
Ink on one sheet of brown paper. Dimensions: 25.1 x 60 cm (9-7/8 x 34-1/2 in)
36 columns, standard script.
Preface, plus ten quatrains (4x7), each preceded by a title6
探梅 (Seeking Plum Blossoms)
種梅 (Planting Plum Blossoms)
觀梅 (Viewing Plum Blossoms)
兩眼看華正未昏,華含微笑欲譚論,世人只[我]愛 7顏如玉,心在天先用默存。
折梅 (Plucking Plum Blossoms) 百歲冰梢斗柄迴,一時斷折為華開,小窓雪後寒如水,何得紛
浴梅 (Bathing Plum Blossoms)
嚼梅 (Tasting Plum Blossoms)
夢梅 (Dreaming Plum Blossoms)
畫梅 (Painting Plum Blossoms)
羣僊正欲乘風去,憑仗丹青喚得回,寶鴨焚香供燕坐,春風庭院綠牎 8開。
梅魂 (Soul of Plum Blossoms)
右梅影 (At right: Shadows of Plum Blossoms)
I am usually unable to compose poetry, and especially would not dare to compose a poem on the
theme of plum blossoms, for while there are many verses composed on the theme by men of the
past, exceptionally few are popularly relished. And though I wished to follow in their dust, I was
afraid to defile the purity of the genre, and never uttered or wrote a single word. But now that I
have had the honor of being shown your “Ten Quatrains on the Theme of Plum Blossoms,” and
you have importuned me so mightliy to [compose a set of verses to] harmonize [with their
rhymes], I have exerted myself in emulating but one ten-thousandth [of their beauty]. As the plum
tree possesses an innate spirit, [my poems] surely must be reproved.
[Poem translations forthcoming ] Wu Sidao from Siming [Zhejiang Province], bowing twice to
Master Yuanhui, the great administrator.
Signature: 烏斯衜
Wu Sidao
Date: none
Seals: (3)
Chuncaozhai『春草齋』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 2, upper right
Wu Sidao yin『烏斯道印』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, left
Jishan『繼善』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, left
3. Jin Shi 金湜 (active mid- to late 15th century)
Ink on first of two joined sheets of light-brown paper.
Dimensions: 25.1 x 87.4 cm (9-7/8 x 34-1/2 in). Second sheet unused: W 96.5 cm.
31 columns, running script.
Ten quatrains (4x7), each followed by a title9
清曉衝寒去路 10遲,經行多傍水邊籬,投詩欲問春消息,已透孤山第幾枝。
右探梅 (At right: Seeking Plum Blossoms)
右種梅 (At right: Planting Plum Blossoms)
雪消風暖月黃昏,滿目[風]春 11光不可論,看遍西湖舊遊路,好華今有幾株存。
右觀梅 (At right: Viewing Plum Blossoms)
右折梅 (At right: Plucking Plum Blossoms)
右浴梅 (At right: Bathing Plum Blossoms)
右嚼梅 (At right: Tasting Plum Blossoms)
右夢梅 (At right: Dreamiing Plum Blossoms)
右畫梅 (At right: Painting Plum Blossoms)
右梅魂 (At right: Soul of Plum Blossoms)
右梅影 (At right: Shadows of Plum Blossoms)
[Poems translations forthcoming] Jin Shi from Nanhu, respectfully harmonizing [with the
preceding rhymes]
Signature: 南湖金湜
Jin Shi from Nanhu
Seals: (3)
Yongdong『甬東』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3, upper right
Benqing『本清』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3, left
Qingshan baifa『青衫白髮』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, left
4. Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590) – far left end of scroll
Ink on one sheet of white paper (far left). Dimensions: 25.1 x 86.7 cm (9-7/8 x 34-1/8 in)
2 columns, running-standard script
Ink Plum, by Yansou. In the collection of Molin zhuren [Master of the Ink Forest], Xiang
Yuanbian. Purchased for [ ] taels of silver from Mister An of Wuxi.12 Recorded on the first day
of the eighth lunar-month, during autumn of the third year in the Longqing reign period
[September 11, 1569]. [catalogue designation:] Ke.
Signature: none
Date: 隆慶三年秋八月朔日
First day in the eight lunar-month, during autumn of the third year in
the Longqing reign period [September 11, 1569]
Seals: (2)
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – 1/4
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – 1/4
103 Total
1. Yuan Zhongche 袁忠徹 (1376–1458)14
– (3)
Zhanguntang『瞻袞堂』(square intaglio) – painting, upper right
Nanchang Yuan shi jiacang zhenwan zisun yongbao『南昌袁氏家藏珍玩子孫永保』
(square relief) – painting, upper left
Zhongche『忠徹』(square relief) – painting, lower left
2. An Guo 安國 (1481–1534) – (5)15
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right – 1/3
Daming Xishan Guipo An Guo Mintai shi shuhua yin『大明錫山桂坡安國民泰氏書畫
印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right – 1/2
Daming Xishan Guipo An Guo Mintai shi shuhua yin『大明錫山桂坡安國民泰氏書畫
印』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-left – 2/2
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(rectangle relief) – colophon 1, lower right – 2/3
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3, lower right – 3/3
3. Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590) – (56), including 9 half-seals
[Ju]lu『[蘧]廬』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front mounting silk 2
join, top – 1/2
[Xiang shi] Zijing『[項氏]子京』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front
mounting silk 2 join, middle – 1/4
[Taohuayuan] li renjia『 [桃花源]裏人家』(rectangle relief, left half) – front mounting silk
1/front mounting silk 2 join, bottom – 1/2
Zhucha tingzhang『煮茶亭長』(rectangle intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/3
Zisun shichang『子孫世昌』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/2
Wei xin jingtu『惟心淨土』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left
Zijing『子京』(gourd relief, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join, top
[Xiangyan] jushi『[香嚴]居士』(square intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join,
middle – 1/2
Shenyou xinshang『神遊心賞』(square relief) – front mounting silk/painting join, bottom – 1/2
Molinzi『墨林子』(rectangle intaglio, with clipped corners) – painting, mid-right
Chisong xianshi『赤松仙史』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right – 1/2
Huixinchu『會心處』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Bird seal (circle relief) – painting, mid-right
Changbingxian『長病仙』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower right – 2/4
Xiang Zijing jiazhencang『項子京家珍藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, tree trunk, bottom – 2/4
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, among branches – 3/4
[Ju]lu『[蘧]廬』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front mounting silk 2
join, top – 1/2
[Xiang shi] Zijing『[項氏]子京』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front
mounting silk 2 join, middle – 1/4
[Taohuayuan] li renjia『 [桃花源]裏人家』(rectangle relief, left half) – front mounting silk
1/front mounting silk 2 join, bottom – 1/2
Zhucha tingzhang『煮茶亭長』(rectangle intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/3
Zisun shichang『子孫世昌』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/2
Wei xin jingtu『惟心淨土』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left
Zijing『子京』(gourd relief, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join, top
[Xiangyan] jushi『[香嚴]居士』(square intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join,
middle – 1/2
Shenyou xinshang『神遊心賞』(square relief) – front mounting silk/painting join, bottom – 1/2
Molinzi『墨林子』(rectangle intaglio, with clipped corners) – painting, mid-right
Chisong xianshi『赤松仙史』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right – 1/2
Huixinchu『會心處』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Bird seal (circle relief) – painting, mid-right
Changbingxian『長病仙』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower right – 2/4
Xiang Zijing jiazhencang『項子京家珍藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, tree trunk, bottom – 2/4
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, among branches – 3/4
Zijing fu yin『子京父印』(square relief) – painting, among branches
Molin miwan『墨林秘玩』(square relief) – painting, among branches
Shen Qi『神』『奇』(linked square relief-intaglio) – painting, upper left
Molin lansou『墨林嬾叟』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-left
Shiwai fabao『世外法寶』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower left
Xulang[zhai]『虛朗[齋]』(square relief, right half) – painting/back mounting silk 1, bottom
Molin yanpi『墨林硯癖』(rectangle intaglio) – back mounting silk 1, bottom
Taohuayuan li renjia『桃花源裏人家』(rectangle relief) – back mounting silk 1, bottom – 2/2
Julu『 蘧廬』(rectangle intaglio) – back mounting silk 1/colophon 1 join, top – 2/2
Xiang Yuanbian shi shending zhenji『項元汴氏審定真迹』(rectangle intaglio) – back
mounting silk 1/colophon 1 join, middle
Ji’ao『寄傲』(oval relief) – colophon 1, over text, upper right
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower right – 1/4
Tuimi『退密』(gourd relief) – colophon 1, mid-left
Zijing suocang『子京所藏』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, mid-left – 1/2
Molin shanren『墨林山人』square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left – 2/4
Xiang shuzi『項叔子』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left
Yimin『逸民』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 1/back mounting silk 2 join, top
Zhucha tingzhang『煮茶亭長』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 1/back mounting silk 2 join – 2/3
You fang zhi wai『遊方之外』(square intaglio) – back mounting silk 2, bottom
Zisun shichang『子孫世昌』(square intaglio) – back mounting silk 2, bottom – 2/2
Ruoshuixuan『若水軒』(square relief) – back mounting silk 2/colophon 2 join, bottom
[Xiangyan] jushi『[香嚴]居士』(square intaglio, left half) – colophon 2, upper right – 2/2
[Zhucha] tingzhang『[煮茶]亭長』(square intaglio, left half) – colophon 2, mid-right – 3/3
Taoli『桃里』(circle relief) – colophon 2, mid-right
Picha jushi『癖茶居士』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower right
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower right – 3/4
Zijing zhenmi『子京珍祕』(rectangle relief) – colophon 2, lower right
Zijing suocang『子京所藏』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower left – 2/2
Xiang Molin jianshang zhang『項墨林鑑賞章』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 2, lower left
Xichou [geng’ou]『西儔[耕耦] 』(square intaglio, right half) – colophon 2, mid-left
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio) – colophon 2/colophon 3 join, top – 4/4
Gongbao shijia『宮保世家』(square intaglio) – colophon 2/colophon 3 join, bottom16
– 1/2
Shenyou xinshang『神遊心賞』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower right – 2/2
Molin xiang jizi zhang『墨林項季子章』(horizontal intaglio) – colophon 3, lower right
Chisong xianshi『赤松仙史』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left – 2/2
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower left – 4/4
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left – 3/4
Gongbao shijia『宮保世家』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left – 2/2
4. Li Rihua 李日華 (1565–1635)17
– (1)
Li Junshi jianding 李君實鑑定 (rectangle relief) - painting, right
5. Li Zhaoheng 李肇亨 (ca.1592–ca. 1662) – (7) - 4 different seals
Jiahe Li shi zhencang 『嘉禾李氏珍藏』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, center
Zuili Li shi Hemengxuan zhencang ji『檇李李氏鶴夢軒珍藏記』(square relief) –
painting, lower right – 1/2
Shuangqi Li Heng『爽溪李亨』 (square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left18
– 1/2
Li Kexue zhencang『李珂雪珍藏』(square relief, stamped sideways over preceding seal, top at left) –
colophon 1, lower left – 1/2
Shuangqi Li Heng『爽溪李亨』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower left – 2/2
Li Kexue zhencang『李珂雪珍藏』(square relief) – colophon 2, lower left – 2/2
Zuili Li shi Hemengxuan zhencang ji『檇李李氏鶴夢軒珍藏記』(square relief) –
colophon 3, lower left – 2/2
6. Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 (1620–1695) – (5)
Qiubi『秋碧』(gourd relief) – front mounting silk 2, mid-right
Jiaolin Liang shi shuhua zhi yin『蕉林梁氏書畫之印』(square relief) – front mounting silk
2, lower right
Jiaolin jushi『蕉林居士』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left
Cangyan『蒼巖』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower left
Yeqi yuyin『冶溪漁隱』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3/paper join, bottom
7. Hongli 弘曆 , the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reg.1735–95) – (8)
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – painting, upper right
Shiqu dingjian『石渠定鑑』(circle relief) – painting, center top
Baoji chongbian『寶笈重編』(square intaglio) – painting, center top
Yushufang jiancang bao『御書房鑑藏寶』(oval relief) – painting, center top
Qianlong jianshang『乾隆鑑賞』(circle intaglio) – painting, upper left
Yi zisun『宜子孫』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-left
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief) – painting, mid-left
8. Yongyan 顒琰 , the Jiaqing 嘉慶 emperor (1760–1820; reg. 1796–1820) – (1)
Jiaqing yulan zhi bao『嘉慶御覽之寶』(square relief) – painting, upper right
9. Yixin, Prince Gong 恭親王奕訢 (1833–1898) – (1)
Gong qinwang zhang 『恭親王章』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left
10. Guo Baochang 郭葆昌 (1879–1942)19
– (12) – 6 different seals
Zhi『觶』(square relief) – frontispiece, lower right – 1/5
Guo shi Zhizhai miji zhi yin『郭氏觶齋祕笈之印』 (rectangle relief) – front mounting
silk 2, lower right – 1/2
Shiwu baowan『世五寶玩』 (rectangle relief) – painting, lower right – 1/2
Zhi『 觶』(square relief) – painting, upper left – 2/5
Zhi 『觶』(square relief) – rear mounting silk/colophon 1 join – 3/5
Shiwu baowan『世五寶玩』(rectangle relief) – colophon 1, upper left – 2/2
Zhi『觶』(square relief) – colophon 2, mid-right – 4/5
Zhi『觶』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower right – 5/5
Guo Baochang yin『郭葆昌印』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left
Shiwu yannian『世五延年』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower left
Zhizhai『觶齋』(oval relief) – colophon 3 /paper join, top
Guo shi Zhizhai miji zhi yin『郭氏觶齋祕笈之印』(rectangle relief) – colophon 4, lower
left – 2/2
11. Unidentified – (4) – including thee (3) half-seals (one overlaid)
a. undeciphered (circle intaglio, left half) – painting, right, silk/mounting join
b. undeciphered (square relief, right half) – painting, left, silk/mounting join
c. Liu Xianchen『劉先臣』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left, following text20
d. undeciphered (square relief?, right half) – colophon 2/colophon 3 join, bottom21
1. Yuan Zhongche 袁忠徹 (1376–1458)14
– (3)
Zhanguntang『瞻袞堂』(square intaglio) – painting, upper right
Nanchang Yuan shi jiacang zhenwan zisun yongbao『南昌袁氏家藏珍玩子孫永保』
(square relief) – painting, upper left
Zhongche『忠徹』(square relief) – painting, lower left
2. An Guo 安國 (1481–1534) – (5)15
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right – 1/3
Daming Xishan Guipo An Guo Mintai shi shuhua yin『大明錫山桂坡安國民泰氏書畫
印』(square intaglio) – painting, lower right – 1/2
Daming Xishan Guipo An Guo Mintai shi shuhua yin『大明錫山桂坡安國民泰氏書畫
印』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-left – 2/2
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(rectangle relief) – colophon 1, lower right – 2/3
Ming An Guo wan『明安國玩』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3, lower right – 3/3
3. Xiang Yuanbian 項元汴 (1525–1590) – (56), including 9 half-seals
[Ju]lu『[蘧]廬』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front mounting silk 2
join, top – 1/2
[Xiang shi] Zijing『[項氏]子京』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front
mounting silk 2 join, middle – 1/4
[Taohuayuan] li renjia『 [桃花源]裏人家』(rectangle relief, left half) – front mounting silk
1/front mounting silk 2 join, bottom – 1/2
Zhucha tingzhang『煮茶亭長』(rectangle intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/3
Zisun shichang『子孫世昌』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/2
Wei xin jingtu『惟心淨土』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left
Zijing『子京』(gourd relief, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join, top
[Xiangyan] jushi『[香嚴]居士』(square intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join,
middle – 1/2
Shenyou xinshang『神遊心賞』(square relief) – front mounting silk/painting join, bottom – 1/2
Molinzi『墨林子』(rectangle intaglio, with clipped corners) – painting, mid-right
Chisong xianshi『赤松仙史』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right – 1/2
Huixinchu『會心處』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Bird seal (circle relief) – painting, mid-right
Changbingxian『長病仙』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower right – 2/4
Xiang Zijing jiazhencang『項子京家珍藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, tree trunk, bottom – 2/4
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, among branches – 3/4
[Ju]lu『[蘧]廬』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front mounting silk 2
join, top – 1/2
[Xiang shi] Zijing『[項氏]子京』(rectangle intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk 1/front
mounting silk 2 join, middle – 1/4
[Taohuayuan] li renjia『 [桃花源]裏人家』(rectangle relief, left half) – front mounting silk
1/front mounting silk 2 join, bottom – 1/2
Zhucha tingzhang『煮茶亭長』(rectangle intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/3
Zisun shichang『子孫世昌』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left – 1/2
Wei xin jingtu『惟心淨土』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, lower left
Zijing『子京』(gourd relief, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join, top
[Xiangyan] jushi『[香嚴]居士』(square intaglio, left half) – front mounting silk/painting join,
middle – 1/2
Shenyou xinshang『神遊心賞』(square relief) – front mounting silk/painting join, bottom – 1/2
Molinzi『墨林子』(rectangle intaglio, with clipped corners) – painting, mid-right
Chisong xianshi『赤松仙史』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right – 1/2
Huixinchu『會心處』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Bird seal (circle relief) – painting, mid-right
Changbingxian『長病仙』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-right
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower right – 2/4
Xiang Zijing jiazhencang『項子京家珍藏』(rectangle relief) – painting, lower right
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, tree trunk, bottom – 2/4
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – painting, among branches – 3/4
Zijing fu yin『子京父印』(square relief) – painting, among branches
Molin miwan『墨林秘玩』(square relief) – painting, among branches
Shen Qi『神』『奇』(linked square relief-intaglio) – painting, upper left
Molin lansou『墨林嬾叟』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-left
Shiwai fabao『世外法寶』(rectangle intaglio) – painting, lower left
Xulang[zhai]『虛朗[齋]』(square relief, right half) – painting/back mounting silk 1, bottom
Molin yanpi『墨林硯癖』(rectangle intaglio) – back mounting silk 1, bottom
Taohuayuan li renjia『桃花源裏人家』(rectangle relief) – back mounting silk 1, bottom – 2/2
Julu『 蘧廬』(rectangle intaglio) – back mounting silk 1/colophon 1 join, top – 2/2
Xiang Yuanbian shi shending zhenji『項元汴氏審定真迹』(rectangle intaglio) – back
mounting silk 1/colophon 1 join, middle
Ji’ao『寄傲』(oval relief) – colophon 1, over text, upper right
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower right – 1/4
Tuimi『退密』(gourd relief) – colophon 1, mid-left
Zijing suocang『子京所藏』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, mid-left – 1/2
Molin shanren『墨林山人』square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left – 2/4
Xiang shuzi『項叔子』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left
Yimin『逸民』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 1/back mounting silk 2 join, top
Zhucha tingzhang『煮茶亭長』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 1/back mounting silk 2 join – 2/3
You fang zhi wai『遊方之外』(square intaglio) – back mounting silk 2, bottom
Zisun shichang『子孫世昌』(square intaglio) – back mounting silk 2, bottom – 2/2
Ruoshuixuan『若水軒』(square relief) – back mounting silk 2/colophon 2 join, bottom
[Xiangyan] jushi『[香嚴]居士』(square intaglio, left half) – colophon 2, upper right – 2/2
[Zhucha] tingzhang『[煮茶]亭長』(square intaglio, left half) – colophon 2, mid-right – 3/3
Taoli『桃里』(circle relief) – colophon 2, mid-right
Picha jushi『癖茶居士』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower right
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower right – 3/4
Zijing zhenmi『子京珍祕』(rectangle relief) – colophon 2, lower right
Zijing suocang『子京所藏』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower left – 2/2
Xiang Molin jianshang zhang『項墨林鑑賞章』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 2, lower left
Xichou [geng’ou]『西儔[耕耦] 』(square intaglio, right half) – colophon 2, mid-left
Molin shanren『墨林山人』(square intaglio) – colophon 2/colophon 3 join, top – 4/4
Gongbao shijia『宮保世家』(square intaglio) – colophon 2/colophon 3 join, bottom16
– 1/2
Shenyou xinshang『神遊心賞』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower right – 2/2
Molin xiang jizi zhang『墨林項季子章』(horizontal intaglio) – colophon 3, lower right
Chisong xianshi『赤松仙史』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left – 2/2
Xiang Yuanbian yin『項元汴印』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower left – 4/4
Xiang shi Zijing『項氏子京』(rectangle intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left – 3/4
Gongbao shijia『宮保世家』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left – 2/2
4. Li Rihua 李日華 (1565–1635)17
– (1)
Li Junshi jianding 李君實鑑定 (rectangle relief) - painting, right
5. Li Zhaoheng 李肇亨 (ca.1592–ca. 1662) – (7) - 4 different seals
Jiahe Li shi zhencang 『嘉禾李氏珍藏』(square intaglio) – front mounting silk 2, center
Zuili Li shi Hemengxuan zhencang ji『檇李李氏鶴夢軒珍藏記』(square relief) –
painting, lower right – 1/2
Shuangqi Li Heng『爽溪李亨』 (square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left18
– 1/2
Li Kexue zhencang『李珂雪珍藏』(square relief, stamped sideways over preceding seal, top at left) –
colophon 1, lower left – 1/2
Shuangqi Li Heng『爽溪李亨』(square intaglio) – colophon 2, lower left – 2/2
Li Kexue zhencang『李珂雪珍藏』(square relief) – colophon 2, lower left – 2/2
Zuili Li shi Hemengxuan zhencang ji『檇李李氏鶴夢軒珍藏記』(square relief) –
colophon 3, lower left – 2/2
6. Liang Qingbiao 梁清標 (1620–1695) – (5)
Qiubi『秋碧』(gourd relief) – front mounting silk 2, mid-right
Jiaolin Liang shi shuhua zhi yin『蕉林梁氏書畫之印』(square relief) – front mounting silk
2, lower right
Jiaolin jushi『蕉林居士』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left
Cangyan『蒼巖』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower left
Yeqi yuyin『冶溪漁隱』(rectangle relief) – colophon 3/paper join, bottom
7. Hongli 弘曆 , the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711–1799; reg.1735–95) – (8)
Shiqu baoji『石渠寶笈』(rectangle relief) – painting, upper right
Qianlong yulan zhi bao『乾隆御覽之寶』(oval relief) – painting, upper right
Shiqu dingjian『石渠定鑑』(circle relief) – painting, center top
Baoji chongbian『寶笈重編』(square intaglio) – painting, center top
Yushufang jiancang bao『御書房鑑藏寶』(oval relief) – painting, center top
Qianlong jianshang『乾隆鑑賞』(circle intaglio) – painting, upper left
Yi zisun『宜子孫』(square intaglio) – painting, mid-left
Sanxitang jingjian xi『三希堂精鑑璽』(rectangle relief) – painting, mid-left
8. Yongyan 顒琰 , the Jiaqing 嘉慶 emperor (1760–1820; reg. 1796–1820) – (1)
Jiaqing yulan zhi bao『嘉慶御覽之寶』(square relief) – painting, upper right
9. Yixin, Prince Gong 恭親王奕訢 (1833–1898) – (1)
Gong qinwang zhang 『恭親王章』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left
10. Guo Baochang 郭葆昌 (1879–1942)19
– (12) – 6 different seals
Zhi『觶』(square relief) – frontispiece, lower right – 1/5
Guo shi Zhizhai miji zhi yin『郭氏觶齋祕笈之印』 (rectangle relief) – front mounting
silk 2, lower right – 1/2
Shiwu baowan『世五寶玩』 (rectangle relief) – painting, lower right – 1/2
Zhi『 觶』(square relief) – painting, upper left – 2/5
Zhi 『觶』(square relief) – rear mounting silk/colophon 1 join – 3/5
Shiwu baowan『世五寶玩』(rectangle relief) – colophon 1, upper left – 2/2
Zhi『觶』(square relief) – colophon 2, mid-right – 4/5
Zhi『觶』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower right – 5/5
Guo Baochang yin『郭葆昌印』(square intaglio) – colophon 3, lower left
Shiwu yannian『世五延年』(square relief) – colophon 3, lower left
Zhizhai『觶齋』(oval relief) – colophon 3 /paper join, top
Guo shi Zhizhai miji zhi yin『郭氏觶齋祕笈之印』(rectangle relief) – colophon 4, lower
left – 2/2
11. Unidentified – (4) – including thee (3) half-seals (one overlaid)
a. undeciphered (circle intaglio, left half) – painting, right, silk/mounting join
b. undeciphered (square relief, right half) – painting, left, silk/mounting join
c. Liu Xianchen『劉先臣』(square intaglio) – colophon 1, lower left, following text20
d. undeciphered (square relief?, right half) – colophon 2/colophon 3 join, bottom21
Rights Holder
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